Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 542: You are dying, you are dying in this house.

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Chapter 542   You are dead, you must die in this house.

Lin Weiyin had thought about jumping and leaving, even if she died under the wheel, she didn't want to go back to that home.

But the bodyguards around him looked at her firmly, making her unable to move.

When the car stopped, Lin Weiyin was dragged off by the bodyguard.

She stumbled around and was forcibly taken to a place outside from the old and dirty house, and the bodyguard kicked the door vigorously, making a clear noise in the middle of the night.

Soon, the lights in the house came on, accompanied by a woman's cursing voice.

Lin Weiyin heard this sound, and his body shook immediately.

Li Fang opened the door, and had not seen the people standing outside, he habitually scolded: "Whoever died in the middle of the night did not sleep, came to knock on my door, if you want to die, just die away,... …"

For the rest, after seeing the big men standing outside the gate, Li Fang completely became afraid to say anything.

The fierce flirtation that she scolded just now turned into a flattering smile, and she nodded to the bodyguard who looked a bit fierce standing outside the door: "Excuse me, are you coming to my house late at night?

"We are sending Lin Weiyin back." After that, the bodyguard will push Lin Qianyin who has been hiding behind them forward and put her suitcase down and turn away.

Lin Weiyin had a big suitcase at his feet. Looking at the back of the bodyguard, he didn't have the courage to keep up.

Carrying her suitcase, she stooped down completely into the dilapidated house in front of her.

Li Fang closed the door, pushed Lin Weiyin away from behind, grabbed the box in her hand, opened it directly on the ground, and muttered in his mouth: "You dead girl, don't mean to live a good life with the Fu family Did you go? Why are you being sent back like a skinny dog ​​now?"

Lin Weiyin stood still, watching Li Fang turning her suitcase, turning it!

Her bank card was cut off by her when she was packing up her suitcase.

She clearly knew what kind of person Li Fang was. She would never give herself up to the parents for the treatment fees she had earned from Xishen.

When tomorrow dawned, she took her luggage and left the house completely, never to return.

Li Fang turned her suitcase over and over, but she couldn't find anything valuable except medicine and clothes.

After looking for a long time, Li Fang, who didn't find anything valuable, was so angry that he closed the suitcase heavily, and kicked fiercely: "You lose money! Follow the rich man like Mr. Fu, except for a few clothes. Nothing is found, how can you be so stupid."

"Yeah, I'm a loser, so my loser won't continue to obscure you. I'll leave tomorrow." Lin Weiyin finished, and he didn't even bother to put the messy luggage on the ground.

Sitting at the only intact furniture at home, a red patent leather dining table.

Her room was converted into a dump site long before.

The clothes on Lin Weiyin's body were sent by Ji Bai, a brand she liked.

She will not let her expensive clothes run into the trash of this home.

Li Fang had a sharp voice. She rushed to Lin Weiyin and gave her a slap in the face: "What do you mean! You have to go! You left me and your father for so many years, and now it's hard to return to China, If you don’t support us, we will go!"

"Support you? Are you also worthy? Like a parent like you, even if I die in front of me, I will not leave a tear." Lin Weiyin even slapped Li Fang, there was no special response .

Such a slap, she has endured it since she was sensible. Over the years, she has been used to being beaten.

On the contrary, the physical pain will make Lin Weiyin feel at ease, and even give her a certain degree of pleasure.

So during her illness, she crossed the bodyguard again and again, and sent herself to Li Fang and her stepfather, and then returned with bruises.

And every time Xishen knew she was injured, she would always say a few more words to her so that she would feel some warmth.

But now that Xishen doesn't care about her, it doesn't make much sense for Lin Weiyin to pretend to hurt.

Her eyes were calm and calm, and she turned to look at Li Fang, and raised her finger to the other side of the face that was not beaten: "You haven't hit it yet, do you want to slap it again?"

Li Fang was mad with Lin Weiyin's indifferent attitude, and her voice was sharp: "No! I tell you, you are dying and you are dying in this family. I will not allow you to take a step in this family!"

After speaking, Li Fang did not continue to do anything, she bent down and dragged Lin Weiyin's luggage back to her room.

Lin Weiyin allowed Li Fang to move her suitcase. She didn't care much. After all, this home was so small that she couldn't hide a large suitcase at all.


On the outskirts of the studio, Qiao Jin'er was watching the script there before she ended a night show.

Now the way to keep the whole person awake is to pour a cup of rich and bitter coffee into the mouth.

Since being locked in the warehouse that time, she has never returned to the hotel.

When I was sleepy, I rested in the nanny car for a while, and spent the rest of the time frantically filming.

Her current decadent spirit coincides with the desperation of the characters later, which makes the director very satisfied with her performance.

Li Qing walked through the busy staff, walked to Qiao Jin'er, squatted down, lowered his voice and said: "The news I just received, Lin Weiyin was sent back to her home by the bodyguards in the villa."

"What! Is this Gu Ninghuan's order?" Qiao Jin'er stopped to read the script and raised his head to ask him.

Li Qing nodded: "After hearing that Lin Weiyin seduce Mr. Fu's failure, he was hit by Gu Ninghuan who came home again, so Gu Ninghuan let her move out of the villa.

"When Gu Ninghuan asked Lin Weiyin to move to Fujia Villa, we all knew that she was not so kind, but at that time we all thought that Lin Weiyin was able to let his cousin before Gu Ninghuan was driven out of Fujia Villa. Understand her good.

But now, I still overestimate Lin Weiyin, she can't even make Gu Ninghuan jealous. "Qiao Jin'er frowned slightly, if even Lin Weiyin was disgusted with Gu Ninghuan in this world.

So who else can disgust her?

"Now Lin Weiyin has been driven out of the villa. Gu Ninghuan has nothing left to worry about, so she will turn her head to deal with you." Li Qing is mainly worried about Qiao Jin'er's situation.

Now Qiao Jin'er and Ancheng have spent all their energy.

In the end how can still bear Gu Ninghuan's aim.

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