Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 604: But when he closed his palm, he felt the cold ring

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Chapter 604: But when he folded his hands, he felt the cold ring

Gu Ninghuan went downstairs and smelled a sweet water.

She looked down the scent and saw Fu Pingjun sitting at the table eating taro balls.

Fu Pingjun heard Gu Ninghuan's footsteps going downstairs, raised his head and looked at her, and smiled lightly: "Young lady, have you finished talking with the young master? Would you like to eat a bowl of fresh taro."

Gu Ninghuan shook his head: "Thank you, but no more."

She didn't dare to look at Fu Pingjun's eyes more than she had said, and hurriedly looked down.

In fact, when Chu Tan went to Fu Xishen, she could already feel something vaguely, but she didn’t dare to act rashly because she didn’t know Tan’s true thoughts, and worried about playing grass and snakes.

Gu Ninghuan felt a little sorry for Fu Pingjun. She was so innocent, but she still had to be dragged into the muddy waters of the Chu family.

Fu Pingjun looked at Gu Ninghuan's back and fled, and his eyes dropped, and he thoughtfully looked at half of the sugar water in front of him.

After Fu Pingjun finished eating, Chu Tan took the empty wine bottle and went downstairs.

He couldn't see any appearance of drinking too much, and even his footsteps were stable, but the strong alcohol on his body was too obvious, and people couldn't help thinking of the words borrowing wine to eliminate worry.

When Chu Tan walked past the dining table, he felt what he felt. He looked up at Fu Pingjun, his thin lips tightened, and he rarely said a word.

Fu Pingjun's dark eyes just looked back at him.

After half a minute, she seemed to understand something, stood up from the table, and walked slowly towards Chu Tan.

She raised her hand, untied a thin necklace on her neck, and then took off two rings hanging on the necklace and handed it to Chu Tan.

"Isn't these two rings the relics left by your parents? You usually don't want to put them on when you sleep with me. How did you take it off to me today?" Chu Tan didn't take the ring and spoke lightly. .

Fu Pingjun's fine white wrists are downward, keeping the ring hand movement: "Chu Tan, have I told you, where do I want my cemetery to be buried?"

"Good to say what to do with this!" Chu Tan's eyes were gloomy, with a bit of anger.

As if he didn’t see his bad temper, Fu Pingjun continued to say: “I don’t want to be buried anywhere. I want to sprinkle ashes into the sea. When people are alive, they are already consuming natural resources and are alive, then Dead me, I don’t want my gravestone to occupy the land anymore."

"do not talk!"

"I don't want my parents to be trapped here like me, Chu Tan, can you put this pair of rings in front of my parents' tomb."

Fu Pingjun did not mention the cemetery again, but he asked another thing about Chu Tan.

Chu Tan's slender figure stood in front of her without moving.

Seeing this, Fu Pingjun stepped forward and forced the ring in his hand into Chu Tan's palm.

Her soft fingers crossed the man's palm, making him unconsciously want to clench, but when he closed his palm he felt a cold ring.

Fu Pingjun was as relaxed as he had accomplished his mission. He smiled at him: "I'll go back to the room first, you don't have to be too nervous to investigate Chu Zi's things, just be calm."

After she finished, she turned to the stairs and her eyes turned red.

Judging from the strange performances of Mrs. Shao and Chu Tan, she should be more aggressive this time.

Fortunately, her parents’ relics did not have to be stained with her blood.

Fu Pingjun pushed open the door and lay on the bed, she really didn't want to die.

But things like fate always bring endless teasing, but at least she avenged her parents before she died.

Fu Pingjun laughed softly, even tears could not help but laugh.


After Gu Ninghuan did all that, he had to wait.

Because she was not worried about Chutan, she still managed to spend some money to prepare some manpower and prepare for both hands.

She had asked Fu Xishen what Chutan was going to do, but Fu Xishen only told her to wait patiently and Chutan would make a choice that would satisfy them.

What are you satisfied with?

Chu Tan looked for Fu Xishen's expression yesterday, and clearly wanted to give up Fu Pingjun.

She knows that for people like Chu Tan, the family business is more than a life, but Gu Ninghuan does not like this kind of values.

For her, life is above all else.

Gu Ninghuan was waiting restlessly, and she couldn't help it until five hours left before the two-day period.

Chu Tan has not acted until now, which means that he has to give up Fu Pingjun.

In this case, it is time to implement PlanB (Plan B).

She opened the door of the room and was ready to rescue Fu Pingjun according to the plan made. However, at the moment of opening the room, she saw the maid appear outside the door.

"Miss, Master Chutan held an internal family meeting and said that you would announce the results of your investigation in the past two days." The servant looked at Gu Ninghuan and said.

Gu Ninghuan was stunned for a moment, and some could not believe that Chu Tan was really willing to uncover the truth and keep Fu Pingjun.

She looked at the maid and smiled slightly: "Okay."

Gu Ninghuan followed the servant to the hall and saw that it was already full of people.

Grandpa Chu sits on the throne, and Chu Nian is there.

Chu Nian was very angry when he saw Gu Ninghuan's late arrival, but he didn't dare to scold.

After eating so many losses, she also learned a lot.

After Gu Ninghuan arrived, the meeting was officially started.

With a wound on his face, Chu Dongshu looked at Chu Tan and Gu Ninghuan with a boast: "Now the young people are really amazing, but in just two days, they actually investigated the cause of Chu Zi’s death. The afterlife is awesome, and the Chu family has put it in your hands, and we are relieved."

When everyone almost forgot that Gu Ninghuan and Chu Tan were the heirs, Chu Dongshu raised it again.

This caused Chu Tan and Gu Ninghuan to be flattered by Chu Nian and Chu Xifeng's resentful eyes.

Chu Tan glanced at Chu Dongshu with a smile: "Uncle, the wound on your face is still not good, or say a little less, don't touch the wound."

Chu Dongshu was choked with such a simple sentence by Chu Tan, and gave Chuxifeng an angry look.

If he hadn’t asked him for Chu Zi’s autopsy report, he wouldn’t get hurt all over his body, and he would even get punched in the face.

"Okay, let's talk about these useless things, and quickly say who killed my daughter!" Chu Xifeng urged.

Chu Zi is his daughter anyway, and he can't do anything to watch Chu Zi die.

"Of course, the murderer has to say it, but I am only worried. If I say who the murderer is, not only will I not get much gratitude, but it will cause a lot of resentment, which makes me a little hesitant." Chu Tan Junmei With a light smile on his face.

Chu Nianwen said coldly: "What does it mean to get resentful, it is impossible to kill Chu Zi is one of our three elders."

"Of course not. The Chu family, even if the civil strife is severe, is to fight for power and profit. And Chu Zi is outside the power, you have no reason to kill her." Chu Tan said quietly.

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