Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 559: Who is Gu Ninghuan's eyes in the dark

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Chapter 559: Who is Gu Ninghuan's eyes in the dark

Shang Song's bad temper is an open secret in the industry.

The pretending to be sick was originally her fault.

When Ye Mingyue returned to the studio to continue filming, she made a lot of human feelings, from the director to the producer, to the mass actors, all received her start gift.

She has a generous shot, short hands, and a good enough gift to let the crew's resentment towards her disappear a little.

It's just that Shang Song still looks so lukewarm to her.

Gu Ning stood on the set and watched Shang Song filming, but what he had in mind was a photo taken by his brother with Lin Weiyin.

Thinking of the photo, Gu Ninghuan felt a headache.

But thinking of what Fu Xishen said, she thought she should still trust her brother.

She must believe in her brother's ability to know people, and even if her brother likes Lin Weiyin again, she should not get married without notifying her family.

Gu Ninghuan was distracted, and a glass of orange juice appeared in front of her. Her eyes looked up the hand that gave her orange juice, and Ye Mingyue's face appeared under her eyes.

"Is there anything?" Gu Ninghuan didn't like Ye Mingyue, but she had nothing to do with her.

Gu Ninghuan did hate Ye Mingyue because of her strike for no reason, but later, after knowing the truth about her strike, she was able to understand why she did so.

Understandably, Gu Ninghuan just regarded Ye Mingyue as a stranger. She had no way to have a good impression on Ye Mingyue Pingbai.

But as an agent, she cannot allow her to do things she likes.

So even if Gu Ninghuan doesn't like Ye Mingyue anymore, he still has to squeeze his smile and reach for the orange juice in her hand.

Before her fingertips touched the glass in Ye Mingyue's hand, someone took the orange juice in Ye Mingyue's hand even further: "My agent doesn't like to drink ice, you take it back."

Shang Song had no patience to hand the glass to Ye Mingyue.

"Shang Song, Miss Ye is kind enough to send me orange juice. You don't want that." Gu Ninghuan did not agree that Shang Song's relationship with Ye Mingyue was too stiff.

Ye Mingyue also understood that it was not Gu Ning who could not drink ice orange juice, but Shang Song did not like Gu Ning to drink the ice orange juice she gave.

Ye Mingyue, who was targeted by Shang Song, was not angry anymore. He recovered the orange juice in Shang Song’s hands and even apologized to him: “Sorry, I don’t know if your agent doesn’t drink ice, but care Agent Ning, I have something to tell you. Is it convenient for you to spare me a few minutes?"

Shang Song frowned slightly, so many artists wanted to take a few steps to talk to his agent.

Shang Song was not happy: "Is there anything I can't say here? She is my agent, not your assistant, she is mine all the time."

"Shang Song is right, what Miss Ye wants to say, or just say it here." Gu Ninghuan looked at Shang Song's eyes as if he were looking at a grumpy child.

Ye Mingyue also understood Gu Ninghuan's embarrassment, and simply asked, "Is it possible that Miss Gu Ning sent me a video some time ago."

"Well." Gu Ninghuan did not deny.

"thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I apologize for my concealment in the hospital the other day. I really didn't expect that she would count me that way."

"She has nothing to do."

"It seems that Miss Gu knows her very well. I used to think that everyone like her since childhood was disdainful for people like us." Ye Mingyue laughed bitterly.

She still hasn't forgotten that Qiao Jin'er is in the babysitter's car, saying that she is a cheap play.

She knew at the time that even if Qiao Jin'er was doing the same job as her, in Qiao Jin'er's heart, she would still be nobler than Ye Mingyue.

Because Ye Mingyue is a career that they are trying to survive, and Qiao Jin'er only needs to hook his fingers to easily reach the peak.

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what happened to Ye Mingyue, how suddenly it looked so sad.

"Anyway, thank you very much this time, but you helped me, if she knew she might not let you go."

"It doesn't matter, whether I help you or not, she won't let me go."

It doesn't matter if Gu Ning Huan fell, the hatred between her and Qiao Jin'er was settled long ago.

Regardless of whether or not Ye Mingyue was involved, Qiao Jin'er would hate her very much.

Ye Mingyue looked at Gu Ninghuan in such a light and breezy manner, and chuckled: "I really envy, Shangsong has such a superb agent that you are so magical about."

After talking, Ye Mingyue took the orange juice and left to recite the lines.

Shang Song's face sank again, and he knew better than anyone that his agent was excellent.

But there is really no need to come here to praise Gu Ning so often!

And every time someone comes to praise Gu Ning, it will increase Shang Song's sense of crisis.

"Is that the one you said to Ye Mingyue, Qiao Jin'er?" Shang Song asked.

"Who else can be besides her." Gu Ninghuan replied.

Shang Song thought about it: "I didn't expect Qiao Jin'er to hate Ye Mingyue so much, and forced Ye Mingyue to destroy herself. But how did she do it? Ye Mingyue is a person who values ​​her career, even if she is forced by her parents' orders. , She may not necessarily destroy her future."

After a question and answer between Ye Mingyue and Gu Ning, Shang Song soon concluded that Ye Mingyue pretended to be sick because of Qiao Jin'er.

But after all, it’s a boy, and he doesn’t understand the twists and turns between girls, so what he doesn’t know is that Gu Ning and Shang Song are what Qiao Jiner really has to deal with.

However, Gu Ninghuan did not intend to explain in detail to Shang Song.

Let Shang Song think that Qiao Jin'er is not malicious to him.

Otherwise, if Shang Song knew that Qiao Jin'er was maliciously targeting him, he might not know how he would target Qiao Jiner in public in the future, which would be bad for him.

After Ye Mingyue returned to the crew, she probably had an apology in her heart, so she worked extremely hard when filming.

Even to catch up with the show, Ye Mingyue can only sleep for two hours a day.

Her dedication slowly made the crew's rejection of her not so great.

The more seriously Ye Mingyue filmed, the more anxious Qiao Jin'er was.

Her calculations failed, and her multiple days of work became a bubble.

The parties were not affected in any way.

She was displeased in her heart, but she couldn't show it. She still had to maintain her elegance in front of outsiders. Only when she returned to the lounge to face Liqing, she was able to relax a little: "Did you find it?"

"I found it. Ye Mingyue's mailbox received a video from Gu Ning's mailbox a week ago, but we haven't found the video content yet," Li Qing replied.

Qiao Jin'er raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrows: "No further investigation, it must be Gu Ning who sent the truth to Ye Mingyue. I am now wondering who is helping Gu Ninghuan and doing her eyes in the dark. "

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