Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 606: The atmosphere is suffocating

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Chapter 606: The atmosphere is suffocating

He hated Peier's honesty and hated Chu Tan for threatening Peir with his family.

Chu Tan must know Peer's identity. In this case, he dare to use Peer's family to threaten her.

Is this embarrassing? No, this is embarrassing him!

"Now that I admit it, I will drag it down for three days, and every day people will take sixty whips. If she can survive, then she will be sent to the police station. If she can't survive, she will dig a pit and bury it. "Master Chu's fate was decided by a few light words.

Peier heard that there was not much pain on his face, but there was relief.

Everyone had no objection to this decision of Master Chu. Both Chu Dongshu and Chu Nian disdain to control the life and death of a servant.

They just didn't agree but had some regrets, why the murderer had nothing to do with Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan doesn't like my grandpa's treatment, but this is the family affair of the Chu family. She, an outsider, is not qualified to say anything.

Gu Ning Huan An sat quietly there, and Chu Tan was standing by the side when he was about to drag Peer down. Chu Xifeng, who was very irritable, bent his knees and knelt down directly to Grandpa Chu.

"What are you doing?" Chu Master asked.

Chuxi's head was low: "Peer is my daughter. Dad, I have already died of a daughter. I can't die anymore."

"What are you saying! Peer is your daughter!" Chu Nian reached out and covered his lips, screaming in surprise.

She knew that Chu Xifeng had lovers and illegitimate children outside.

This was originally the most normal thing for the giants.

But she never thought that Chu Xifeng actually had an illegitimate girl, and that illegitimate girl was so much bigger than Chu Zi.

In this case, it can explain why Chu Xifeng was so excited after knowing that the murderer was Peier, and even smashed Chu Tan with a cup.

"Dad, Peer is obviously my daughter, but has been doing servant work in the Chu family. I can understand her unwillingness. If you let her go, I will definitely teach her in the future." Chu Xifeng's voice choked, even if he cared about power, but he wasn't totally without flesh and blood.

When he knew that Peer had killed Chu Zi, he was also very angry, but even if he was angry again, he never thought of letting Peer die.

"Even if it is unfair, this is not the reason why she killed Chu Zi!" Master Chu looked at Chu Xifeng coldly, and there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

His son usually seems to be doing a good job, but he didn’t know what happened recently, and the choices he has made so often are not like the Chu family.

A person who is too kind to his family is not suitable for being a family manager, which is why he would rather give the investigation of this matter to two juniors.

"Dad, do you want me to accept the death of my other daughter again in such a short period of time?" Chu Xifeng's eyes were red, whether it was Chu Zi or Pei Er, who had been raised by him since childhood of.

How could he not be distressed, how could he patiently watch her die.

"Since this is so difficult for you to accept the life and death of the brutal sister, then from now on, you can take over your duties with Chu Tan, go abroad for a period of time, and wait for you to go back to China after the matter has eased.

Or if you think the ruthless life of the Chu family is not for you, you can stay abroad and never come back. "

The coldness on Master Chu's face is even heavier. The meaning inside and out of the words is clearly to allow Chu Xifeng to separate from the Chu Family Rights Center without even staying in the country.

Chu Nian and Chu Dongshu both dare not say anything redundant at this time.

Grandpa Chu has always been a very oppressive elder. When he spoiled you, he really spoiled him.

When cold, it is really cold.

Gu Ninghuan could not bear the repressed atmosphere in the conference room. If the atmosphere is not suitable now, she would like to leave.

Chu Xifeng knelt on the ground and looked at Grandpa Chu, suffering a great deal from his heart.

He ended up saying nothing, just kneeling like that.

"Why did you have to kill Chu Zi in the end! My second brother brought you into the Chu's house for you to eat and drink and let you study, your food and clothing can even be compared with the housekeeper in the house, is it like this? Not content!?"

Chu Nian looked at Peier and scolded, and she really didn't understand why Peer hurt Chu Zi.

The relationship between the two was quite good. At least Chu Zi had praised Peer carefully and understood her more than once in front of her aunt.

"I'd rather not enter the Chu's house, otherwise I would not be so painful because of the Chu's house. Chu Zi is my sister, but she can enjoy everything because she is a child of a famous life.

As for me, I am a layman! Even a favored servant is a servant. The servant at home because I am favored, stammers me on the surface and treats me well.

But in private, I scolded me for being cheap, must be the second lord who seduced by any special means. The tall young lady who looked down on me looked down upon me and looked at me with disdain. I lived in the Chu family for more than 20 years in such an embarrassing way.

You thank me, but what should I be grateful for? Thank you, my so-called father, for making me a servant? Should I thank my mother for being a mistress? "

By now, Peer no longer needs to pretend to be humble.

If she had been an ordinary person since birth, she would of course be grateful for being taken care of by Chu Xifeng.

But she wasn't, she could have been a golden branch and jade leaf, but she couldn't stand it because she had to be a green leaf because of the adult's mistake.

"It shouldn't just be the case. The reason for your killing should be that you fell in love with the same man, but that man rejected you and accepted Chu Zi. The reason why he rejected you was that he felt that your character was too dull It's not as lively and cheerful as Chu Zi." Gu Ninghuan's faint opening replenishes Peier's motivation.

Pei Er knelt in the meeting room and laughed, "Yes! He said Chu Zi was lively, but he didn't know that it was because everyone in the family was used to her. The little princess who wanted something from childhood was certainly lively."

And if she can be recognized, she can be as lively as Chu Zi.

But who makes her a maid, the world will like the princess, who will like a maid.

"Why do you know this? Do you say that Peir did what you ordered!" Chu Xifeng desperately wanted to pull Gu Ninghuan into the water, so that Gu Ninghuan would be targeted by him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Gu Ninghuan said, "The Chu family has a lot of eyes. The close-fitting maid is actually very easy to know many unknown secrets."

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