Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 423: Help me wipe my hair

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Chapter 423: Help Me Wipe My Hair

"How long has Qiao Jin'er been in." Gu Ning Huan asked pretendingly.

The maid thought hard and replied: "About a few minutes."

"If Qiao Jin'er comes to the villa in the future, you must inform me as soon as possible. Do you understand?" Gu Ninghuan combed his long hair and said.

"Yes, young lady." The maid replied.

Gu Ninghuan straightened out his hair and stood up and walked out of the master bedroom.

She walked to the study, knocked on the door formally, opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Qiao Jiner's red eyes sitting opposite Fu Xishen, the man's eyes fell on her.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Qiao Jin'er and frowned slightly, knowing that Qiao Jin'er was not quite happy in the crew, so he cried again.

"Ning Huan, you're here, sorry, it's too late to disturb you again." Qiao Jin'er stopped sobbing and spoke slowly.

Gu Ninghuan said lightly: "It's okay, I just don't know, what are you looking for my husband this time for?"

"Ancheng didn't know where the news came from, knew my schedule, and actually came to the crew to harass me. Fortunately, there was a bodyguard that my aunt sent me to follow, otherwise I didn't know what he would do." Qiao Jiner recalled In the scene just before, the fingertips were shaking because they were too panicked.

After she finished, she turned to Fu Xishen for help again: "Cousin, tell me, what should I do now? I really have nowhere to go."

"Ancheng, I will let Ji Bai solve it." Fu Xishen's tone was indifferent.

Qiao Jin'er shook his head in disapproval: "Now Ancheng's father has just died. Wouldn't it be a big suspicion if he had anything else to do? Cousin, I still want to work in the entertainment industry, so there can't be any moral scandal.

It is necessary to wait for Ancheng's father to deal with Ancheng. And the most important question now is that Ancheng still has my handle. What should I do if he puts that thing on the Internet? "

"Ancheng has something about you in his hand, Ji Bai had already destroyed it the day before yesterday, and he has no handle to threaten you now, you can rest assured." Fu Xi looked at her deeply, her thin lips moving slightly.

Qiao Jin'er listened and let out a sigh of relief. The reason why she didn't let Fu Zhai's bodyguards to kill Ancheng tonight, a large part of the reason is because she is worried that Ancheng is dead, the video will flow out instead.

Unexpectedly, her cousin actually helped her destroy the video. Since that is the case, what is she worried about?

"Qiao Jin'er, I think that since Ancheng has no threatening handle in your hand, can you also leave him a way of life.

He used the handle to threaten you, it is indeed a lie, but in the end he did not do anything that actually hurts you, let Ji Bai let him send him abroad, and live under Ji Bai’s surveillance forever. He can never come back to find you. "Gu Ninghuan feels that Ancheng now has nothing.

Ordinary people will often choose **** revenge if they fall to this point, but An'an does not.

He knew Qiao Jin'er's influence. He had 10,000 ways to hurt her, but he was useless.

Gu Ninghuan does not feel that Ancheng is innocent, but she feels that Ancheng will not pay the price of his life to make up for his fault.

Qiao Jin'er's fingertips on his legs turned white because he was too hard, but his face was light and airy: "Ning Huan, you can rest assured that I still have an engagement relationship with Ancheng at any rate.

Even if I and Ancheng broke up the marriage contract, I would not kill him. I have been in the entertainment industry for so long and I have a little savings. I will give Ancheng all the money so that he can live a good life abroad. "

Gu Ninghuan was relieved to hear Qiao Jin'er say this.

She did not believe that Qiao Jin'er would give her all her savings to Ancheng. She could not do such a thing for the Madonna.

But Qiao Jin'er is willing to leave a life for Ancheng, it is already very good.

The night was deep, and Qiao Jin'er did not stay long in Fu's villa. Gu Ninghuan sent Qiao Jin'er out, but also to prevent Qiao Jin'er from playing in the villa again.

The two of them walked down the stairs one after the other. When Li Xia first saw Qiao Jin'er, a smile appeared on his face. After seeing Gu Ninghuan, his face suddenly became cold.

She hurriedly put down the coffee cup in her hand, trot to Qiao Jin'er's side, protected Qiao Jin'er behind her, and stared at Gu Ninghuan: "Jin'er, didn't you go to Mr. Fu? Why is it Gu Fu? Madam sends you out, are you okay!"

"This is at my house, of course I sent Qiao Jin'er out, otherwise who sent it, my husband?" Gu Ninghuan placed his hand on the handrail of the stairs and said casually.

Lixia was very angry with Gu Ninghuan's attitude.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want the evening at all, and quarreled with Lixia, a person with no IQ.

She stood on the last staircase and was at the top of the stairs: "If Lixia is so worried about Qiao Jin'er being bullied here, then I suggest that you can take Qiao Jiner away now."

"We'll go without you!" Lixia snorted, holding Qiao Jin'er away.

Gu Ninghuan saw them go out, and then turned and walked upstairs.

She thinks Lixia is a little ridiculous. People like Qiao Jin'er, still worried about her bullying Qiao Jin'er?

Qiao Jin'er didn't take the chance to separate her and Fu Xishen, Gu Ninghuan should burn incense and worship Buddha.

She walked to the door of the master bedroom, reached out and pushed the door open, and walked in to hear the clear sound of water coming from the bathroom.

Gu Ninghuan lay on the bed, fiddled with the corner of the pillow, and when the sound of water stopped, the man came out of the bath towel only, and the good figure of the upper body was unobstructed.

She glanced at it, and her heartbeat almost lost her rhythm.

Gu Ninghuan accused herself of not having a good time. She even slept with Fu Xi for so long. Even if she glanced at his abdominal muscles, she became so shy.

"Wait for me?" The man stood beside the bed and watched him sleep on the bed, lowering his small head, and dared not look at his Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head vigorously, pretending to pick up the phone naturally and looked at it: "I didn't wait for you, but the phone was just too fun, so I forgot to sleep."

"Your phone is reversed." The man's eyes were dull and his expression was faint.

When Gu Ninghuan heard him say this, he unconsciously looked up at the phone and saw that the screen of the phone was not reversed at all. She put the phone on the bed angrily and stared at the man: "You lied, I didn't reverse it at all. "

"Well, that's why I read it wrong." The man looked at her without a sincere apology.

Subsequently, he threw the thick and soft towel in front of Gu Ninghuan: "Help me wipe my hair."

"You won't wipe it yourself." Gu Ninghuan said, picking up the towel.

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