Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 608: A bit of bitterness on the tip of a man's tongue

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608   The tip of the man's tongue with a touch of bitterness

Gu Ninghuan's face was slightly cold, and he looked at the butler who stopped them with a watchful eye: "Grandpa has allowed us to leave. In this case, why would you stop us."

"Miss Gu, you don't have to be nervous, I stopped you because our Chu family has a rule, but everyone who is released from confinement needs a cup of Chu's unique imprisonment wine to be completely free." The butler saw Gu Ninghuan guarded him so much, and there was a little helplessness in his words.

Obviously, he used to be a positive person in Miss Gu's mind, but now he has become a villain.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Chu Tan with suspicious eyes and asked, "Chu family members are released after being imprisoned, do they have to drink imprisoned wine?"

"Well, this is the rule that the previous generation had. The meaning of imprisonment is to let the errant youngsters get free and not make mistakes again.

I have drunk this wine many times since I was a kid. There are no other side effects except bitter and spicy, and the imprisoned wine is made of strong Chinese herbs, which is very good for the body. Chu Tan said as he picked up a glass of wine and reached Fu Pingjun's lips.

What he said just now is not so detailed as to explain to Gu Ninghuan, but rather to reassure Fu Pingjun.

Fu Pingjun raised her hand and took the wine from Chu Tan's hands. It was a great luck for her to survive this time.

In order to be completely free, she certainly would not care about drinking a bitter and imprisoned wine.

Before she drank, she felt that it was just a glass of imprisonment, no matter how difficult it was to drink.

But when Fu Pingjun really drank the imprisoned wine, he only felt a spicy stimulus rushing to the tip of her nose, and instantly forced her tears out.

Besides, she drank too much, and the bitter taste in her mouth was too strong, which made her unable to vomit.

Gu Ninghuan felt a little dazed when he saw Fu Pingjun drinking and vomiting and crying.

But looking at the posture of the housekeeper, it seems that if they do not finish drinking, they really will not let them go.

When it was Fu Xishen’s turn to drink, Gu Ninghuan asked the servant to get a glass of milk, thinking that if Fu Xishen could not bear the spiciness of this imprisoned wine, he could at least relieve it with milk.

To Gu Ninghuan's surprise, Fu Xishen finished the imprisoned wine calmly, without frowning.

The butler looked at Gu Ninghuan, and there was a dignity in his eyes: "Ms. Gu, do you want to accompany Mr. Fu for a drink? After all, shouldn't the couple taste it together?"

Gu Ninghuan felt that the housekeeper said something reasonable. It seemed that Fu Xishen was drinking so easily. If he wanted to come to imprisonment and drink slowly, it would not be too unbearable.

She reached out to get a glass of imprisoned wine, but Fu Xishen raised her hand and buckled her wrist: "It's a taste you can't stand, don't drink it."

"But I also want to taste the bitterness you have eaten." Gu Ninghuan looked at him with a dizzy eye.

Fu Xishen would drink this glass of imprisonment wine after all because of her.

"We should go home." Fu Xishen held her little hand and said softly.

Gu Ning was pleased to see his silent refusal, and nodded obediently to give up the idea of ​​wanting to drink imprisonment again.

"Miss Gu, in fact, the lord has prepared a meal for you, you can finish it and go back." The butler still wanted to keep them for a while.

But Gu Ninghuan felt like an arrow, and he didn't want to stay in the Chu family anymore. He could only gently and politely refuse the housekeeper.

"Pingjun, do you want to go back with us?" Gu Ning asked, looking at Fu Pingjun.

Fu Pingjun nodded: "If you can, Mrs. Younger, please bring me back together, thank you, Mrs. Younger."

"No need to thank you, let's go now. Do you need to clean up?" Gu Ninghuan is of course willing to go back with Fu Pingjun.

Chu Tan has a strong ring around Fu Pingjun's waist: "She has something to do now and she can't go yet."

"Really? But Pingjun didn't seem to have said that just now." Gu Ninghuan ignored Chutan's overbearing of Fu Pingjun.

Fu Pingjun raised his hand to take Chu Tan's hand away from his waist, but the more she struggled, the harder the man's hand on her waist was.

Fu Pingjun saw that he couldn’t get rid of it, so he obediently allowed Chu Tan to hug his waist, and his face turned red with anger: "Young lady, you should go back with the young master first. I will let Chu Tan send me back later. ."

"Okay, if he bullies you, feel free to call us and we will immediately send someone to pick you up."

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Young." Fu Pingjun looked at Gu Ninghuan gratefully.

Gu Ning Huan laughed and said no politeness. After speaking, she and Fu Xishen turned and left here.

Although Chu Tan took the risk of saving Fu Pingjun this time, it seems that he really likes Fu Pingjun a little.

But the man’s mind is changeable. He likes you at this moment, but it does not mean that he will like you tomorrow.

Gu Ninghuan walked to the gate of Chu's house, and got on the driver that Chu's grandfather prepared for her. When the luxury car started, her heart that had been tense was loosened.

After so many days of fear, she was not really at ease until this moment.

Gu Ninghuan's nose is surrounded by the fragrance of white peach, with some strange openings: "Don't the incense in the car used small sandalwood? Why is it replaced with white peach now, this fragrance is too girlish."

The people who usually ride in the Chu's car are relatively calm and restrained mature men, so the incense in the car is mainly made of sandalwood.

Now I suddenly changed the white peach fragrance with a very high degree of reduction, which will inevitably surprise Gu Ninghuan.

"The housekeeper said that Miss Gu has been working hard during the recent period, and you will inevitably feel a little tired, so let me change to a more lively girl white peach taste to please you." The driver said with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan leaned on the back seat of the car, picked up the white peach placed in the car and took a bite, his eyes curved: "It turns out this way."

When Gu Ninghuan and the driver finished talking, Fu Xishen raised his hand and put down the partition in the car, and the car was divided into two worlds.

"Gu Ninghuan, do you want to try the taste of imprisoned wine?" The man looked at her sideways and spoke lightly.

Holding a white peach in her hand, the woman took a bite: "I want to try what the taste of imprisoned wine is, but you are not letting me taste it."

"Come here, I let you know the taste of imprisoned wine." Fu Xi's eyes deepened, with a slight temptation in his tone.

Gu Ninghuan thought that when the man was drinking, he secretly hid a small cup, so the whole person leaned over curiously.

As the distance between the two drew closer, Fu Xishen lowered his head and directly covered her lips.

Gu Ninghuan had just eaten white peach, with fresh and sweet fruity fragrance between lips and teeth. Fu Xishen of the hook raised his hand and held her neck, kissing deeper.

But the little woman who was deeply kissed by Fu Xi felt not so good.

The tip of the man's tongue was a bit bitter, and it was a bit unpalatable.

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