Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 544: His eyes narrowed dangerously: "How did your skin turn pale."

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Chapter 544   Eyes dangerously narrowed: "How did your skin turn pale."

After Annan and the agent both decided not to pick up, the director of the advertising department was a little dissatisfied, but it did not happen in the group.

She whispered Song Ci privately and sent a sentence: "It is better to give Gu Ning the right opinion, otherwise the hard work of so many people in our advertising department will be destroyed in your hands."

Song Ci felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her say this.

She certainly knows that a lot of effort is required behind a job.

But the person who asked her to ask Ning Huan's opinion was Annan and the agent, and they also agreed to reject Sanhui's endorsement.

This was not Song Ci's decision alone, and it was not Song Ci's public-private distinction, she just conveyed Gu Ning's opinion.

Song Ci quickly replied to the director of the advertising department: "We should believe Annan's decision."

The director of the advertising department looked at the news on the mobile phone, and scorned his lips.

Annan is an entertainer, whose essential job is acting, and it is not clear about business cooperation.

The reason why Annan's agent will agree not to accept this advertisement is that he is worried that Gu Ning said it is true.

On the other hand, it is a dispute of enthusiasm. Shang Song’s current momentum in the entertainment industry is already so high that even Annan needs to avoid the edge.

In this case, Annan certainly can't take the endorsement he doesn't want, otherwise it wouldn't have lost his style as a predecessor.

But the director of the advertising department, there is no way to understand this vanity.

She was really worried. If Gu Ning didn't really give advice at all, wouldn't Annan have suffered a big loss?

Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci were not influenced too much by the official business and put down their phones to continue eating and drinking.

After the hot pot ended, Gu Ninghuan drove Song Ci home.

Before getting off the train, Song Ci raised his hand to untie the seat belt and said to Gu Ninghuan: "When I got off work at noon today, Mrs. Su came to me and asked me if I still have feelings for Su Muzhe."

"Then how did you answer her?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Song said in a relaxed tone: "Of course I said that I have no feelings, but Mrs. Su didn't feel happy when she heard such an answer from me, but she was very disappointed. This made me feel very strange.

Obviously, when we were together, Mrs. Su didn't really want me and Su Mu to be together. We should be happy when we broke up. "

"It's been a while since you broke up with Su Muzhe. Maybe Mrs. Su had been happy during that time.

Now when I see Su Muzhe breaking up with you, there is no new love around me, and I must start to worry. I'm afraid that Su Muzhe will have a heart on you completely, and will not marry for life. Gu Ninghuan quickly analyzed the motives of Mrs. Su.

Song Ci suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case, so why didn't Mrs. Su persuade me to cover up with Su Mu."

"She may feel that persuasion is useless, or she believes too much in Su Muzhe's ability. After all, aren't you just being surrounded by Su Muzhe now?" Gu Ninghuan mercilessly broke Song Ci's current situation.

Song Ci: "..."

"When I have finished paying the money, I don't believe that Su Muzhe can still trap me." Song Ci seemed like he had made up his mind.

Gu Ninghuan couldn't help but hooked his lips as he looked at Song Ci's appearance.

Ever since Su Muzhe exposed his hidden belly in front of Song Ci for many years, Gu Ning Huan felt that unless Song Ci really fell in love with someone, it should be difficult to escape from Su Muzhe's palm.

Song Ci likes the face, who should have liked it so easily.

But she has been entangled in work recently, so that she has no time to spend time.

Gu Ninghuan thought that maybe Su Muzhe made Song Ci his assistant on the weekend, in order to drain all her time so that she could not get out of love.

What a brilliant!

When he met such a brilliant ex-boyfriend, Song Ci should only be able to lie down and let Su Muzhe pinch.

Song Ci got off the bus and waved goodbye to Gu Ninghuan. After a busy day, Gu Ninghuan also planned to go home and rest.

But she did not expect that she had received a call from Assistant Shang Song before she started the car.

Said they forgot to bring the brooch of the brand side, but they have now arrived at the scene of the award ceremony, and they have no time to come back and get it.

Tonight Shang Song is going to attend a grand film awards event, at such a highly anticipated event.

The items worn by celebrities are basically stipulated by the sponsors, and absolutely nothing can go wrong.

The assistant was crying anxiously over the phone. Gu Ninghuan brought a voice changer to appease him, then immediately drove to Qin Yue Company, went to the drawer of the assistant's desk, and took the diamond brooch.

Gu Ninghuan got the brooch and drove to the awards ceremony venue. The assistant saw her coming, rushed towards her with tears and smiled, and took the brooch in her hand, thank you in a hurry.

"Since it's all right, then I will go first." Gu Ninghuan said.

Assistant Shang Song hesitated: "Brother Shang said to me just now, since you are here, let you follow me in."

Gu Ninghuan said that, after thinking about it, he did not refuse: "Okay, let's go in together. It happened that my boyfriend also has business entertainment today, and I have no time to come back for dinner."

She also sleeps in bed at home, and sleeps in the background behind the award ceremony.

On the contrary, compared to the quiet environment, some noisy human voices will make her sleep better, and will also remind her to sleep in the classroom in seconds.

The assistant led Gu Ning into the exclusive lounge of the awards backstage Shangsong.

Shang Song was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed to raise his mind. After hearing the closing sound in his ear, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Ning who was standing next to the assistant. His eyes narrowed dangerously: "How do you turn your skin white?" Now."

Gu Ninghuan said that, he was a little stunned, and some was at a loss.

When she went to see Song Ci, she had removed her ugly and heavy makeup.

When I came to send the brooch, because the time was tight, she put on makeup casually, and it was inevitable that there would be something different from usual.

"Probably because I have put on more whitening masks recently, so I finally saw a little effect." Gu Ninghuan forcibly found a reason.

The assistant had not found Gu Ning turned white before. Now I heard Shang Song say this and looked at her carefully. I found that Gu Ning really turned white. I asked curiously, "Gu Ning, what do you usually use is What mask, can you tell me, my girlfriend has been talking about beauty all day long."

"Okay, I'll go home and look at the brand of the mask, and then send it to you." Gu Ning said very cooperatively, and took this topic easily.

The assistant nodded, then walked in front of Shang Song and put on the diamond brooch for him.

Gu Ninghuan waited a few minutes with Shang Song in the lounge, and finally when he walked the red carpet, he accompanied him to go out together.

She watched Shang Song's suit and leather shoes walked up the red carpet. Photographers all took photos, and the attention of the audience was almost on him.

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