Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 600: The two doubt each other

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Chapter 600 The two doubt each other

His words made Gu Ninghuan somewhat doubtful.

Even if Mr. Chu divided part of his staff to investigate Chu Xifeng, the Chu family would not even be able to distinguish this manpower.

Gu Ninghuan concealed the emotions under his eyes, gathered the opened materials, and nodded at Chu Xifeng: "I understand, I will consider your opinion."

Chu Xifeng put down the red wine glass in his hand, and his frivolous eyebrows became serious at this time: "No, I am a little uneasy. I will go with you."

"Are you with me, will you help me or monitor me?" Gu Ninghuan said with a little displeasure.

Chu Xifeng raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not expect that the little girl in front of him had a strong ability to detect danger.

"At the Chu family, you don't have to worry about what I do to you." Chu Xifeng dropped this sentence and raised his hand to easily pull out Gu Ninghuan's documents in his arms.

By the time Gu Ninghuan responded, Chu Xifeng had walked out of the cottage with documents,

She trot to keep up with him, trying to get the files back in Chu Xifeng's arms, but thinking of the difference in height between the two, she finally gave up.

Sometimes people still need a little self-knowledge.

Chu Xifeng and Gu Ninghuan came to Grandpa Chu and said things briefly.

Later, Master Chu looked at Gu Ninghuan calmly: "Then who do you think is most likely to do this at Chu's family?"

Gu Ninghuan hadn't answered yet, Chu Xifeng said lightly, "Uncle."

Old Master Chu looked at Chu Xifeng and his voice was old: "Why do you think so."

"Uncle on the surface is uncontested, doing things safely, and doing good with others. But everyone who knows the uncle knows that because of his eldest son, he has always assumed himself as the next heir of the Chu family to demand himself.

But Grandpa, you suddenly announced that there is no him in the heir selection, which makes the uncle's emotions will inevitably be lost, and some actions are normal. Said Chu Xifeng.

Gu Ninghuan sat on a wooden chair, but Chu Xifeng's analysis was quite reasonable.

"Ning Huan, after listening to Xi Feng's analysis, what do you think?" Master Chu finished listening to Chu Xifeng, his face did not show much satisfaction, but instead asked Gu Ning Huan's opinions.

Gu Ninghuan did not expect that Chu Xifeng had already said so well, but Master Chu in turn asked her opinion.

She thought for a moment, and said: "There is no big idea, even if the case is forged by the uncle, it is difficult to find out.

It's just a change of information. Uncle will not take action in person. Even if it is checked, it will only catch a few substitutes for the dead ghost. It is better to let the second lord check this matter himself. "

Gu Ninghuan didn't forget that Chu Chu let them check Chu Zi's death. In this case, she didn't need to waste time on forging investigation documents.

"However, there is a problem with the data. This is because the Chu family is not in strict custody. It is also that your grandfather is not well-supervised. This adds a lot of difficulty to our investigation work. As a remedy, should your grandfather release Fu Xishen." Gu Ning Huan stated the main purpose of coming here today.

Grandpa Chu did not agree with her so easily: "I allow you and Chu Xifeng to enter and leave the villa freely. Two days later, you find the murderer who killed Chu Zi, and they will be free."

Gu Ninghuan's gesture of not letting her grandmother go, if there is no disappointment, it is definitely impossible.

She said: "Okay, but I request that within 30 minutes, I will get the complete inspection and investigation materials."

"Okay." Master Chu waved and asked the housekeeper to stand by and deal with the data.

It is difficult to find out when there is a problem with the data, but after it is found, it is easy to solve.

Forensic doctors should still keep autopsy data. Even if there is an internal ghost in the forensic doctor who changed the data, several forensic doctors will not all be internal ghosts.

Ten minutes later, the housekeeper returned to Master Chu with complete information.

Gu Ninghuan took the information and read it carefully. The forensic doctor found a slight poison in Chu Zi's respiratory tract.

But at the same time, the forensic doctor also pointed out that the amount of toxic substances is very small and does not have a one-time lethality.

Mr. Chu tapped on the cane in his hand and said, "Is the news released to tell the second child?"

"Tell the second lord, just now when I came back, the men reported that the second lord was aggressively looking for the uncle, it seems to be asking for a statement." The butler returned.

Grandpa Chu nodded slightly, his tone weak: "Let the second child go to the boss to make troubles, he always keeps his eyes on these juniors, and there is no good news."

Between Mr. Chu and the steward talking, Gu Ninghuan had already read the information.

She has read other information before, and this time she mainly reads the replaced files.

After reading it, Gu Ninghuan had a similar idea in mind.

She sorted out the documents and watched Grandpa Chu say: "I want to see the long-serving servant around Chu Zi."

"They have been controlled in a room for a long time, and will let the housekeeper take you." Master Chu looked at Gu Ninghuan's eyes, all satisfied.

Chu Xifeng's expression was slightly condensed. He made no comments on Gu Ninghuan's decision quietly.

Gu Ninghuan followed the housekeeper to the room where the servant beside Chu Zi was being held.

There were five servants locked in the room, and two maids took care of her for a long time. As for the other three, they were people who had handled her clothes or food on the day of Chu Zi’s sudden death.

They are all detained, but the treatment of the servant and Fu Pingjun is not the same.

Fu Pingjun was kept in a small villa with nothing missing, but the five maids were kept in the same room.

If it is abuse, there is no abuse, but they have been kept here for several days.

Over the past few days, the threats and intimidation they have encountered have never been less, and they have become extremely tense.

Now Gu Ninghuan is back, making them even more afraid.

But unexpectedly, Gu Ninghuan did not stimulate them with words, but asked them a few questions softly.

Of course they dared not to answer, and said the truth.

Gu Ninghuan frowned after hearing their answer, and then looked down at the confession he had counted on the investigation team these days.

This does not seem to make much difference.

Gu Ninghuan set aside the confession materials of the maids in his hand and said lightly: "Leave the two maids who have taken care of Chu Zi close, let the others leave."

"Miss Gu, isn't this appropriate? Now that Ms. Chu Zi's case hasn't been investigated yet, what if they let them go and they fled in fear of crime?" The bodyguard responsible for the maid's guard disagreed.

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