Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 228: The most disgusting mother and daughter in history

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228 The Most Disgusting Mother and Daughter in History

Meng Jingwen looked at Mrs. Meng with doubts in her eyes: "What the **** are you talking about, the Fu family has done so much to me.

You, my mother, actually asked me to apologize to the Fu family? "

"At Fang Junxu's press conference, what was played on the computer was not Gu Ninghuan's scandal.

It was you and me who went to the hospital to do the video of the paternity test, he lied to you! "Ms. Meng doesn't know yet.

Fang Junxu actually does not know why, and will show the picture of Meng Jingwen doing the paternity test.

Naturally, I thought Fang Junxu was bought.

Only things that are different from the press conference title will be released.

When Meng Jingwen heard Mrs. Meng say this, a shock flashed through her eyes, and she shook her head, opening her mouth in disbelief: "Impossible! What you said is not true.

Mom, you must have frightened me because I was disobedient, right?

Fang Junxu has worked for my family for so many years, how could he betray our family and be bought by others. "

Mrs. Meng was simply laughed at by such a stupid look as Meng Jingwen.

She shook her finger and picked up the phone next to her, tapped Weibo to show her the content on the screen.

I saw that the top three of the hot search rankings are: Meng Jingwen paternity test, Ms. Meng illegal imprisonment, the most disgusting mother and daughter in history.

Seeing these words, Meng Jingwen only felt a vertigo.

"How could it be like this!!"

It can't be like this.

It was Gu Ninghuan who was embarrassed this afternoon, how could it be her.

Now she is secretly doing the paternity test.

Everyone in Kyoto knows how to live in the future.

"So, the video also revealed the results of our paternity test that day?

Everyone knows that the child I am pregnant with is not Fu Xishen at all? "Meng Jing lost all his blood on the face.

The Fucheng promised to give them the Haicheng plot.

They haven't received it yet. If the Fu family knows, the child in her womb is not Fu Xishen at all.

Moreover, under the premise of clearly knowing this matter.

The lion opened his mouth and asked the Fu family for a sum of money.

How could their noble family allow such deception.

Is their Meng family about to end?

"Go! Immediately apologizing to the Fu family may still be too late. The Fu family may still be able to let us go." Mrs. Meng pulled Meng Jingwen off the bed.

The action was rude for half a point, and she didn't take care of her abortion.

When Meng Jingwen and Mrs. Meng arrived at the door of Fu's house, they were stopped by the bodyguards guarding the door.

Bodyguard Pi smiled and said: "Look, isn't this Mrs. Meng? Sorry, our wife just explained that you can't go in."

"I know I did something wrong, so I followed my mother to apologize to Aunt Fu, and I hope you can give us a briefing." Meng Jingwen knew that he had wrecked himself, and his attitude towards bodyguards was unprecedentedly polite.

The bodyguard couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

In the past, when Meng Jingwen came to Fu's family, he was a figure with eyes on his head.

But now she is pregnant before getting married, and she is trying to touch the behavior of Mr. Fu who was not originally Mr. Fu.

No one in the whole Kyoto knows who has done such a shameful thing, and there is still a face to find the door of the Fu family to apologize.

"Apology? Why did Ms. Meng need to apologize, but you carefully laid out such a big situation waiting for me, but I didn't expect that you would pit yourself." Gu Ninghuan opened the door and walked to Meng Jingwen, his eyes full It is cold.

The servants of the Fu family saw Gu Ninghuan coming and immediately opened the iron gate.

At the same time, he took the car key in Gu Ninghuan's hand and helped her park.

"Gu Ninghuan, are you proud now?

But I tell you, feng shui turns, you look at my joke now, I should look at you tomorrow! "Meng Jingwen waited for Gu Ninghuan.

Until now, she had to accept the bodyguard's troubles even inside.

But as long as Gu Ninghuan appeared, he could be respected by everyone in the Fu family.

This obvious contrast makes her always proud and arrogant.

"You want to read my jokes, of course.

But first of all, before you read my joke, you should go and see the scenery in Kyoto Women's Prison with your mother. "Gu Ninghuan's words just fell.

The eye-catching police car stopped in front of them. Meng Jingwen looked at the police car and took a step back in disbelief.

"No, this is impossible. My family and I have known each other for so many years. Aunt Fu has watched me grow up. How could she send me to prison!" Meng Jingwen shook his head non-stop, staring blankly. Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan's lips rose even more sharply: "Mom has always been kind-hearted, and in terms of feelings for many years, maybe she won't do anything.

But, I am not kind! Meng Jingwen, a shameless third like you, you should go to prison and have a hard time! "

"Mrs. Meng, Miss Meng, please come with me." The police stepped forward and walked to Meng Jingwen and said.

"It has nothing to do with me, why even I have to go to the police station!" Mrs. Meng stared at the police with wide eyes, and their mother and daughter could never enter the police station together.

The police looked at the mother and daughter with little patience: "In the video you have personally admitted to detaining the family of the inspection doctor and illegally detaining others. How does it matter to you?"

"Well, that's it. The testing doctor was suddenly very dissatisfied with the humiliation under your mother and daughter.

So I have made up my mind to sue you. Gu Ninghuan's eyes sank and said lightly.

Mengfu talents will not believe Gu Ninghuan's lies!

She was very aware of how timid the doctor was.

It must have been Gu Ninghuan's fault.

That's why the laboratory doctor decided to sue them!

"No, I can't go to the police station. I'm a lady. How can I go to a place like the police station!" Meng Jingwen seemed to be greatly stimulated, and suddenly turned and ran.

But the police did not eat dry food. How could Meng Jingwen slip in front of them.

They glanced at each other and held Meng Jingwen directly with handcuffs.

But Meng Jingwen was like crazy, not only refused to cooperate, and even reached out to beat the police.

In the beginning, the police just raised their hands to stop Meng Jingwen's attack.

But he didn't want to, but Meng Jingwen was getting more and more aggressive.

This made the police unbearable and issued a warning several times without receiving any results.

Therefore, Meng Jingwen could only be forced on the ground and handcuffed into the police car.

When Ms. Meng saw so much suffering from her spoiled daughter, she was crying and wailing.

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