Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 291: The maid is strange

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Chapter 291: The Maid Is Strange

Meng Jingwen said.

The maid was relieved to hear Meng Jingwen say this.

They are not worried about Gu Ninghuan's bursting out on the cruise ship, and they have the intention to investigate whether someone has prescribed medicine.

The first is that this love potion has a rapid onset, and there will be no traces after the attack.

The second reason is that after Gu Ninghuan had such a big ugliness, it was too late to deal with so many pairs of eyes, and there was still time to investigate whether it was drugged.

Meng Jingwen reached out and took the bottle of spray from the maid.

She can't wait for Qiao Jin'er's engagement ceremony now.

Only then can she take advantage of the confusion to spray Gu Ninghuan's body.


Beauty room

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci just came out of the manicurist and saw Qiao Jin'er sitting there to remove their nails.

Qiao Jin'er is engaged today, from the hair to the fingertips, and she is perfectly beautiful.

Gu Ninghuan just thought that she would not change her nails temporarily.

So she came to the nail salon, she didn't want to meet Qiao Jin'er.

When Qin Jiner saw Gu Ninghuan, she still habitually evoked her polite smile, and Gu Ninghuan also returned a formal smile.

But apart from nodding to each other, there is no other intersection between the two,

Probably this level of greeting is already the limit for both of them.

"Miss, do you really allow Meng Jingwen to take that medicine to the young lady? If the young lady has an accident, I worry that the young master will not stand by." The maid lowered her voice and said worriedly in Qiao Jin'er's ear.

Qiao Jin'er stretched out his slender fingers and looked at the casual answer: "Cousin's business is busy.

Besides, even if the cousin is angry, this matter has nothing to do with us. Even if my cousin is angry, this fire should not burn us. "

Upon seeing the maid, she knew that Qiao Jin'er would never care about Gu Ninghuan.

But she still couldn't get through this hurdle. She was the maid of Fu's family. How could she let outsiders bully her young lady.

Qiao Jin'er felt like she was anticipating something. She glanced at the maid: "I understand what you are thinking, but you have to know that Ning Huan was not a family with us. She has nothing to do with us no matter what happened. .

Mrs. Fu Jiashao does not have the surname Gu, without Gu Ninghuan, there are people coming to sit in this position. "

The maid nodded and agreed with Qiao Jin'er.

Qiao Jin'er smiled slightly, they just need to be good bystanders, other, they don't need to worry.

She only hopes that this time Meng Jingwen will be able to have a little bit of skill, and don't have any more accidents, don't waste her pains.

Before the engagement ceremony began, the maid knocked on Gu Ninghuan's door and informed her and Song Ci that they would go to the hall to participate in Qiao Jin'er's engagement ceremony.

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci are playing cards on the sofa, and Wen Yan Song Ci collects the cards in his hand.

The two checked each other's makeup in front of the mirror and determined that there was nothing wrong with them before going out.

When Gu Ninghuan walked out of the room and was passing by the maid, the silent maid suddenly stopped her and said, "Young lady."

She stopped and turned to look at the maid beside her.

The maid just said what she wanted to say, but there was no sound.

Gu Ninghuan's eyes flashed suspiciously, but when he saw that the maid didn't speak, she didn't continue to ask.

She and Song Ci left side by side.

The strangeness of the maid also made Song Ci aware of it. Song Ci reached out and pulled Gu Ninghuan's hand: "How do I feel that your maid is a little weird. She seems to have something to tell you.

Shall we go and drag her to the corner to ask? "

Gu Ninghuan was bowing his head and thinking about something. After hearing Song Ci say this, he shook his head gently and smiled: "No more."

Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan saying no, and was a little surprised.

Gu Ninghuan has always felt that there is no sense of security on the cruise ship. In this case, she is aware that something is wrong and she is unlikely to leave a doubt.

When the two of them reached the lobby, Gu Ninghuan sat at the viewing platform.

Engagement matters, not too big, not too small.

According to Qiao Jin'er's style, of course, he wouldn't make a big deal like an upstart.

But the fine details are still indispensable.

Gu Ninghuan, as a relative of Qiao Jin'er, is even the younger wife of the Fu family. The seated position is naturally the closest to the viewing platform.

While Song Ci was Gu Ninghuan's friend, Mrs. Fu arranged her position with Gu Ninghuan very considerately.

Meng Jing's text is to spray the aphrodisiac in the small watering can on Gu Ninghuan while she is watching the ceremony to make her ugly in public.

But her seat was far away from Gu Ninghuan, so she couldn't touch Gu Ninghuan at all.

"Miss, we can't even meet Gu Ninghuan now, what can we do?" The maid stood behind Meng Jingwen, with a hint of worry in her tone.

Meng Jingwen was also anxious. She stood up and walked towards Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan swept Meng Jingwen's eyes and turned to look at her.

Meng Jingwen didn't look at her, but instead smiled at Mrs. Fu: "Auntie, I remember that you have been worried about Jin'er's fate before. Now that she is engaged, you must be able to rest assured in the future."

After the last incident of Meng Jingwen, Mrs. Fu had cut off contact with the Meng family.

If it were not Qiao Jin'er who insisted on inviting the Meng family this time, Mrs. Fu would never let anyone send invitations to Meng Jingwen.

Even though Mrs. Fu no longer wants to see Meng Jingwen, the etiquette in some scenes is still to be passed.

"Well." Mrs. Fu simply answered a word, the perfunctory feeling was obvious.

If ordinary people, after getting such a cold attitude from Mrs. Fu, they would leave very consciously.

But Meng Jingwen did not leave, but stood there and looked at Mrs. Fu with a smile: "Auntie, I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss you. Can I sit down with you?"

"Making a table with you, we can't eat anything, so you should go back to your place." Song Ci looked at Meng Jingwen coldly.

Mrs. Fu holds her own identity and cannot be too faceless to Meng Jingwen.

Ning Huan cannot show much hostility to Meng Jingwen because Mrs. Fu is here.

But Song Ci is not the Fu family, and there is no intersection between the Song and Meng companies, and they can choke Meng Jingwen without any worries.

Meng Jingwen glared at Song Ci: "I asked Aunt Fu, it should not be your turn to answer."

"Then I can always answer for the Fu family and tell you to make a table with us, no way!" Gu Ninghuan looked up at Meng Jingwen.

This is the first time that she directly confronted Meng Jingwen in front of everyone.

It is still some time before the engagement begins. Qiao Jin'er changed his clothes and came out to see the picture of the stalemate between Meng Jingwen and Gu Ninghuan.

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