Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 219: Let you bear the reputation of Xiaosan all your life

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Chapter 219: Let You Carry the Reputation of Xiao San for Life

"Ms. Meng, I'm going to prepare the car. Come down if you're sad." The butler stood beside Meng Jingwen, watching her sadness with cold eyes.

It is not that the housekeeper has no sympathy, it must be such an indifferent attitude towards a pregnant woman.

It's just that everything Meng Jingwen and her mother do is hard to sympathize with.

The young master said that the child in Meng Jingwen's womb was not his.

No matter what his wife thinks, anyway, the housekeeper is full of confidence in the young master.

The housekeeper didn't know why.

The first paternity test was actually true, and even Meng Jingwen even passed the polygraph.

But the truth is the truth. The truth will definitely be revealed. Time will prove that the young master is absolutely innocent.

The butler walked into the elevator, watching Meng Jingwen still standing in the hallway, could not help shaking his head.

Obviously if Meng Jingwen is no longer attached to their young master.

There are also a lot of people who can choose, why did they have to catch up to be a primary three.

Does it not make Meng Jingwen feel uncomfortable to choose a man who is not as good as their young master?

Meng Jingwen wiped away tears and stood up straight.

She could not cry, since both Fu Xishen and Fu Family refused her because of Gu Ninghuan.

So, as long as Gu Ninghuan died, they could not refuse her.

As long as Gu Ninghuan is dead, then Mrs. Fu Jiashao's position is vacant.

She can marry Fu Xishen in an upright manner.

Thinking of this, Meng Jingwen couldn't help laughing with a low voice.

Gu Ninghuan came out of the elevator.

When I saw Meng Jingwen standing in the corridor outside the president's office, his lips looked very happy with a smile.

After she glanced at it briefly, she looked back.

Gu Ninghuan has met Meng Jingwen for the first time.

I was planning to respect her, even more so now.

"Gu Ninghuan, what are you doing here?" Gu Ninghuan didn't want to ignore Meng Jingwen.

But Meng Jingwen would not easily let Gu Ninghuan pass.

She paused slightly and turned to look at Meng Jingwen: "I and Fu Xishen have not divorced. I came to my husband. Do I need to ask you for advice?"

"Of course I need it. Anyway, Xishen is also the father of my child.

The end of the marriage between you and Xishen is only a matter of time. "Meng Jingwen's tone is still frivolous as always.

Gu Ninghuan came here today to find Fu Xishen.

But I didn't really think I would have happened to meet Meng Jingwen here.

Originally, Meng Jingwen had nothing to do here.

But Gu Ninghuan still overestimated his patience with Xiaosan.

In this case, then the matter between her and Fu Xishen.

She can wait for Fu Xishen to go home before talking.

Gu Ninghuan turned around and left, not wanting to continue arguing with people like Meng Jingwen.

This is Fu Xishen's company.

Even Meng Jingwen doesn't care about her identity as a minor, and is arguing with her here.

But Gu Ninghuan could not let go of everything.

He spread his housework as an office white-collar worker.

When Meng Jingwen saw Gu Ninghuan was gone, he thought Gu Ninghuan was afraid.

Gu Ninghuan must think that the child she is now carrying is Fu Xishen's flesh.

So he didn't dare to argue with her in a word.

Of course Meng Jingwen would not let Gu Ninghuan go, she closely followed Gu Ninghuan.

Seeing that she entered was actually the elevator for the president, there was a touch of anger in her heart.

Both she and the housekeeper came up on the ordinary staff elevator.

What is the reason why Gu Ninghuan can take the president's elevator.

"I don't know when, Gu Ninghuan, you actually became the president of Fu's? Otherwise, why do you qualify for the president's elevator?" Meng Jingwen said in a strange way.

What I said, I don’t know why Gu Ninghuan heard a bit of jealousy.

Gu Ninghuan's lips and lips are slightly ticked: "Of course, I am the wife of Fu's president. Of course, this kind of formal treatment is not something you can enjoy with a small third."

She really didn't want to quarrel with Meng Jingwen before.

But if Meng Jingwen insists on arguing with her on such matters.

Then she will satisfy her.

Meng Jingwen gritted his teeth: "Gu Ninghuan, what's so great about the main room, don't you feel bored with this all day?"

"The great thing about the main room is probably that if I am pregnant, I can justly announce it without wearing loose clothes to cover up the news of my pregnancy." Gu Ninghuan's eyes fell on Meng Jingwen.

The physical changes of pregnant women are actually very obvious.

Because of this, Meng Jingwen was pregnant during this time.

Almost all are hiding in the Meng family and dare not go out to communicate.

No matter how Meng Jingwen washed in front of her on weekdays.

He and Fu Xishen were really invincible that night.

There is no way to disguise the fact that she is Xiaosan.

Pregnancy before marriage, this is not particularly a face-saving thing for giants.

What's more, from Meng Jingwen's pregnancy till now.

The Fu family did not show any movement to marry her.

Gu Ninghuan remembered the phone call she received last night.

Fu Xishen's mother told her so sure on the phone.

It is absolutely impossible for the Fu family to marry a little three as a young lady.

The meaning of Mrs. Fu making this call should be to appease Gu Ninghuan.

But what is the use of this.

She never wanted Mrs. Fu Shao's cold position.

She was absolutely unacceptable. Her husband actually had illegitimate children outside.

Meng Jingwen was aroused by Gu Ninghuan's slow attitude. Without raising his hand, he wanted to give her a slap.

Meng Jingwen's hand has not yet hit Gu Ninghuan's cheek.

Gu Ninghuan blocked his wrist, while Gu Ninghuan's empty hand.

Severely hit Meng Jingwen in the face.

Gu Ninghuan's beating force was extremely heavy, and Meng Jingwen's entire body hit the elevator.

She never thought that she was beaten by Gu Ninghuan.

But even more unexpected to Meng Jingwen, Gu Ninghuan slapped her face again quickly.

Of course Meng Jingwen wanted to avoid it, but her body response, which had been spoiled for many years, was already slow.

Gu Ninghuan's slap in the face had made her dizzy.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand to block it, but she didn't block it at all.

Another crisp slap sounded, making Meng Jingwen feel very humiliated.

"Before, I think that for your pregnancy, no matter how much you do, I haven't done anything to you.

But obviously, my concession to you will not allow you to learn well. In this case, we might as well say something.

In this life and this life, don't try to marry this child into Fu's family.

Even if I and Fu Xishen divorce, I will be delayed until your child is born. Let you bear the reputation of Xiaosan all your life! "

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