Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 594: Started to renovate these heirs

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Chapter 594   Begin to remediate these heir

His tone of speech was very short, neither self-righteous nor flattering.

Master Chu's eyes were sober: "We Chu and Fu Jia have no contact, but you first used military weapons to trick me into Chu's family, and now you enter into the Chu's family with majesty, no matter what your reason and motive for doing these two things, I Neither can easily forgive you."

"Fu Xishen would do that, just because he thought I was in danger, not against the Chu family on purpose." Gu Ninghuan frowned, and looked at Master Chu's eyes as if he was looking at a stranger.

How could he blame Fu Xishen for those things, and it was not them who provoked it all.

Grandpa Chu looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes with a bit of obvious disappointment: "Ning Huan, I always like the fact that you have kindness, but your kindness should be used for more meaningful things."

"Fu Xishen is my whole meaning. Grandpa, Fu Xishen is more important than you in my heart." Gu Ninghuan didn't understand what happened to Mr. Chu.

An old man who is quite reasonable and reasonable, how can he become so right today.

She still doesn't understand what Fu Xishen has done wrong.

"Enough! Look at what you are talking about now. You are the heir I have chosen. How can you treat a man as all meaning." Mr. Chu raised his hands excitedly and patted the table, which seemed to be Gu Ninghuan. The words are not light.

Gu Ninghuan said lightly: "I'm never a heir, and I don't lack money."

She has no desire for rights. The meaning of her rebirth is just to prevent grandpa and brother from tragic death because of her stupidity.

Grandpa Chu held his hands tightly, and the green tendons on the back of his hands emerged one after another due to the force: "You are ridiculous!"

Even though Gu Ninghuan is his most beloved junior, he has no way to accept it. Gu Ninghuan does not value the property of the Chu family.

Does she know what she gave up? What she gave up was the glory of the Chu family. As long as she took the position of the heir of the Chu family, she would have unimaginable benefits.

Chu Xifeng sat beside him and watched Master Chu insult Gu Ninghuan. At this time he felt very happy.

In the past, they were reprimanded by Master Chu because of Gu Ninghuan's existence. I don't know how many times, but now it is Gu Ninghuan's turn.

Finally it was Gu Ninghuan's turn to suffer the scolding they once had.

Chu Tan took Mr. Chu's anger in his eyes. At this time, Mr. Chu's anger was very real. It was also because of this that Chu Tan thought that Mr. Chu really wanted to hand over the Chu family to Gu Ninghuan.

But why not train Gu Ninghuan alone, why should he be involved in it.

Could it be said that his existence was just to put pressure on Gu Ninghuan and make her work harder?

Thinking of this, Chu Tan frowned slightly. Old Master Chu took him as a model of Gu Ninghuan, and wanted to use him to inspire Gu Ninghuan.

But Gu Ninghuan is obviously a man without ideals. How can a person with love in his heart be the heir of the Chu family.

The Chu family is not kind, would they easily obey a little girl.

Thinking of this, Chu Tan put his eyes on Chu Dongshu, not to mention anything else, even his uncle is probably not a good deal.

Until now, Chu Dongshu didn't say a word, and he didn't know what he was calculating.

Old Master Chu was cold, and his finger tapped somewhere on the crutches. Numerous bodyguards with guns penetrated through, draining the water around the hall.

At this time, the bodyguards coming in the hall are slightly different from the Chuxi wind belt just now. Compared with the Chuxifeng tall and strong bodyguards, this time they are more fierce. They all have muffler pistols around their waists and they want to grab people at any time. The stance of life.

Gu Ninghuan was nervous and her hands were clenched tightly. She looked at Chu Tan and wanted to ask him for help.

But Chu Tan stared at Chu Dongshu, and did not look at Gu Ninghuan's position at all.

Fu Xi deep lips: "Is Mr. Chu want to kill me directly?"

"Of course not, killing you, your father will not let me go, and your Fu family has grown in power in recent years. If our Chu family really targets you, it may not be able to win." Master Chu's voice was hoarse and slowly said. .

Fu Xishen said calmly: "It is certain that he will lose."

Chuxifeng heard the word and stood up immediately, full of anger in his tone: "What the **** are you talking about! Don't think that your Fu's family will have something great when they occupy Kyoto, and our Chu's family is not bad!"

"Enough! You shut up for me!" Chu Chu shouted at Chu Xifeng.

I don’t know if it’s the reason that Chu Zi happened so quickly. Chu Xifeng now has no reason at all.

Today in the hall, the three juniors sitting across from Chu Xifeng are all clear in logic and calm in tone.

Chuxifeng was so much older than them, but he was so impulsive. By comparison, the two were almost mad at him.

Chu Xifeng was yelled by Master Chu. He was a little unwilling but closed his mouth.

Grandpa Chu is in a bad mood now, and he doesn't need to rush to make Grandpa Chu feel unhappy.

"You're right, our Chu family has really been a bit inferior to your Fu family due to the failure of the juniors, but this is not the reason you can bully my Chu family!

Pick a good house and send Mr. Fu in to have a good rest. In addition..."

Grandpa Chu said halfway, looking at the woman standing behind Chu Tan, his eyes revealed a shrewdness: "Stop the little girl behind Chu Tan, too."

The words of Grandpa Chu made everyone a little surprised. Chutan, who had always been in a relaxed situation outside, was slightly condensed.

"Master, what do you mean? Even if the follower behind me is a little bit thinner, you shouldn't think of her as a woman." Chu Tan was lazy, with a hint of smile.

Master Chu's eyes were low: "Do you think I'm confused? Or do you think this kind of low-level disguise can fool me! Go catch people!"

The old man's words just fell, and Chu Tan looked coldly at those people: "Who dare I think!"

"Chu Tan, I know your skill is good, but if you have the certainty and take the little girl behind you to leave the Chu's house, just go ahead with my bodyguard.

But I can tell you, if the bullet is ruthless, if you make a mistake, Fu Pingjun will die here. "Master Chu picked up the tea cup at hand and blew the green tea leaves floating in the cup."

These young people are sometimes young and ego like tea in a cup.

They were dissatisfied with the rights of their elders and challenged authority indiscriminately in exchange for freedom.

But today he will tell them that they can be free, that is because he is willing to give them freedom, if he is not willing, they must stand obediently in front of him as an obedient heir.

Where did Chu Tan suffer this grievance? Just wanted to rush forward and Master Chu's theory, a plain hand held his arm: "Chu Tan, I don't want to die under bullets, I don't want to take this risk ."

At this time, there were about 30 bodyguards in the hall. No matter how strong Chu Tan is, he could not protect her.

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