Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 580: I came to her to solve my physical needs

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Chapter 580: Finding Her to Solve Physiological Needs

Compared to Chang Jing’s fear, Fu Pingjun walked very calmly in front of Chu Tan with a slight pause: “I was talking to him just now, I was discussing tomorrow’s class, not what you imagined, I hope you don’t waste time targeting he."

"I haven't said anything, so you are so anxious to help him clarify his relationship with you, so worried that I will hurt your classmates?" Chu Tan took out a cigarette from the customized cigarette case and contained it in the thin lips without anxious to ignite.

Fu Pingjun took the lighter out of the bag and pressed it down. The translucent blue flame rose, and she moved the lighter close to the tail of the cigarette on the man's lips.

The man sneered, did not accept her kindness, and turned to leave.

Fu Pingjun was stunned slightly, and was not surprised by his cold face.

She put her lighter in her bag.

She didn't smoke. The lighter was only because last time Chu Tan left this expensive lighter in her room.

Although Fu Pingjun’s family background is general, she is also a sideline of the Fu family anyway. With regard to the value of luxury goods, she only needs a glance to understand.

She couldn't throw away this valuable lighter, or put it in the room, or if someone turned over the lighter, something unnecessarily happened.

She looked at the straight back of the man in front of her and knew he was angry.

Originally, Fu Pingjun wanted to go back to the dormitory to get a mobile phone, but Chu Tan came to her to solve the demand.

In this case, she will not be easily returned to the dormitory.

Fu Pingjun followed Wen Chu warmly and walked towards the striking luxury car parked in front of the campus.

When she saw the luxury car, she took the exit hood from her bag and put on it. She was worried that she would be recognized by her classmates.

The fact that ordinary female college students get into luxury cars is enough to start a small discussion on the school's gossip forum.

Fu Pingjun just walked to the car, Huai reached out and pulled the car door for her. She thanked her and got on the car.

After she was seated firmly, the car ran without hurry.

The man was sitting in the back seat of the car, with a laptop on his knee, which was full of codes that she could not understand. Without speaking to her, Fu Pingjun sat quietly.

Ten minutes later, Chu Tan threw the computer close and threw it aside, sneering: "I thought you would go to dark before willing to get in my car."

Fu Pingjun hooked his finger on the doll in his bag, and his tone was unsurprised: "At least six hours before dark."

The implication is that the distance from the campus to the entrance is simply not enough to let her go that far.

The temperature around Chu Tan dropped by three points, and his voice rose slightly: "It seems that you really want to walk from day to night. Since that is the case, I will complete you. Huai, stop!"

Huai stepped on the brakes, the car with excellent performance stopped without any delay, the man’s narrow eyes, with a cold smile: "This is just six hours away from the Mid-level Villa, but if you walk slowly One point, it may take longer."

"Are you letting me walk to Banshan Villa from here?" Fu Pingjun's eyes were round, and the man was a bit too funny.

The man put the computer thrown aside back on his lap, and his long and beautiful fingers knocked on the keyboard: "Huai, drag her down."

Huai saw Fu Pingjun's surprised face from the rearview mirror and couldn't bear it, but Chu Tan's order she couldn't go against it.

She pushed open the driver's seat door, walked around the car, and reached out to pull the door beside Fu Pingjun.

Fu Pingjun didn't ask any more questions. He got off calmly and watched the black luxury car disappear quickly in her eyes.

She found the purse from the canvas bag she was carrying, and looked at it with only a five-dollar denomination.

Now that mobile payment has become so popular, she can't remember how long she hasn't used cash in the end.

I don't know when I put the five yuan in my wallet.

Fu Pingjun walked across the road and sat in the pavilion by the road, took out the laptop in his bag and started drawing.

She didn't want to walk for six hours to Mid-level Villa, she was not stupid.


After the luxury car driving on the road drove past three traffic lights, Chu Tan inside the car said lightly: "Stop."

Huai obeyed the order and parked the car on the roadside.

She looked back and saw that on the straight road, there were only a few vehicles coming and going, and there was no slender and elegant figure.

"Master, Miss Fu walks very slowly, I am afraid it will take half an hour to come to us."

"No one cares how long she will go." Chu Tan said coldly.

Huai was not talking, took out his mobile phone and wanted to secretly call Fu Pingjun and wanted to remind her, but Fu Pingjun's phone was not connected.

She felt a little strange, if Pingjun did not answer the call of the young master, and did not return his text message, it would be considered normal.

After all, there is a special relationship between Master and Hepingjun, and their relationship is easy to make trouble.

But there is no need for Pingjun to not answer her phone, or, in fact, did Pingjun not bring her cell phone today?

Should she tell Young Master that Ping Jun might not have brought her cell phone?

She thought that the reason why the young master frequently watched the mobile phone today should be because Ping Jun did not reply to his message.

Huai wanted to say, but was worried if Pingjun would deliberately not return the news of the young master.

She is still watching the changes temporarily.

Half an hour later, Chu Tan completed the code in front of him, closed the laptop and raised his hand to glance at the time.

It's almost forty minutes. Why hasn't she come here yet?

Chu Tan picked up his cell phone and wanted to call Fu Pingjun, then laughed at himself.

Today he has sent her so many messages and made so many calls, but Fu Pingjun did not reply once.

Even when he was worried about Fu Pingjun's safety, he flew to Kyoto to find her, but she had a plain expression.

The woman didn't expect to be with him at all, and even Chu Tan should come to her with some disappointment.

In this case, why did he go upside down.

After waiting another ten minutes, Fu Pingjun's figure still did not appear on the road, and Chu Tan took a cigarette from the cigarette case and bit it.

If you want to smoke but think of a closed space in the car, if the smell of the smoke does not escape, it is estimated that when the delicate woman smells it, she will be unable to start coughing.

Chu Tan ripped the cigarette between his lips and threw some irritability into the trash can in the car.

"Call and ask her if she intends to walk to Banshan Villa the next morning." Chu Tan's voice was deeply displeased.

Huaisi thought again and again: "Master, Miss Fu's mobile phone is probably not on her body, because I called her before and it showed that no one answered, and Miss Fu generally did not refuse to answer the phone."

When she finished, there was a silence in the car.

Chu Tan's eyes were light, and he coldly commanded: "Go back."

"Yes, young master!" Huai Shou fell on the steering wheel and turned the head.

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