Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 221: She is up, Fu Xishen is down.

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Chapter 221 She is up, Fu Xishen is down.

The question in Gu Ninghuan's mind flashed through.

Before the inquiry was heard, the man's kiss had fallen.

Her soft body couldn't help leaning back, and the whole person was stuck in the soft bed.

Between Gu Ninghuan's breathing, there was a good smell in men.

The originally clear thoughts also became chaotic.

The cell phone thrown by her suddenly rang.

Gu Ninghuan had a trace of clear brain, and was finally pulled back.

She reached over and pushed the man's shoulder and pushed him directly onto the bed.

The two's postures changed in an instant, she was up, and Fu Xi was down.

The man's hand rested on her white, slender waist, with a faint smile in his voice: "Do you like this pose? Hmm?"

Gu Ninghuan's red lips opened slightly, and her beautiful eyes were a little bright: "What did you mean by not divorcing?"

"literal meaning."

Gu Ninghuan was fooled by Fu Xishen's attitude,

She did not understand that she was also the man who agreed to the divorce.

How suddenly changed his mind.

"Since you don't want to divorce me, why did you let me go before, isn't it because you hate me?" Gu Ninghuan is not too stupid.

She was distracted by Fu Xishen's overly agreeable divorce.

Later, Song Ci was injured again, and she couldn't draw any thoughts about divorce.

But now, she finally realized something was wrong.


"Why is that?"

"Because of this photo."

The man handed the phone to Gu Ninghuan.

She took it by hand and saw the scene of her being threatened with a knife in the car.

At the same time, there is also the news that Fu Xishen admits that Meng Jingwen's child is his.

In the picture on this photo, she has no impression at all.

But she could see that this photo should have been taken when she drove to Fu's old house.

"You're afraid that I'm in danger, so you want me to leave." Gu Ninghuan asked, holding his mobile phone.

The man's voice was hoarse and murmured: "Well, but I didn't expect that it is not safe for you to leave me temporarily."

"What do you mean by that! You mean that I hate people too much, even if you leave you, it's dangerous!" Gu Ninghuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Fu Xishen's bathrobe, but he was not happy.

The man smiled lowly: "Isn't it?"

Humph! Gu Ninghuan certainly didn't think so.

After all, she always knew that Gu Shi was a mine hidden in Gu's house.

But she did not expect that Gu Shihui could not wait to start before her divorce agreement was signed.

So, Gu Shi didn't do it before because of the man in front of him?

It seems that Mrs. Fu Jiashao's name protects her more than she thought.

"Now you know everything, can you not divorce?" Fu Xishen put a hand on the woman's waist and untied the belt of her bathrobe.

Gu Ninghuan raised his chin slightly, and raised his hand to hold the restless man's hand: "Not necessarily! Wait for you to completely solve this matter of Meng Jingwen.

Only then can I be sure that I won't divorce you, after all, I don't want to raise children for Meng Jingwen! "

She said that she was straightforward and the lines on her chin were smooth and beautiful.

Seeing her like this, Fu Xishen has always been in the cold and thorough eyes, with a three-point smile: "Okay."

After that, Gu Ninghuan climbed down from Fu Xishen, his cheeks red.

When she came down just now, she clearly felt the changes in the man's body.

Fu Xishen did not force her to do it, but after Gu Ninghuan got up, she entered the bathroom.

When Gu Ninghuan was sleepy and confused.

I just felt a cool man's body leaning on her back.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and pushed him: "Your body is a bit cold, don't hug me, I'm afraid I will catch a cold."

Fu Xishen raised his hand and squeezed the cheek of the little woman in her arms angrily.

For whom did he go to take a cold shower in the middle of the night, the little unconscionable actually said so.

Probably the man's fingers were a little cold, so Gu Ninghuan frowned, and a small whine.

Seeing her frown, he reluctantly withdrew his hand and hugged her and kissed him.

Gu Ninghuan woke up the next day and, as usual, could not see Fu Xishen.

She couldn't help but admire Fu Xishen's self-discipline.

No matter how late the man is tossing at night.

The next day I will get up on time and go to work in the company.

For Gu Ninghuan, getting up early has always been a torture.

Gu Ninghuan finished grooming and went downstairs with his mobile phone. When he saw that the screen was lit, a call sign was displayed.

She slid down the answer button and placed the phone in her ear without opening, and the other party made the first sound.

"Ning Huan, I heard you are about to divorce?"

Hearing this voice, Gu Ninghuan had some dull head and became sober instantly.

This offensive voice.

She has not heard it for many years.

But now I heard it again, but it still disgusted her so much.

"I am divorced or not divorced. Is it related to you?" Gu Ninghuan replied coldly.

Before waiting for the man to speak, he cut off the phone directly.

She and the man, the Gu family who went bankrupt and changed their owners in the previous life, hadn't even looked for her when she was imprisoned.

In this life, Gu's family is still there, and she is also living well.

On the contrary, the small matter of divorce shocked the man.

What the **** is that man calling.

Gu Ninghuan thought this way, and then he felt weird. The man now has money and power and can covet her.

"Mrs. Shao, are you reconciled with the young master?" Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan come down and smiled kindly with a cup of hot milk on the table.

Gu Ninghuan has come out of the bad emotion of the phone call just now.

I was so embarrassed to hear Ma say this.

Obviously, such cruel words were released yesterday, and as a result, there are signs of reconciliation with Fu Xi.

"It's not completely reconciled, if Meng Jingwen didn't deal with it cleanly.

For me, it is always a thorn deep in my heart. "Gu Ninghuan was drinking milk and spoke slowly.

Ma Li nodded: "You don't worry, Mrs. Young, the young master will deal with Miss Meng's affairs."

Gu Ning smiled and said, "I hope."

But who was the person who took the photo that day?

At that time, if she remembered correctly, Meng Jingwen's family should be in Fu's family.

Who would have thought of using her to threaten Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan drove to the hospital and saw that Shen Rui was also in the Song Ci ward.

Stars are staring at Shen Rui, who are talking to him.

Su Muzhe looked at Song Ci with an unpleasant look: "Assistant Shen is very busy, you don't have to delay him anymore."

"What are you talking about, but it's just gossip, how can it be called delay. Besides, Assistant Shen is so busy working with injuries, can't he take a break?"

Work with injuries? What works with injuries?

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