Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 597: Knowing to jump in the pit

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Chapter 597

After talking, Grandpa Chu picked up two small teacups and placed them in front of Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan.

Neither of them touched the teacups, they were silent.

The atmosphere in the room became quiet and heavy, which was an inexplicable command.

Chu Zi’s death had nothing to do with the two of them. The Chu family also set up a special investigator to take charge of the matter, but the old man Chu had to hand it over to them.

And they must be threatened with people close to them.

"What if we don't agree?" Gu Ninghuan asked.

Grandpa Chu looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes with the spiciness she hadn't seen before: "Then Fu Pingjun will die tonight."

The old man used Fu Pingjun to threaten their actions one after another, which completely angered Chu Tan. He pressed his lips tightly: "Why not let Fu Xishen die first, and then we...bang!"

Before Chu Tan's words were finished, he saw Gu Ninghuan stand up calmly, walked behind him, put his hand on the back of the wooden chair he was sitting on, and quickly pulled his chair back, letting Chu Tan fall Caught a surprise.

After Gu Ninghuan knocked him down, he returned to his original position as if he hadn't done anything.

Chu Tan fell to the ground in an embarrassed posture. The slender phoenix eyes looked at Gu Ninghuan sitting for the first time seriously.

This is the first time that someone has brought him down with such a naive trick.

Grandpa Chu also had some surprises. Chu Tan's skill has always been very good.

Anyone who has been trained in the special forces unit with bare hands is not supposed to be counted by such simple tricks as Gu Ninghuan.

The only reason why he can explain Chu Tan’s trick is that he really didn’t guard against Gu Ninghuan.

Although Chu Tan is not a good man, he can't do anything like hitting a woman. Besides, Gu Ninghuan is still the best brother's woman in his life.

He stood up, supported the chair smoothly, and stretched his fingers as if nothing happened. He flicked the coat corner: "But it's just a joke, how come you got started."

Gu Ninghuan did not answer his words, but looked at Grandpa: "We agreed to your condition, but after we investigated the cause of Chu Zi’s death, you can really let Fu Xishen and Fu Pingjun walk out of the place where they were held without any damage. ?"

"Now that you have agreed, then go to investigate, and you are running out of time." Master Chu said lightly.

Gu Ninghuan stood up and went out, and Chu Tan stayed and stared at Grandpa Chu: "Master, you are actually planning to calculate whether we are? Is it true that even if we investigate Chu Zi, you will never Fu Xishen and Fu Pingjun released."

"If you have doubts, you can leave Ning Huan alone to investigate Chu Zi's death. I believe that Yining Huan's ability alone will also be investigated within two days." Master Chu looked coldly at Chu Tan.

Chu Tan sneered, Master Chu is using a very low-level aggressive method to force him to agree.

After all, how can someone like him let Gu Ninghuan save his woman.

Chu Tan didn't force him to ask what kind of abacus Chu was doing.

The old man set up a game, but they still have to jump.

When Chu Tan walked out of the courtyard, he found Gu Ninghuan disappeared early.

This partner of him really has no intention of cooperating with him.

When Gu Ninghuan walked back with Chu Zi's investigation materials, he saw a tall figure waiting for her at this time.

Gu Ninghuan didn't hold the information to go the other way, didn't even look at Chu Tan with half his eyes, and walked in front of him without squinting.

"Does Miss Gu want to go back to the room to read these materials alone?" Chu Tan said lazily, leaning on the pillar and looking at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan looked up at Chu Tan: "I will ask the servant to send a complete copy of this information to your room. We will discuss Chu Zi's matter tomorrow."

"It's too pitiful for a person to read these non-emotional materials, don't you want to look at the materials more warmly, Miss Gu?" Chu Tan's tone was a bit malicious.

Gu Ninghuan looked at him coldly: "Want to look at these materials warmly? How warm? Is it a bonfire in the room where the materials are read?"

Chu Tan: "..."

How could his words be interpreted as such by Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan continued to walk forward when he was stunned. Before he took a few steps, he heard the man speaking behind her.

"If that is the case, what are you still delaying?" Gu Ninghuan held the information and walked quickly.

She did not leave much time to talk to Chu Tan, and quickly walked to where Fu Xishen was detained.

Fu Xishen's small house where they were being held was now surrounded by bodyguards. Even a mosquito without consent could not fly in.

Gu Ninghuan was stopped before she saw the cottage, and she stood there without breaking.

Soon Chu Tan also came, and he followed his butler.

The butler and the bodyguard said a few words, and then someone took the instrument and swept at Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan to make sure they did not carry anything other than the information before allowing them to enter.

Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan walked on the blue stone road: "How do you serve grandma, I thought he would not agree that we see Fu Xishen."

"Because the old man also knows what it means to control people, it has been very inhumane for us to investigate the death of Chu Zi within two days. Of course, he should give us a little benefit to hang us." Chu Tan's face Seeing no joy or anger, said calmly.

"thank you for your help."

Gu Ninghuan is not a person who does not know what to do. She used to talk about Fu Xishen's death because of Chu Tan's motionlessness. She did not like this man.

She didn't even plan to cooperate with him in investigating Chu Zi too much, but she had to admit that she could not see Fu Xishen without Chu Tan.

Listening to her thanks, Chu Tan was a little more satisfied with her. At least Gu Ninghuan was not a white-eyed wolf.

Such a good and evil character is very good, and the Chu family will hand it over to this little girl in the future, maybe it is also a good thing.

After Gu Ninghuan thanked her, she and Chu Tan were speechless for a long time.

After passing through layers of bodyguards, the two were finally able to open the door of the villa. Gu Ninghuan just walked into the living room of the villa and smelled a sweet red bean paste.

It should be Fu Pingjun making sweet soup in the kitchen. Since Fu Pingjun can work in the kitchen now, it also means that the two of them are living well here.

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan was relieved.

Fu Pingjun walked out of the kitchen with red bean dumplings. When he saw Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan, a glimmer of joy flashed in his eyes: "Young lady, why are you here!"

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