Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 351: You can let Mr. Fu come down and hug

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Chapter 351: You can let Mr. Fu come down and hug

The first thing that caught his eye was the back of a fat-headed man, and a woman was pressing against his huge body.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci both stunned their eyes wide and rushed forward to save someone in the next second.

Su Muzhe is a man, it is impossible to watch two girls to save people.

He grabbed Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan and dropped a sentence: "Don't move here!"

Having finished speaking, Su Muqian reached forward and grabbed the man's collar, pulling him directly from the woman.

Qin Yue was leaning on the luxury car at this time, and the weight of the body suddenly disappeared, and the whole body fell on his knees as soon as his legs were soft.

A gentleman like Su Muzhe would not watch the girl fall down in front of him. He subconsciously reached out to hold Qin Yue.

Qin Yue took the advantage of leaning on his chest.

Seeing the Song Ci in this scene, fire can be seen in the eyes.

She stepped forward and firmly grasped Qin Yue's arm, pulling her out of Su Muzhe's arms.

At this time, Qin Yue, who was blushing abnormally, had no strength to resist at all, and allowed Song Ci to move.

Gu Ninghuan stepped forward to support Qin Yue, let her lean on herself, and persuaded Song Ci: "Song Ci, you should not be jealous, I feel Qin Yue is really very uncomfortable, it should not be pretended."

When Song Ci heard Gu Ninghuan's words, he suppressed the anger in his heart: "What now? What about her assistant? The man who tried to invade him just now slipped away. What should we do with her?"

"People from all over the country are basically familiar with her face. Since this is the case, she should not be able to call the police and go to the hospital." Gu Ninghuan supported Qin Yue's body, feeling a little weak.

Fortunately, although Qin Yue is tall, after all, he is a performing arts person, and his weight will not be too heavy, but Gu Ninghuan is still a bit difficult to support.

Su Muzhe wanted to help, but Song Ci's eyes made him discouraged. He said helplessly: "Song Ci, did you find that Ning Huan can't help Qin Yue anymore? She didn't do a bone marrow transplant operation soon, she helped one. Adult women will be very tired."

When Song Ci heard Su Muzhe say this, he realized that Gu Ninghuan had been supporting Qin Yue all the time, and he quickly reached over to take Qin Yue, with an apologetic tone in his tone: "Sorry, Ning Huan, I was dizzy, I didn't expect you to support Qin Yue.

But Ning Huan, it’s not that I said you, someone like Qin Yue, you don’t have to worry about letting her fall to the ground! "

"It can't be said that she is a girl regardless of the criticism. Let's help her in the car and plan again." Gu Ninghuan said with a lower arm.

"Good." Song Ci and Su Muzhe helped Qin Yue into Su Muzhe's car.

Song Ci looked at Qin Yue, who was lying in the back seat of the car, but still picked up the blanket placed on the car and covered Qin Yue to prevent her from going out.

"Now the hospital can't go and the police can't do it, so what should we do, put her in the car or send her home." Song Ci opened the other side of the door and got on the co-pilot.

It may not be easy for ordinary people in Qin Yue's entertainment circle to know her home address.

But for Song Ci and them, it was just a phone call.

Su Muzhe looked at Song Ci: "But Qin Yue lives alone, and she doesn't even have a cell phone, and she certainly won't wear the key."

"Wow! Su Shao you know this Miss Qin quite a bit, and she even knows that she lives alone. When did you know her so well, I don't know." Song Ci stared at Su Muzhe, the vinegar in his heart. It was completely overthrown.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the two of them, and knew that Qin Yue could not sleep in either of their homes tonight.

"Since this is the case, send Qin Yue to my house. There are many maids in my family, so you can take care of her." Gu Ninghuan said.

Song Ci looked at Qin Yue's charming and moving face while he was asleep, and his heart suddenly brushed over a cloud: "Ning Huan, we simply opened a better hotel room and put Qin Yue in.

Anyway, we have no relationship with her, and it has been her duty to save her. The point is that I am not jealous. I am worried that if you take her home, what if she seduce Mr. Fu? "

Gu Ninghuan picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to the driver. When he drove back, he suddenly heard Song Ci and chuckled: "Come on, no."

"Then you must promise me that if Qin Yue has any irregularities in your home, you must sweep her out of the house as soon as possible!" Song Ci reached the end, and did not forget to tell Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ning nodded with a smile.

Qin Yue’s return has been properly negotiated, and Su Muzhe did not delay the time. He drove Gu Ninghuan and Qin Yue to Fu Family Villa.

While Song Ci and Qin Yue are both girls, Su Muzhe certainly won't let them both get Qin Yue off.

With sour eyes in Song Ci's eyes, he carried Qin Yue into Fujia Villa.

Gu Ninghuan had already made a phone call in the car, and the maids cleaned up the rooms early.

"Su Muzhe, please take Qin Yue into the guest room by the way, so I don't have to let the bodyguards come in and hug it." Gu Ninghuan looked at Qin Yue who was covered by Su Mu on the sofa and glanced at Qin Yue again. Maid around.

Su Muzhe raised his eyes: "You can let Mr. Fu come down and hug."

"How does this work, my husband doesn't know that Qin Yue lives alone, it is not convenient." Gu Ning said with a smile.

Su Muzhe: "..."

Song Ci: "Hehe."

Su Muzhe finally carried Qin Yue into the guest room, and the family doctor was also called by the maid to check Qin Yue's body.

It was discovered that Qin Yue only drank the drug with the stimulant ingredient, and then she became sleepy.

The medicine did not cause much harm to the human body, except that it would inevitably cause headaches when waking up the next day.

"It's just a headache. Let her remember. When going to drink with mischievous men in the future, pay attention to safety.

Qin Yue met us this time, but I won't be so lucky next time. "Song Ci's words are a bit cold.

Gu Ninghuan also thought that Song Ci made sense, and also felt strange.

It stands to reason that a star like Qin Yue, who is famous for her beauty, will have a little self-preservation ability to ask for life in the mixed entertainment circle.

But why Qin Yue will be recruited this time, and so cleverly, the assistant agent is not around.

"Okay, now it's not too early, Song Ci I will send you out." Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and glanced at the time.

Song Ci didn't move: "I don't want to go back. I'm going to sleep here tonight. Ning Huan, can you ask the maid to help me find another room?"

"Song Ci, don't stop it, I will explain it to you when I go back." Su Muzhe frowned at Song Ci.

Song Ci glanced at Su Muzhe and said, "We are going back now, and we have to quarrel until midnight. Now I just want to get a good night's sleep."

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