Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 353: Teach them a lesson

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353   teach them a lesson

Song Ci's originally suppressed anger, when he saw Qin Yue like this, he finally couldn't help it.

"Qin Yue! I tell you that no one here will get used to you. If you don't say the relationship between you and Su Muzhe, believe it or not, I won't let you out of this door today!"

Gu Ninghuan rubbed his temples with a headache and was thinking whether to stop Song Ci, but she didn't seem to say anything wrong.

She is Su Muzhe's girlfriend, but she just wants to know how Qin Yue and Su Muzhe met.

In this case, then simply not stop, just wait and see the changes.

Qin Yue smiled and looked at Su Muzhe behind Song Ci: "Miss Song, if a woman is too fierce, it may be annoying."

"You care about me or not, while I still have patience, you'd better be honest!" Song Ci was very irritable.

She has always felt that a woman like Qin Yue is a big killer for any man.

Qin Yue's legs are so long, and wearing high-heeled shoes is so beautiful, but because she is not tall enough, she has gone to college but she will still be regarded as a high school student.

In this comparison, she had no confidence at all.

"Miss Song, please rest assured that my relationship with Su Shao is just an ordinary friend, and there is no such thing as you think.

The thing about perfume before was just that I just fell in love, and I was just jealous of the people who were about to enter the engagement hall. Qin Yue saw Song Ci showing signs of anger, and then explained it very seriously.

Song Ci was not satisfied with Qin Yue's answer: "The matter of perfume has passed. What I want to know is why Su Muzhe would know your home address and know that you live alone."

"A woman as beautiful as me, of course, should live alone, Su Shao will guess, not surprising." Qin Yue suddenly laughed out loud.

Qin Yue's answer was simply not enough to convince Song Ci, even Song Ci felt that she was clearly playing herself.

Under the extreme anger, Song Ci also lost his reason and sneered: "Really? I thought you would live with your gold master, but it didn't!"

Or to say, your gold master dumped you, so you will be free to take perfume to other men..."

"Song Ci! Shut up!" Su Muzhe's voice was slightly angry.

Song Ci said that after Qin Yue was dumped by Jin Jin, he also felt not very good. He was about to apologize and heard Su Muzhe's voice.

He wouldn’t be so coincident, he must have arrived long ago.

Among the positions they sat in, only Qin Yue could see when Su Muzhe came.

"Shut up? Why should I shut up? Isn't it a well-known secret that Qin Yue had been someone else's Primary Three? In this case, there will be gold masters." Song Ci bit his lip and stared at Su Muzhe.

"Song Ci! Don't say it." Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised that Su Muzhe suddenly appeared, but he was even more amazed how Song Ci was so angry with Qin Yue's two or three sentences.

Qin Yue looked at Song Ci's flushed face and only found it interesting.

She has been in a place with many masks in the entertainment circle for a long time, everyone is a hypocritical look.

Even angry, with a strong drama performance style, such as Song Ci such real people are very few angry.

Qin Yue wanted to provoke Song Ci more, and Qin Yue didn't care about Song Ci's words.

She had already been a gold master, and had also been a primary three.

But what about that, but men and women love each other.

She is neither proud of the past nor ashamed.

Qin Yue stood up: "It seems that I am here, but it will only make everyone eat this breakfast. In this case, I will go first. Thank you for what happened yesterday."

When she finished, she left on high heels.

But I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. When Qin Yue passed Su Muzhe's side, his ankle suddenly twisted and the whole person fell towards Su Muzhe.

Although Su Muzhe reached out in time to stabilize Qin Yue, the two still had some physical contact.

"Thank you Su Shao, I don't know if Su Shao can lend me the phone. I want to call my driver and let him pick me up, otherwise I might have to go home." Qin Yue asked with a smile.

Su Muzhe's eyebrows were unmoved, and his manners could not allow Qin Yue to go home so far.

But if he borrowed his cell phone, Song Ci should be more angry.

In such an urgent moment, Gu Ninghuan stood up and made a deal: "Miss Qin can call the driver with my phone or I can ask the driver to take you home."

"That's fine, thank you Mrs. Fu Shao." Qin Yue didn't force it.

"you are welcome."

Gu Ninghuan finished talking and asked the maid to take Qin Yue to call.

Fu Xishen ran out of breakfast in a hurry.

The small dispute between Song Ci and Qin Yue didn't even catch his eye.

When Gu Ninghuan sent Fu Xishen into the car and left, and then returned to the villa, Song Ci and Su Muzhe quarreled again.

"I have nothing more to say to you. Let's put aside the engagement for a while." Song Ci's face was cold.

Su Mu closed her eyes: "I really have nothing to do with her, why don't you believe me."

"I believe that you have not gone to bed with her, I also believe that you have nothing with her, and I believe that your help to her is gentlemanly.

But have you ever thought about my feelings, you hugged her in my face, supported her, and let her perfume spray on you! What mood would I be!

You leave for me, I never want to see you again. "Song Ci pointed to the door extremely corrupted.

Gu Ninghuan did not continue to stand still and listen to their quarrel.

Instead, she lowered her eyes and left. Song Ci and Su Muzhe, she believed that they could solve it.

After waiting for half an hour, Song Ci pushed open the game room and saw Gu Ninghuan playing games there.

"Su curtain covered?" Gu Ninghuan asked Song Ci at a glance.

Song Ci nodded: "If he doesn't go, he will continue to quarrel with me. In this case, he should rather choose to leave."

Gu Ninghuan’s finger on the keyboard focused on the key: "I know what you mind, but you should also know that Su Muze made no big mistakes this time, he is just used to helping others."

"I know, but I'm still angry, still that sentence, nothing touches love, nothing!" Song Ci reached out and turned on the computer. She is now in a fire and needs to play a few games to get angry.

After Qin Yue left, neither Gu Ninghuan nor Song Ci met her again.

The relationship between Song Ci and Su Muzhe also fell to zero because of Qin Yue.

Gu Ninghuan was reading a book that day, and Song Ci's phone came over.

"What's the matter?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song Ci gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Yue wants to invite us to dinner, I agree, and you have to come together."

"Don't you like Qin Yue? Why do you want to go?" Gu Ninghuan didn't understand.

"Because she invited us not only, but also Annan and Su Muzhe. I happened to borrow this dinner to teach them a lesson."

"to whom?"

"Su Muzhe and Qin Yue!"

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