Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 610: Suddenly came a pain

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Chapter 610: Suddenly came a pain

Later, she suddenly realized that the surrounding environment was a bit wrong.

And she was sitting in the plane position, how suddenly the horizon was so wide.

She raised her head and looked at the man's chin with a distinct line. As she woke up, she had a slight dumb voice in her voice: "Has the plane arrived?"

"Well, will you stop sleeping?" Fu Xi looked down at her sleepy look with a faint spoil.

Gu Ninghuan blinked and blinked, holding his waist in his hands: "Then I will sleep for a while, and call me when I get home."

"it is good."

Gu Ninghuan closed his eyes again and let the whole person sit in the arms of the man.

She is not so sleepy now, but she just wants to stay in his arms for a while.

After returning to Fu's home, Gu Ninghuan walked out of the bathroom after taking a bath in the bathtub, wearing a white silk bathrobe, and lying on the bed. He picked up his mobile phone and began to reply slowly.

Gu Ninghuan didn't put down his work even in those days when he was trapped in the Chu family, but Shang Song was in a mood that she wouldn't go to the crew to watch him for several days.

Now that Gu Ninghuan has returned to Kyoto, of course she should visit her entertainers.

Gu Ninghuan wanted to tell Shang Song that she was ready to see him.

As a result, I looked at the time, and it was too late to stop disturbing him.

When she arrives at the scene of the crew tomorrow, Shang Song should know and know.

Gu Ninghuan thought this way, and then he finished his business and put the phone aside to charge.

She was lying on the double bed, empty beside the bed.

Fu Xishen's dinner was useless, so Ji Bai knocked on the door of the villa with his business.

In the past few days, Fu Xishen was not in Kyoto, and Ji Bai concealed Fu Zhai. Fu Fu talents did not know that Fu Xishen was detained by the Chu family.

Now that Fu Xishen is back, he will go to the company to hold the meeting.

Gu Ninghuan reached out and touched the empty bed on the other side, not knowing why he remembered what the steward had said to her again.

But there should be nothing...

Gu Ninghuan fell asleep with worries about the future. When he woke up, he didn’t know whether it was because he slept once at the airport, and it seemed so difficult to fall asleep at night.

But in the end it was successful to fall asleep in the early morning, but the sequela of too much sleep is that Gu Ninghuan's temple came with a burst of pain, and his body could not make a little effort.

She washed her cold water once and went downstairs with energy to eat breakfast.

"Young lady, I got up this morning and saw the message you gave me yesterday. I have helped you contact the food delivery company. Now their milk tea and hot pot and other ingredients are ready, and you can start after you inform. "The maid answered.

In fact, she was also grateful for the thoughtfulness of Mrs. Shao, and specifically left a message on her work phone so that she could take a good night's rest.

Otherwise, even if it was the next morning's command, she would definitely contact the store all night and check things one by one, this is her consistent style of doing things.

And she did that, of course, she was able to complete Gu Ninghuan's task in advance, but at least she had to be busy until midnight.

After the servant waited for Gu Ninghuan to eat, he gave Gu Ninghuan the contact information of the hot pot restaurant and the milk tea shop: "Young lady, I have notified them to leave. If you go to the studio and do not find them, remember to call That's it."

Gu Ninghuan took the business card: "Okay, I'll trouble you."

"No trouble." The maid answered with a smile.

Gu Ninghuan took the business card out of the villa and drove to the crew.

While she was still ten minutes away from the crew, the mobile phone in the car suddenly violently shook.

Gu Ninghuan put on a Bluetooth headset to connect the phone. Shang Song’s voice over there was very gloomy: "Gu Ning, did you forget that there is an artist like me!"

"How is it possible that you are so red that you can see you no matter where you are, even if you want to forget it is hard to forget." Gu Ninghuan's remarks are not coaxing business.

Shang Song is the hottest male artist among the younger generation in China, and his popularity is so high that he can see his billboard no matter where he goes.

"The other artists all have agents to come to the crew to see why you didn't come to see me. You don't want to come to see me, even asking the crew to eat hot pot to kill me." Shang Song suppressed the dissatisfaction in his tone. , But the unpleasant emotions are almost coming out.

Gu Ninghuan was attentively looking at the road in front of him, and was a little surprised: "Hot pot actually arrived before me. I thought they would be a little late."

"What does it mean to be here before you, would you also come?" Shang Song's words were a little unbelievable.

Gu Ninghuan nodded: "Of course I have to come. As you said, the artists of other people have agents to come to the crew to visit, and of course I have to visit you."

"What do you mean by that, am I the kind of artist who can compete with the agent? I still want to read the script, and I won't tell you, goodbye!" After knowing that Gu Ninghuan was coming, Shang Song was a little awkward Hang up the phone.

Gu Ninghuan listened to the "beep" sound hung up in the Bluetooth headset, and only found Shang Song's reaction interesting.

Actors like him who are famous for their youth are more or less childish.

Gu Ninghuan's side said that there are still young people on his body, in addition to Song Ci, there should be only Shang Song.

It was probably that she was born again, even if she was young, but she was old enough to make her particularly fond of a childish young man, and she was more able to tolerate Shang Song, taking care of him as if he were taking care of his younger brother.

Gu Ninghuan parked the car in the parking lot next to the crew, and just opened the door to get out of the car. There was a sudden pain in her heart, which forced her to breathe harder to relieve.

After a minute, the pain gradually dissipated.

Gu Ninghuan didn't understand what happened to her.

Although her body is not so good, she has never had so many problems over the years.

After visiting Shang Song today, I should also go to check my body.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want people to know that she was sick. She rallied and walked to the crew. Before approaching, she smelled a scent of hot pot.

Although it is still an hour before lunch time, the hot pot is a food that most adults can't refuse.

So the idle person can't wait to start eating.

This time, the director of the crew is also very user-friendly, so I stopped the shooting and let everyone stop to eat hot pot.

Gu Ninghuan is very attentive, so that the bottom of the pot delivered by the hot pot restaurant is filled with small pots, and there is no need to worry about hygiene issues.

She walked through the crowd who was eating hot pot and walked to Shang Song. When he saw him sitting in a chair playing games, the hot pot in front of him didn't move at all.

"Brother Shang, do you want to eat first?" the assistant asked.

Shang Song didn't even raise his head when he played the game: "I'll talk about it later."

The assistant saw it and didn't ask again.

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