Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 537: Does he know all about you?

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537  Does He Know All About You?

Gu Ninghuan took the laptop out of the computer bag and checked the mailbox to reply to the email.

After she worked as a broker for Shangsong, she began to take over the formal mail for Shangsong's work.

The emails and customer messages are almost by default she is available 24 hours a day, and the emails are never picked when she is working. She almost always replies to the emails.

While Gu Ninghuan was concentrating on his work emails, Shang Song was concerned about the light dark powder on his fingers.

He usually attends the event and will always be followed by a makeup artist.

He is also clear about the makeup process. Basically, due to the inherently yellow skin of Asians, whitening is something that most girls value.

But on Gu Ning's face, it was actually a dark foundation. Isn't that too strange?

Shang Song took out a wipe and wiped off the dark powder on his fingers.

Shang Song ordered coffee while the car was still ten minutes away from home, and waited for the coffee to arrive shortly after they arrived.

Gu Ninghuan pours himself two cups of coffee, and then wakes up and talks with Shang Song successfully.

Today's Shang Song has a high degree of cooperation. No matter what work is proposed by Gu Ninghuan and the publicity agent, there is no slight objection.

Both Gu Ninghuan and the publicity broker were surprised by Shang Song with such a high degree of cooperation.

Because of the cooperation of Shang Song, the work confirmation, which originally took four hours or even longer, was completed within one hour.

"What's wrong with Shang Song today, and how his temper has become so good." It was a little unexpected that the promotion agent turned off the PPT in the computer.

Gu Ninghuan was also confused. She swept and sat on the chair. A thoughtful Shang Song glanced: "Probably in love."

"Why Shang Song was not so good at talking about his last relationship." the propaganda agent asked.

Gu Ninghuan said decisively: "This time he must have encountered true love, but the emotions of men in love are changing rapidly, so what is the job, or now, maybe his temper will not be so good next time."

The propaganda broker and assistant glanced at each other, and they both felt very reasonable. They planned to continue to check whether there was any work behind them, which can be confirmed now.

After Gu Ninghuan shut down the computer, he raised his eyes and saw that Shang Song was looking at her.

"Is there something?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Shang Song: "I have something to say to you alone."

After talking, Shang Song did not look at Gu Ninghuan, and walked out of the place where they used to work.

Gu Ninghuan went out with Shang Song and looked at him, with a slight doubt in his eyes: "Do you want to say anything to me?"

"How is your relationship with your boyfriend now?" Shang Song straightened into the subject.

Gu Ninghuan thought about it. Although she and Fu Xishen had some problems, the relationship was not bad in general: "The relationship is good."

"Does he understand everything about you?" Shang Song asked again.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but smile: "No matter how good the relationship is, lovers and couples can hardly understand everything about each other, because people are adding new things all the time, and even people who get along day and night can't understand everything. ."

Shang Song heard the words and gave her a thoughtful look: "I see."

Gu Ninghuan couldn't understand Shang Song's eyes, but only as his problem at this time, they all knew in advance for a better relationship.

She wouldn't object to Shang Song's love. Shang Song's acting skill is not that kind of idol that relies on her face.

In this case, he certainly has the right to fall in love.

"Shang Song, do you have a girl you like recently? If you decide to fall in love, I will not object.

But I hope you pay attention not to take any glamorous photos, and to be more decent after breaking up. Don’t post your glamorous photos on social media after breaking up like a male artist. This has led him to have no good scripts until now. . "Gu Ninghuan, as an agent of Shangsong, still couldn't help but tell a sentence.

"Got it, tomorrow I'm going to the Emes brand conference, you accompany me." Shang Song looked at Gu Ninghuan and said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan was hesitant. Emes is a French luxury brand and has never used contemporary Asian speakers.

Shang Song should be the only spokesperson identified, but because Shang Song was on vacation some time ago, the signing and filming of the publicity for the endorsement were temporarily postponed.

Now that Shang Song came back from the vacation early, the publicity agent almost immediately contacted the brand side to let Shang Song attend the brand event and prepare for the next announcement.

On such occasions, the promotion brokers usually follow, and the brokers make little difference with or without following.

Moreover, the Emes brand conference is not in Kyoto. If Gu Ninghuan followed Shang Song, he might not be able to return at night.

What should I do if Lin Weiyin wants Fu Xi deeply when she leaves Kyoto?

"Think carefully, Gu Ning, since you became my agent, never seems to have followed me to work in the field, because you can't let go of your boyfriend?" Shang Song asked.

"I am not worried about my boyfriend, I am worried about others."

Gu Ninghuan was not worried that Fu Xishen would betray their marriage.

If one day Fu Xishen really likes others, he will not be with that person before the divorce.

But Fu Xishen's lack of derailment does not mean that Lin Weiyin will not do anything.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan felt that she was really a bit worried.

Lin Weiyin's convalescence still needs a while. Does it mean that Gu Ninghuan will stay at home all the time because of her defense?

Does she really need to do this for Lin Weiyin?

Gu Ninghuan looked up at Shang Song, his lips slightly raised: "I will accompany you."

"What about your boyfriend?" Shang Song asked knowingly.

Gu Ninghuan: "My boyfriend has strong self-care ability, even if I am not there, it should not be too bad."

"In this case, I hope you don't change your mind temporarily." Shang Song smiled lightly, his eyes full of doubts.

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, what Shang Song meant.

Is it suspected that she can't leave Fu Xishen cruelly and set off?

In Shang Song's heart, is Gu Ninghuan such a girl who cannot live without a man?

Of course she is not!

But she had to inform Fu Xishen about her business trip.

Gu Ninghuan returned home, removed makeup and sat on the sofa, wondering how to tell Fu Xishen that she was going on a business trip.

Gu Ninghuan went to the kitchen and simmered Fu Xishen's soup with his own hands. He wanted to make Fu Xishen accept her business trip through this warm attack.

But it was probably that God didn't want to let her go on a business trip successfully, which led Fu Xishen not to come back for dinner because of overtime.

Gu Ninghuan sat at the dining table somewhat discouraged.

"Mrs. Young, your husband is not able to come back. Are you very worried? Would you like me and your husband to say that you deliberately stewed soup for him.

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