Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 274: We didn't expect her to lie

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274   We didn't think she would lie

Anna's face did not reveal any guilty conscience.

Instead, she wholeheartedly considered Madam Fu.

But Gu Ninghuan deaf to Anna's words. She found Fu's phone from her mobile phone, and she didn't make a call before her phone was taken away by Anna.

"Young lady, I respect you, but I am also an employee of the Fu family, and I need to guarantee my lady's rest time.

No matter how many doubts you have about me, please bear with me until Tianming comes to settle my account. "Anna's tone was blunt. She didn't like Gu Ninghuan since she knew Gu Ninghuan."

I feel that the Gu family's family is so ordinary that it is simply not worthy of the Fu family.

Now when I formally see Gu Ninghuan, I feel that she does not understand what is meant by consideration, which is too capricious.

Gu Ninghuan listened to her lips slightly and said, "Give me the phone back."

"Young lady, it's getting late now. I will drive you home later. After you return to the villa, if you are willing to promise me, I will never call to disturb my wife to rest. I will naturally return the phone You." Anna was unmoved and continued to occupy Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone.


As soon as Anna's voice fell, Gu Ning Huan raised her hand and slapped her in the face.

The slap sound was too crisp, and everyone in the room was stunned.

"What kind of thing are you worthy of my promise to you?" Gu Ninghuan stared at her with cold eyes.

Anna's entire face was missed and she widened her eyes. She couldn't believe Gu Ninghuan dared to beat her.

But the pain on her face was so clear that she clearly realized the fact that she was beaten.

"Mrs. Young, I am indeed noble, but..."

"Shut up! If you say one more word, you will suffer more than this slap!" Gu Ninghuan has lost all his patience.

She held her back straight and held out her hand: "Give me the phone!"

Anna bit her lip and reluctantly returned Gu Ninghuan's mobile phone to her.

Gu Ninghuan took the phone and did not unlock it. He heard Anna’s voice ringing again: "Young lady, you don’t need to ask anymore, my wife doesn’t know about this. I took the name of my wife and took you away. Jewelry."

"What! Anna, how can you do such a thing?" Qiao Jiner said in surprise.

Anna no longer had the right look before her, and she lowered her eyes and apologized to Qiao Jin'er: "Sorry, Miss Jin'er, I let you down."

"Sorry, it should be to me, not Qiao Jin'er."

Anna gritted her teeth, turned her knees slightly, and kneeled straight on the floor: "Sorry, young lady, I'm sorry!"

Gu Ninghuan looked at Anna from a condescending position: "You have always asked me to contact Mrs. Fu tomorrow, so as to be able to persuade Mrs. Fu to cooperate with you first, then tonight?"

"Yes!" Anna did not hide anything, admitting directly.


Gu Ning cheered up, and another slap in the face hit Anna's face.

She rubbed her wrist: "Thirty minutes later, I want you to send my jewelry to the villa, otherwise you want to think about the consequences yourself! Understand?"

"Yes!" Anna's eyes turned red by Gu Ninghuan, but she dared not drop a tear.

She dared to take Gu Ninghuan's jewels because she was so sure that she could make Mrs. Fu softly agree with the matter.

But now she has no chance to see Mrs. Fu, then this matter is not as simple as slashing and then playing, but more serious bullying.

"Ning Huan, Anna did such a thing. It was ultimately for me. I also have a responsibility for this matter. I hope you can stop Anna's anger.

Now that you have slapped Anna with two slaps, if you are still dissatisfied, then you can slap me. Qiao Jiner couldn't bear to see Anna suffering.

Gu Ninghuan put his finger on his lips, his face calm: "Hush, since you know that you also have the responsibility for discipline, then what is your qualification to persuade me not to be angry?"

"Mrs. Fu Jiashao, we all know that you are very powerful, but you don’t have to be unreasonable!

Anyway, Jin'er is also your relative. Anna also served in the Fu family after graduating from college. Besides, people make mistakes, why do you have to be aggressive! "Assistant Qiao Jin'er can't see it anymore."

They admit that Gu Ninghuan is really beautiful.

But even a beautiful person, if there is no good heart, then that beautiful part will be greatly reduced.

Gu Ning laughed even brighter: "I'm just aggressive, why?"

"Enough! This is because Anna did something wrong. No matter what Ning Huan wants to do, I am willing to share with Anna." Qiao Jiner turned around and scolded the two assistants.

It was a curse, but the tone was still soft, and it was more like appeasing than accusing.

"Young lady, everything is my fault. This matter really has nothing to do with Miss Jin'er. Please don't be angry with Miss Jin'er because of this matter." Anna was anxious to take all this matter to herself. Body.

But Gu Ninghuan didn't understand where the meaning of Anna's words was.

She is an adult, and even a person who has been in the Fu family for many years.

Anna must be a capable person, otherwise Mrs. Fu will never be sent to Qiao Jin'er to take care of her.

And if Anna doesn't have any means, she will definitely not do it first and then borrow jewelry.

Such a courageous person who has the means and courage would actually beg for Qiao Jin'er like ordinary people, which is somewhat fake.

"It's boring to play, I am born with a heart of iron and stone, and I will never be touched by such a picture. Tomorrow I will tell Mrs. Fu everything Anna did, and the rest of your master and servant's affectionate drama is better to stay in tomorrow. "After finishing talking, Gu Ninghuan turned and left.

After Anna left Gu Ninghuan, she stood up and looked at Qiao Jin'er: "Miss Jin'er, I'm sorry."

After talking, Anna left to get the jewelry.

Gu Ninghuan returned to the villa, and the maids sent by Li Ma and Fu's family had been waiting for her in the living room. After seeing Gu Ninghuan coming in, they were even more frightened not to dare to show up.

"Tomorrow, I'll trouble you to pack things up and come back to my old house with Fu." Gu Ninghuan glanced at them and said lightly.

The maid said anxiously: "Young lady, are you going to send us all back to Fu's house?"

"I am very grateful for your care for me for such a long time, but I don't need to hide my servant from inside and outside." Gu Ninghuan stepped upstairs and turned around.

Ma Li looked at Gu Ninghuan: "Mrs. Young, Anna said she was following the order of his wife, and we did not expect her to lie."

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