Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 214: Oh, really shameless

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Chapter 214   Oh, really shameless

Gu Shi heard what the waste said.

After a little thought, I understood.

It turned out that her uncle who had tried to **** her had come to Gu's house to find her.

As a result, the old thing of Gu family should be for calming down.

So for so many years, people have been sending money to Li Ming's family to appease them.

The Li Ming family who got the money also spent their money comfortably.

I haven't come to Gu's house for trouble for so many years.

But some time ago, she and Gu Ning were upset.

Leng Han should cut the money remitted to Li Ming's family while reducing her fee.

Today, Li Ming accidentally bumped into her at the hospital, thinking that she and Gu's family hadn't fallen apart.

So cheeky came to ask for money.

Oh, really shameless.

"Now our family is really difficult. I haven't even married my wife. I know you hate my dad.

But my dad was dead last year, no matter how much hatred there is between you two, it should be gone. "Li Ming is still perseveringly persuading.

Gu Shi's eyes are full of disdain for Li Ming, like Li Ming's waste.

At first glance there is not much courage.

If you want to come, you will not have the ability to dare to go against Gu family.

But disgusting disgusting family care should still be possible.

Thinking of this, Gu Shimei's eyes were covered with melancholy: "Actually, I also want to give you money. After all, my uncle is dead, and the enmity between you and me is gone.

But I have seen you now, and I cannot guarantee myself. Since you want money, of course you should go to Gu Jiayao.

I can tell you a way to ensure that you can ruin them hard! "

When Li Ming had heard Gu Shi say that he was insecure, he wanted to turn around and leave.

Gu Shi, who has no money, is good for him to waste his time.

But when Gu Shi said that there was a way to get money, he naturally stayed.

"Which way is it, maybe it's a crime. I dare not offend Gu's people!" Li Ming looked at Gu Shi timidly.

Although he usually thieves petty.

However, the Gu family has always dared not offend the powerful people. In his eyes, the Gu family is undoubtedly equivalent to the existence of powerful gods.

"You can rest assured that while I keep your money, you will be treated like a guest by the Gu family.

Absolutely dare not have any arbitrary behavior towards you! "Gu Shi's discourse is very weak, but the tone contains a deep calculation.

Gu Shi lowered his eyes and saw the greed revealed on Li Ming's face.

Anyone who makes Gu's group of nosy people use money to appease Li Ming's family.

Now they raise the greed in their hearts and suddenly don’t give money.

Then Li Ming, of course, is going to ask them to settle their accounts.

All of this is the hypocrisy of Gu family.

It was like they gave her a good start at the beginning, and made Gu Shi think she would not have to endure hardships ever again.

As a result, she still drove her out of Gu's house, throwing her away like garbage.

On the other hand, Gu Ninghuan is obviously too willful.

At first, because of not marrying Mr. Fu, Gu Jiaji flew dogs.

But when she finally got married, even if she insisted on a hidden marriage, both the Gu family and the Fu family rushed to give her a fortune enough for all women to envy.

Unfair, it is really unfair.

When Li Ming saw Gu Shi's face, he suddenly didn't know what he remembered, and he became terrible in an instant.

But Gu Shi quickly recovered and began to teach Li Ming how to cheat Gu's money as usual.

"Thank you for your cousin. If I get the money, I will thank you." Li Ming said with a happy expression.

Gu Shi said: "Xie doesn't need it anymore, but relying on money is not a long-term solution.

If you really want money, it is better to kidnap Gu Ninghuan of the Gu family for 10 months in captivity and let her give birth to your seed.

Naturally, you are the son-in-law of Gu's family. "

Li Ming heard the words and hurriedly waved his hand: "I don't have this guts, what if I was found by Gu's family before I gave birth to a child.

Then am I going to live in jail for the rest of my life? "

Gu Shi saw Li Ming's greedy life and fear of death, and could not help but scold the waste in the bottom of his heart.

It's really nowhere near the end.

"Since this you go, I have to rest, don't come to me if you are fine, or if Gu family finds out, you won't be so smooth when you ask for money." After Gu Shi finished explaining, he sent him away.

Of course, Li Ming wanted to stay longer in Gu Shi's ward.

It has been a long time since he sat in such a beautiful room.

The Gu family used to give them a sum of money every month.

That money is very generous enough to allow them to live a good life in a family struggling for a long time on the poverty line.

But I don't want to, because the money is too easy, and Li Ming's parents have the gambling habit.

In the end, instead, the more you lose, the more money you will have every month from the beginning.

But in the later months, it gradually became worse every month. When Gu family made money later, it was used by his family to pay off gambling debts.

But even so, they do not want to work to make money to support their families.

It is really the best thing to continue to get money from Gu's family.

To say that Gu Shi is a cousin, it is really a bit useful.


Gu Ninghuan opened his eyes and there was no Fu Xishen in the room.

Gu Ninghuan felt hot as he remembered his nakedness last night.

She got up to wash, and even breakfast was useless, went straight to the hospital.

Gu Ninghuan walked outside the door of Song Ci’s ward and saw that Song Ci was glaring at Su Muzhe: “Su Muzhe, I am now a patient. You are so cruel that you are not showing the video to the patient. Are you a human!”

"The 23 banned videos are not for you to watch." Su Muzhe threw all her tablet phones and computers into another bed.

Look at the commercial computer on the bed.

Presumably it should be Su Muzhe's thing. Was he here with Song Ci yesterday?

"Ning Huan, you are here, can you lend me your phone, I want to watch anime." Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan coming, his eyes full of joy.

Gu Ninghuan had no way to refuse the request made by the mouth.

Gu Ninghuan almost handed out the phone without hesitation.

But Song Ci's hand was not confiscated by Su Mu before he touched the phone.

"Su Muzhe, what the **** do you want to do?" Song Ci was about to be so weird by Su Muzhe.

Although she was stabbed, the doctor arranged by Mr. Fu's bodyguard is a well-known surgical expert in China.

In addition, she has been in a coma all the time, and basically has not suffered any crime.

After waking up, Su Muzhe didn't even need her to open her mouth, but she could comfort her by relying on the tacit understanding of the two of them for many years.

Apart from the occasional uncomfortable wound pain and inconvenience in movement, she has basically no discomfort.

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