Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 344: Will you not get sick at all

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Chapter 344   Would you not get sick at all

Luo Ling didn't think he was wrong.

She only felt that Gu Ninghuan was going to die.

Rather than simply cremating it, let them study it.

Gu Ninghuan glanced at the excited Song Ci, and reached out to pat her shoulders afraid: "Forget it, Luo Ling is also telling the truth.

Once a person died, I planned to donate my body after death, but now I may be infected with such a virus. Of course, the body can not be donated to others, so there is nothing experimentally done for the research. "

"Then I would like to thank Miss Gu for her generosity in advance." Luo Ling smiled at Gu Ninghuan.

Song Ci glared at Luo Ling, and really wished to block her mouth, so that she would stop saying these disheartening words that people did not like.

Luo Ling didn't seem to feel Song Ci's unfriendly look, and still happily ate and drank.

Song Ci looked at Song Jinnian: "Brother, are you sure that the person you are looking for is reliable? Which doctor will come up and remember the patient's body!"

Song Jinnian took the milk teapot in front of him and added milk tea to the milk tea cup that was empty in front of Gu Ninghuan: "Song Ci, don't talk nonsense, Luo Ling is professional."

Gu Ninghuan nodded, and she also felt that a person like Luo Ling, who seemed unreliable, might be better than the doctor she registered at Chu's Hospital.

But she thinks so, not to doubt the professionalism of the profession of doctors.

But that hospital is a hospital in which the Chu family has a share. If the Chu family colludes with the doctor and wants to say something that is not true, it is not impossible.

After eating, Luo Ling left.

Gu Ninghuan and the three did not wait long.

The three of them walked out of the restaurant. Song Jinnian drove Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci to the entrance of the mall because it was still too early.

"What are you thinking about? From the beginning just now, I feel that you have a dim sum." Song Jinnian saw the red light stop and looked at Gu Ninghuan sitting in the back seat of the car through the rearview mirror.

Gu Ninghuan raised his eyes: "I find it very strange. At first, in order to prevent Fu Xishen from discovering that I was sick, I chose the hospital where the Chu family invested.

But did not expect that Chu Nian encountered there. "

"Did Chu Nian often come to Kyoto before?" Song Ci asked.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "Kyoto is full of Fu Xishen's eyeliners. The Chu family has always been at odds with the Fu family. Every time the Chu family comes to Kyoto, it's almost to find me."

After listening to what Gu Ninghuan said, Song Ci and Song Jinnian were somewhat silent.

After hearing Gu Ninghuan say this, almost everyone will have a guess in mind.

But no one dared to say this idea easily.

No matter how bad it is, Chu Nian is Gu Ninghuan's biological mother. Tiger poison does not eat children, let alone humans.

"Ning Huan, I have an idea, that is...um... will it..."

"Will I be sick? It's a fake at all. It was Chu Nian and the doctor who lied to me, and she will show up when I go to the hospital for examination, maybe I want to borrow me to see that the diagnosis is fragile and helpless. , Deliberately approach me." Gu Ninghuan said coldly.

Song Ci pursed her lips and looked at Gu Ninghuan's dark pupils. There were no feelings in it, and some were only indifferent analysis.

"Ning Huan, don't be sad, this also proves sideways that it is very likely that you are not infected with M-T virus at all." Song Ci made a statement to comfort Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan leaned on the leather seat and looked at Song Ci: "I won't be completely relieved until Luo Ling's inspection results come out."

Song Jinnian held the steering wheel by hand: "If the hospital's checklist is problematic, is it also arranged by the Chu family if you took your Bian Yi at the wedding banquet.

Mrs. Ann has also lived in Kyoto for many years, but no one has ever heard of her having a brother..."

For the rest, Song Jinnian took into account Gu Ninghuan's mood and did not continue.

Because he is an illegitimate child, it is clear that no matter how apparently he does not need affection.

But when he was young, he still envied people who were loved by his parents.

But because it is not available for a long time, it can only be regarded as not needed.

He doesn't know if Gu Ninghuan is the same.

Gu Ninghuan was not as vulnerable as Song Jinnian had imagined, since she knew that her father and stepmother died indirectly because of Chu Nian.

She was already half-hearted about Chu Nian.

She even vaguely hoped that everything she suffered was a Chu Nian game.

Chu Nian must not have killed her for her bone marrow.

Only when Grandpa Chu is alive can Chu Nian get more. If Grandpa Chu dies, Chu Nian, who has been removed from the company, will get nothing more.

Probably with a part of the hope of survival, Gu Ninghuan did not carry such a heavy burden in his heart, so he could go shopping with Song Ci.

While Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan went shopping, Qiao Jiner also got a recording pen.

She was inconvenient to listen to this recording in front of Ancheng, and did not want to continue eating, so Ancheng sent her back to Fu's house.

After returning to Fu's house, Qiao Jin'er stood in the guest room and listened to the recording completely.

A strange smile suddenly appeared on her elegant and moving face.

It turned out that Gu Ninghuan was actually infected with the M-T virus, and she actually got this rare infectious disease.

Qiao Jiner didn't even think that it was Bian Yi who had Gu Ninghuan infected with M-T virus.

This should be the best thing that Ancheng's uncle died.

Qiao Jin'er certainly won't let this recording pass away in his own hands.

She will find a suitable opportunity for this recording and tell Mrs. Fu.

After all, even though she was distressed, Gu Ninghuan got the disease, but there was no way. Who made her unlucky.

Moreover, the sick woman is certainly less qualified to stand next to her cousin.

Chu Family

Chu Hua walked anxiously into Chu Nian's room: "Mom, it's been a few days now, why haven't you found Gu Ninghuan!

She is now in a fragile time. If you come forward and serve a little softly, it is better for me to act with you in a play. Couldn't Gu Ninghuan feel good about you? "

Chu Nian slowly drank black tea: "What do you know, Gu Ninghuan is not the idiot you knew before!"

We have set up such a delicate game, and we must not panic and snake in a hurry.

We need full patience now, wait! Waiting for Gu Ninghuan to appear again when he is tortured by the fear in his heart. "

"But you can't see her all the time, and the Fujia Villa is solid as a golden soup. We can't give Gu Ninghuan a medicine similar to the M-T virus.

If this continues for a long time, will Gu Ninghuan suspect that he is not sick? "Chu Hua was mainly worried. They all came to this point. If Gu Ninghuan had discovered something, they would have lost everything they had done.

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