Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 555: I disagree with this transaction (2)

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Chapter 555   I disagree with this transaction (2)

Ye Mingyue looked out of the window, his eyes broken, and did not answer.

This is the case every time. Once mentioning the question of why she did not start work, Ye Mingyue remained silent.

A few days ago, Louis felt that Ye Mingyue was in a bad mood, and he always persuaded him patiently.

But now, Louis feels that this matter can no longer be suppressed.

Director Chen’s patience is limited. If they don’t give the directors an explanation, it is estimated that they will really go directly to the company.

"Louis, has my sick case been forged now?" Ye Mingyue did not answer Louis's question, but asked about the case of forgery.

Louis shook his head a little embarrassedly: "No, this is a public hospital, and it won't help us do this easily."

"Is there any private hospital willing to help me falsify the case." Ye Mingyue then asked.

Louis has a headache and said: "Private hospitals have limited ability to keep secrets, and it is likely that they will be bought by Yuji in the end. Besides, if you leave a well-known public hospital, you are transferred to a private hospital. This is not doubtful. ?"

Ye Mingyue was somewhat at a loss: "How long can we hide at most."

"I can't hide it for a long time. The secretary of the general manager has urged me to take out the case for her for the fifth time today, and an ultimatum has been given. If we can't take out the case tomorrow, the general manager will fly back to see you." Louis Tell the truth.

Ye Mingyue sighed heavily: "If the defendant, how much do we need to compensate."

"The company's movie with Chen Dao will cost at least 90 million yuan." Louis reached out and grabbed his hair. He didn't know if Ye Mingyue was too much money, otherwise why did he do such a thing.

For Ye Mingyue, more than 90 million yuan is certainly not a ruin, but it is also necessary to scrape off a layer of skin on her body.

Not to mention the defeat, her reputation in the industry will become worse. There must be a long period of work stoppage.

"Mingyue, what's wrong with you? I have been with you for so many years. Is there anything I can't tell me?" Louis didn't want to continue to watch Ye Mingyue go on like this, he was really very worried about her.

Ye Mingyue smiled bitterly: "Louis, please don't continue to force me, just as usual, just keep me by my side."

Louis saw Ye Mingyue's face in pain, and he didn't want to keep asking.

He is just Ye Mingyue's agent. What he has to do is actually to assist Ye Mingyue.

Since it was Ye Mingyue's choice to pretend to be sick, he could only accept it.

"I'll buy you dinner. Since you are sick now, you should eat better." After that, Louis left the ward.

Ye Mingyue looked out the window, and the more she looked down, the lower her mood.

I don't know why the more she looks out the window, the more she will feel that she is a caged bird.

Ye Mingyue wanted to go back to the hospital bed to continue watching the acting class. She just opened the video, and the mobile phone beside the computer sounded like a pinch of time.

She took the phone, glanced at the number displayed on the screen, and connected: "I have done everything as you said, and you don't need to call again to ask about the progress."

"Mingyue, anyway, we are artists from the same company, why should you be so repulsive to me." Qiao Jiner's tone was relaxed.

Ye Mingyue hated Qiao Jin'er's high voice.

Obviously she is now in trouble because of Qiao Jin'er, but Qiao Jin'er is so happy, so happy.

In this contrast, Ye Mingyue felt that she was as pitiful as the ants at Qiao Jin'er's feet.

"Qiao Jin'er, I have nothing to say to you, but you seem to be really afraid of Shang Song. His agent just came to visit me today, and you called me tonight.

I'm a little curious, what is it that people with strong background like you are afraid of? "Ye Mingyue asked coldly.

Shang Song is really red, but actresses are not as popular as male artists. This is normal.

Originally among the star chasers, there were too many girls, and most countries in the world were male-dominated countries. This directly led to the fact that actresses would be under more pressure than boys.

But even so, Qiao Jin'er didn't need to be so afraid of Shang Song, so he managed to block him.

"What the **** are you talking about, how can I be afraid of Shang Song? Even if Shang Song is red again, does Warner have a strong background?" Qiao Jiner increased his tone and deliberately emphasized.

Ye Mingyue: "In this case, why do you let me go."

"When did I let you go on strike, isn't it because you don't have professional ethics and you think it's hard to give up acting?" Qiao Jin'er didn't admit what she said.

Gu Ninghuan just saw Ye Mingyue today, and I don’t know if Gu Ninghuan has reached any agreement with Ye Mingyue.

If Ye Mingyue recorded a conversation with her, everything would be ruined for her.

Qiao Jin'er was frightened by Gu Ninghuan's counterattack and had to be cautious.

Ye Mingyue doesn't understand Qiao Jin'er's twists and turns, and she doesn't have much patience: "In short, I didn't tell Shang Song's agent, you don't need to worry. Also, I will do something agreed, and you don't Come try me again."

When she finished, she hung up the phone directly.

Now she has fallen to this point, and she has nothing to fear.

Qiao Jin'er watched Ye Mingyue hang up her phone, and there was nothing too angry in her face. She put the phone aside and chuckled: "I didn't expect that Ye Mingyue's emotions were quite strong."

Having finished speaking, she looked down and continued to watch the video.

Tonight, the crew needed to shoot night scenes, and it was for this reason that Qiao Jin'er didn't have to drive the babysitter to the police station.

Ancheng didn't dare to do anything to her when there were many people. This was the reason that Qiao Jin'er had suffered several losses.

Li Qing opened the door and bought some fruit for Qiao Jin'er to eat.

He washed the fruit, put it in a transparent fruit tray, and placed it in front of Qiao Jin'er: "Jin'er, I have a good idea to make Ancheng leave you completely."

Qiao Jin'er picked up a cherry and put it in the entrance: "Huh?"

"Gu Ninghuan is running around for Ye Mingyue's affairs, and you have nothing to do with Ancheng's affairs. In this case, it is better for you to help each other solve each other's problems." Li Qing knew that Qiao Jin'er told Ye Mingyue not to act, just for emotions Revenge.

It is clear that Ye Mingyue should have a better use, not to fight against Shang Song.

Qiao Jin'er's teeth moved slightly, biting the cherries in the mouth, and the sweet juice flowed out, making her frown.

Li Qing saw Qiao Jin'er not speaking and asked, "Jin'er, do you think my idea is bad?"

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