Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 230: I dismissed her too slowly

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Chapter 230   Dismissing her too slowly

It was probably during this time that Gu Ninghuan gave Fu Xishen too much cold face.

It is now rare to take the initiative to respond, letting men suppress their emotions for too long, and it was instantly ignited.

He raised his hand and picked up the soft little woman from the bathtub.

Gu Ninghuan only felt that his body suddenly hung in the air,

Can't help but exclaim, but just uttered a syllable.

The rest of the voice was swallowed by the man.

"Your clothes are wetted by me. Do you want to change one?" Gu Ninghuan grasped the man's shirt with a small hand, and there was a trace of nervousness in the soft voice.

The man has a beautiful face, her deep eyes are only her reflection, and her voice is deep and sexy: "No."

The man took a thick bath towel, wrapped Gu Ninghuan, and took it out of the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan's blushing cheek rested on the man's shoulder.

The man put Gu Ninghuan on the bed and wiped the water droplets on her with a bath towel.

Gu Ninghuan let the man fool around, and his cheeks were red.

Obviously men are very hard to endure.

But I don't know why, but still, I help her to wipe the water droplets that no longer exist.

Gu Ninghuan felt that this was no longer a dry thing, but more like a torture by Fu Xishen in revenge.

Did he punish her for distrusting Meng Jingwen?

When Fu Xishen felt enough, he threw away the towel in his hand.

His cold eyes became darker, and his thin lips pressed Gu Ninghuan's lips, devouring her sweetness.


Gu Ning woke up and moved his arm, feeling a soreness.

The only time in her life that experience.

It was Fu Xishen, but because of the medicine, the wedding night could not feel anything at that time.

This life is even more shocked by rebirth.

She was too late to recall the feeling of the wedding night, and she was attracted all eyes by her hatred for Gu Shi.

Originally, she felt that girls should not be very hard to do that kind of thing, after all, it is not girls who move.

But Fu Xishen told her with her super strength that it was very hard to lie still.

Gu Ninghuan turned over holding the quilt, she felt she could sleep for another 500 years.


"Come in."

Gu Ninghuan heard the knock on the door, and some barely propped up half of the body against the bed, and at the same time reached out to sort out some messy long hair.

She didn't seem to want the maids to see what they had done with Fu Xishen at a glance.

The maid pushed the door open and looked at Gu Ninghuan with a smile on her lips.

That smile was too misleading and made Gu Ninghuan feel strange in his heart.

She felt that she should look okay, and she would not be exposed at first glance.

"Mrs. Young, this is what Master told me before leaving in the morning, and it is a good soup for women." The unemployed maid lowered her head and said very obscurely.

But Gu Ninghuan heard a real one.

"Thank you, I know, you go out first." Gu Ninghuan stretched his hand a little embarrassedly and fiddled with his hair, said unnaturally.

The maid heard the words and smiled deeper on her lips, and turned and walked out.

After Gu Ninghuan left, she opened the quilt and planned to get up and wash.

But the toes had just landed, and I felt a soreness coming, and the whole person was almost kneeling on the carpet.

It really hurts. Gu Ninghuan endured the pain and went to the bathroom.

Looking at himself in the mirror, the positions on the neck and shoulders are full of blue and purple marks.

It looks very shocking.

No wonder the maid who sent the soup medicine just now did not look up at her shyly.

After washing, she reached for the bowl and took a sip carefully with a spoon.

I found that I didn't think it was unpleasant to drink, but I also finished it very happily.

After drinking, her body did not feel uncomfortable.

She lay in bed and continued to sleep until it was three o'clock in the afternoon when she woke up again.

Gu Ninghuan raised his arm and didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he was a little hungry.

She got out of bed and changed clothes, preparing to go downstairs to get something to eat. When Li Li saw Gu Ninghuan come down, her smile was very obvious.

Gu Ninghuan stretched his hand a little unnaturally and touched the scarf around his neck to make sure that his neck was completely covered.

"Young lady, the young master's secretary called me just now and asked me to send a document to the company.

Just tell them what you want to eat. "

Gu Ninghuan heard Ma say this, only to see the brown paper bag she was holding.

"Otherwise, I'll send you over." Gu Ninghuan said.

Ma Li was stunned for a moment: "Young lady. This is not compliant."

"It doesn't matter, I also plan to go out for dinner." Gu Ninghuan continued.

When Li Ma saw Gu Ninghuan insisted, she was very happy to pass the paper bag in her hand.

She thought it would be good to let the young master and young lady meet more often.

This also helps the couple to cultivate their relationship.

But looking at the look of the young master before leaving this morning, she felt that the relationship between them was well cultivated.

Sure enough, after the matter of Ms. Meng was resolved.

The feelings of the young couple quickly rose.

Perhaps, it won't take long before a young master Sun will be born.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what Li thought.

She intends to send the document to Fu after eating.

But passing by a pharmacy while driving.

Thinking of last night, Fu Xishen didn't use family planning supplies.

And she doesn't want to get pregnant at a young age.

Gu Ninghuan almost stopped thinking and stopped to buy emergency contraception.

She had no habit of taking medicine on an empty stomach, so she threw the medicine into her bag.

After Fu, she handed over the documents to the secretary's office.

Fu Xishen's secretary apparently did not expect that Gu Ninghuan was the wife of the president.

Actually came to send the documents in person, some of them took the documents with sincerity and fear.

After Gu Ninghuan handed over the documents to the secretary, he looked at the tightly closed office of the president, and wondered whether he would go in.

"The president is now meeting guests, wouldn't it be better if the president's wife went to the lounge for a while?" the secretary asked through Gu Ninghuan's thoughts.

The secretary is an ordinary question, but I don't know why, but Gu Ninghuan feels something is wrong.

This is a woman's special intuition, she just heard the weirdness in the secretary's words.

So he said in a half-joking tone: "Who is Fu Xishen seeing, shouldn't it be a girl?"

"Uh... yes..."

The secretary, of course, dare not say that the man in the president’s office is a boy in front of the president’s wife.

Because such lies, which are extremely easy to puncture, as long as they are spoken, they will easily cause disaster.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect her intuition to be so accurate.

At the same time, she was a little annoyed. Fu Xishen only wiped her out until dawn tomorrow night.

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