Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 425: Some things must be finished tonight

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Chapter 425: Some things must be finished tonight

"Gu Ning, what do you like about your boyfriend?" Shang Song got on the babysitter's car and looked at Gu Ning around him without asking.

Gu Ninghuan almost blurted out: "Of course it is rich and beautiful."

She is just an ordinary person, as rich as Fu Xishen, she looks good, she can protect her, believe her, not derailed or come out of the cabinet, a man of such a good level, if she doesn’t like it, then she really has disease.

"Even if your boyfriend is rich, he will not be richer than the richest man, Mr. Fu. I advise you to look at Mr. Fu and my photos, and you will know what a handsome man with money looks like. "There is contempt in Shang Song's eyes.

He didn't think Gu Ning was bad, but Gu Ning's goodness was not so superficial. She was just an unknown daughter of Gu's family, and her appearance was ordinary.

How could a rich and handsome man like her.

Shang Song is a man and he knows men. As long as he is a man, he does not like to look good with girls.

Gu Ning is not among the good-looking people.

"Mr. Fu is richer than you, and looks better than you. I just want to see him alone. It depends on you." Gu Ninghuan took out a pen from the bag and asked Shang Song seriously.

Shang Song: "..."

"Can someone like Mr. Fu be touched by you? No matter how good-looking he is, you don't have a chance to meet his real person, so I let you look at his economic strength and look at my face!" Shang Songli was confident. Brainwash Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan picked up the pen and wrote something on the notebook: "I can't touch you, so I might as well look at Mr. Fu, at least he is more handsome than you."

She said quite casually, but Shang Song took it seriously. He reached out and grabbed Gu Ninghuan's hand, and then put her finger on his face: "Now, don't you just touch it?"

Gu Ninghuan felt Shang Song's delicate skin temperature at her fingertips, and she withdrew her hand in the next second. She took out the wet tissue and wiped her fingers, and the color of disgust was beyond words.

Shang Song blacked his face: "Gu Ning, are you disgusting me?"

Gu Ning threw his wiped wet tissue into the trash bin in the car: "How dare I disdain you, I think someone like me with a low face value is not qualified to touch your excellent face, so in order not to defile Your face, I withdrew my hand for the first time."

Her eyes looked very sincere, but Shang Song did not believe it.

He just felt it clearly. Gu Ning was abandoning him. It was him who clearly sacrificed his hue, but Gu Ning refused to accept his good intentions, and even abandon him.

This made Shang Song a little suspicious of his charm.

After arriving at the crew, Shang Song started filming. During the filming, he looked at Gu Ning: "The clown has eight monsters. I want to eat ice cream. You buy me ten ice creams."

"Oh, good." Gu Ninghuan heard Shang Song's instructions and walked out of the shooting venue with his wallet and mobile phone.

After Gu Ning left, Shang Song turned to look at his assistant and asked, "Do you think I look good?"

The assistant hurriedly replied: "Of course it is good-looking. Don't you forget it, Shang Shang, you have just been shortlisted in the top ten of the world's most beautiful faces..."

"What do you two say?" Qiao Jin'er stepped on the black high-heeled shoes and walked slowly to them.

Shang Song didn't want to see Lixia next to Qiao Jin'er, but he didn't have any prejudice against Qiao Jin'er. He held the script in his hand and looked up at Qiao Jin'er: "Jin'er, I was rejected by a girl today. Why do you say she dislikes me? Because I am not good enough?"

Qiao Jin'er raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled: "Is the girl you said dislikes you Gu Ning."

"How do you know!" Shang Song couldn't believe it.

Qiao Jin'er's smile remains the same: "You are now in the crew, and you can be lifted to the girl who dislikes you. Who else besides your agent?"

"Then why do you think Gu Ning dislikes me, I can't compare with her boyfriend." Shang Song was puzzled.

Just an ordinary man who needs Gu Ning to coax and needs Gu Ning to bow his head, he can't compare.

Qiao Jin'er whispered: "Did you ever think of Shang Song, Gu Ning might be trying to be arrogant or too shy, as you know, ordinary girls like Gu Ning.

I have never received much attention. I occasionally encountered a good boy in my life, and the subconscious is to avoid, not accept. "

"It turns out this way. My agent is really worrying. I don't know if her boyfriend bullied her privately. If she is bullied, do you really know how to protect yourself?" Shang Song Weiwei Frowning, my heart was full of worry for Gu Ning.

Qiao Jin'er said comfortingly: "Actually, you can take Gu Ning to see more excellent boys, and let her have a contrast in her heart."

Shang Song heard Qiao Jin'er say this, and found it reasonable.

Sure enough, women are more familiar with women.

He also prepared to speak a little more about how to do Gu Ning's method of getting rid of inferiority. Gu Ninghuan took a box of ice cream in his hand and walked into the shooting venue.

Shang Song looked at the ice cream in Gu Ning's hands and frowned: "Don't I say I want to buy ten boxes? Why did you only buy one box and come back."

Gu Ninghuan said calmly: "In the information Joel gave me, I didn't let you eat too much ice cream. I specifically marked it with a red pen. So, I didn't help you buy ten boxes back."

"Gu Ning, aren't you too much, you are treating artists harshly." Shang Song simply wanted to throw the script in his hand to express his protest.

Gu Ninghuan did not get used to him and reached out to his assistant Shang Song: "Since Shang Song doesn't eat it, do you want to eat it?"

"Who said I wouldn't eat it." Shang Song reached out and grabbed the ice cream in Gu Ninghuan's hand.

Qiao Jin'er stood there, watching Shang Song restrained by Gu Ninghuan in just a few words, and even lost his temper.

This is not like the previous Shang Song. The former Shang Song was notoriously unconvinced, and the more others forced him, the stronger he was.

But now, in front of Gu Ninghuan, Shang Song is as gentle as a tiger with teeth removed.

Qiao Jin'er lowered his eyes and turned to leave.

Lixia followed Qiao Jin'er, but before he left, he still gave Gu Ning a hard look.

Last time it was because of Gu Ning, an ugly girl, that she would be ruled out by Shang Song.

Gu Ninghuan didn't feel much about Lixia's eyes, or that she hadn't looked at Qiao Jin'er and Lixia since she returned to the crew.

Qiao Jin'er took Lixia back to her place. She put the script on her lap. This time, she only needs to perform for three days.

Tomorrow is the last day.

Then it means that some things must be finished tonight.

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