Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 613: Fu Xishen didn't come to coax her

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Chapter 613: Fu Xishen Does Not Come To Coax Her

Gu Ninghuan struggled to get off his leg: "Unless the sugar is added to the white porridge, I will never take a bite."

"Gu Ninghuan, I'm not negotiating with you. Today you just have to eat, not eat." Fu Xishen buckled her waist strongly, not letting her struggle.

After the servant took the cord, the two of them continued to stalemate.

Gu Ninghuan originally wanted to continue not to eat. It can be seen that Fu Xishen put the white porridge in his hand in the tray of the maid, and raised his hand when he wanted to take the soft rope on the maid's hand.

She suddenly softened, so she didn’t want to be **** in front of the servant, which was a particularly embarrassing thing for her.

"Yes, I can't eat it!" Gu Ninghuan said reluctantly.

Hearing her saying this, Fu Xishen withdrew his hand, picked up the white porridge in the hands of the servant, and fed her spoon by spoon.

Gu Ning happily ate white porridge in silence. After eating, he wiped the corners of his lips with a wet wipe, and the whole person hid in the thin quilt.

Even if Gu Ninghuan did feel better after eating the white porridge, she could not forgive Fu Xishen for letting her eat the white porridge by almost forcible means.

Fu Xishen raised her hand and touched Gu Ninghuan’s long hair falling on the thin quilt. She was working today and didn’t realize how hot her body temperature was.

Even Gu Ninghuan must not have looked in the mirror this afternoon, so she did not know that at this time, even her eyes were covered with red blood.

In this case, Fu Xishen must let her eat something.

It is very strange that Gu Ninghuan has such a serious fever.

Why did she seem to lose all her sensations in an instant, not aware of any discomfort.

After a long silence, Gu Ninghuan felt the man leave.

Only then lifted her small head from the thin quilt. She looked at the room except for the doctor and the servant, and there was no other person.

She sat up holding the thin quilt, sour nose.

What the **** is going on with this man, when she was forced to eat white porridge, she was so cold-hearted and cold-hearted, but after having forced her, she left, which is too much.

She knew she had a fever, so she didn't want to be with her.

Gu Ninghuan was a little lost, and then wanted to go to Fu Xishen, but suddenly felt itchy in his throat.

She lifted the quilt and walked to the bathroom before walking to the sink, feeling the itching in her throat, which turned into a sweet smell.

Gu Ninghuan held the hand by the sink, and had not opened the lip, and the blood of large and large shares immediately scrambled out of her mouth.

She was stiff all over, and the fingers holding the pool turned white with force, and she looked at the blood in the sink unbelievably.

Did she spit it out?

Gu Ninghuan raised his head and looked at herself in the mirror. Her clear eyes had turned red because of a fever.

The corners of her lips still had blood stains, telling her that hematemesis was not an illusion.

But why did she vomit blood, and why did her body vomit blood so widely, but there was nothing abnormal.

Shouldn't she feel pain?

Gu Ninghuan suddenly felt fear at this time, she knew better than anyone else, she was a person who had died once.

The happy time she has now is almost a gift from heaven.

In this world, no one has personally admitted that he is a rebirth, so Gu Ninghuan does not know that she lost pain and is not a person who must be experienced after rebirth.

She crouched down and curled up by the sink, and the whole person hugged her knees hard. She was a little scared.

Now she rarely lives peacefully, but her life is about to be stopped by someone.


"Young lady, young lady, are you okay inside! Do we need any help for you?"

Because Gu Ninghuan entered the bathroom for a long time, the servant knocked on the bathroom door uncomfortably.

"I'm fine, just want to wash my face, I will go out soon." Gu Ninghuan replied very calmly.

When the maid heard Gu Ninghuan say this, she felt relieved at the bottom of her heart: "Well, then I am here waiting for you to come out. If you have any need, please tell me at any time."

"Okay, thank you."

Gu Ninghuan stood up and turned on the faucet of the sink to allow the blood in the pool to be taken away by the transparent water flow.

Then she picked up the cold water and rinsed her lips.

She worried that there would be a **** smell on her body, and she deliberately sprayed perfume on her wrist.

When she walked out of the bathroom, she had returned to normal, and the servant was a little surprised when she heard the strong floral fragrance on Gu Ninghuan.

Mrs. Shao seldom sprays such a heavy perfume smell. Why is she so excited today?

Gu Ninghuan walked out of the bathroom and went back to bed to continue to lie down. Originally she wanted to go to Fu Xishen, but now she dare not go to Fu Xishen.

She was afraid that on the way to find Fu Xishen, she would vomit blood again, and then only Fu Xishen would be worried.

"Young lady, the servant in the living room just said that the Chu family called, would you please transfer it to the inside of the room?" the servant asked, holding the mobile phone.

Gu Ninghuan nodded. The Chu family does not want to go now, but the Chu family can still answer the phone.

After a few seconds, the landline in the room rang, Gu Ninghuan connected the phone, and said weakly: "Is there anything wrong with calling?"

"It's alright, how dare I disturb you, Miss Gu. Miss Gu, you've been home for some time now, do you have any feelings about your body?" The butler asked kindly.

Gu Ninghuan heard the inquiry from the housekeeper, but instead of feeling warm in his heart, he felt like sitting in an ice cellar.

In her mind, a terrifying thought appeared.

Gu Ninghuan looked at the doctors and servants in the room: "I have important things to consult with the stewards of the Chu family. You go out first."

The doctor and the servant glanced at each other, then retreated with interest.

Gu Ninghuan's voice was very cold: "I just vomited blood in the bathroom. Is this reaction strange in your mouth?"

"Of course, Miss Gu, I just received the news of your high fever just now. I was surprised. I didn't expect the drugs to have such a strong effect on you. For example, Mr. Fu, who also took the drugs, would have no problems at this time."

"You actually gave Fu Xishen the medicine! Uncle Zhang, what exactly do you want to do!"

Hearing that Fu Xi was deeply involved in a drug similar to hers, Gu Ninghuan was instantly excited and wanted to kill.

What exactly does the Chu family want to do? She has never been sorry for the Chu family. Why did they not let her go.

"Miss Gu, you really don't need to be so excited. You are the old man's favorite junior and the heir personally selected by the old man. But you are still young and don't understand what is the most important choice in life, so only the old man can come. Help you choose."

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