Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 617: There will be nothing better than money and power in this world

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Chapter 617: Nothing in this world is better than money and power

I believe Miss Gu will understand in the future that there will be no better things in this world than money and rights.

Gu Ninghuan waited for more than ten minutes, and Grandpa Chu did not come out.

She tapped the table impatiently with her finger: "When did Grandpa Chu come out, if he is busy today, then you will give me the medicine directly, otherwise if I am really dead, aren't you Chu family? No one inherited it."

Gu Ninghuan didn't know what Chu Master was thinking, and would rather force her to take over the Chu family by relying on medicine.

As a result, she came to the Chu family now, but Grandpa Chu avoided it, and even left Gu Ninghuan deliberately.

"Ms. Gu please later, I went in and asked the old man what's going on." Uncle Zhang turned and walked into the room to ask Old Master Chu.

Gu Ninghuan rested his chin on one hand and waited a little bored.

She is now in good health, but she does not know when she will fall ill again.

Five minutes later, Uncle Zhang came out and owed slightly to Gu Ninghuan: "Miss Gu, the master let you go in alone."

Gu Ninghuan frowned slightly, and this was Chu Master Fu Xishen's taboo here.

She stood up and was ready to walk in with Uncle Zhang.

Gu Ninghuan just took a step, and heard Fu Xishen’s voice coldly: "Zhang Wu, help me bring a sentence to your master. If he wants to give medicine, he will give it happily. It made people tie up all the Chu family and cut off the flesh of his descendants with a knife in front of him."

Uncle Zhang's heart shook, and his back suddenly rose coldly.

He didn't even dare to go back and give Fu Xishen any words.

Fu Xishen is the youngest and most powerful junior of the Fu family. This uncle has always known.

From the beginning of Fu Xishen's succession to Fu's family, Mr. Chu was observing him secretly.

As Fu Xishen became better and better, and the reputation among the wealthy people became higher and higher, the heart of Master Chu's heart became less tasteful.

It was clear that when he was young, the Chu family and the Fu family were fairly equal, but as the Fu family grew stronger until Fu Xishen took over the Fu family.

The Chu family has gradually been unable to compare with the Fu family. Even Chu Tan, this junior who has always been recognized as the best, is not enough to compare with Fu Xishen.

Uncle Zhang suppressed the fear in his heart, did not dare to reply in a word, and took Gu Ninghuan into the reception room of Mr. Chu.

Gu Ninghuan walked into the reception room. Old Master Chu had been sitting at the round table for a while.

When she saw Grandpa Chu, there were not many feelings left in her eyes. She sat at the round table and said lightly: "What about medicine?"

"You are getting more and more unruly now, don't you even see me when you see me?" Mr. Chu's face was cold, he knew Gu Ninghuan was angry.

But even if he is not happy, he should not be so rude to his elders.

Gu Ninghuan looked straight at the old man in front of him. As he said, Grandpa Chu was her elder.

It was her elders who had treated her with sincerity. In this case, Gu Ninghuan couldn't make a bad talk to Grandpa Chu.

But if she and her former grandfather Chu are generally called grandfather, she couldn't do it: "Senior Chu, when you ask someone to give me medicine, you should have guessed that there will be such a day.

In this case, you don't need to say anything about elders. No qualified elder will give medicine to the junior, and use the medicine to control her. "

Grandpa Chu listened to Gu Ninghuan's accusations, without a big expression on his face. He glanced at Zhang Wu standing next to him.

Zhang Wuxin understood, he turned and walked out of the reception room, and after a while he came back with a small safe in his hand.

Gu Ninghuan looked at Uncle Zhang's movements, only to think that they were too careful and put the medicine in the safe. Is this worried that she would grab it directly?

Uncle Zhang put the safe in front of Grandpa Chu, waiting for Grandpa Chu to unlock.

Gu Ninghuan just glanced at the safe and stopped looking at it.

Since they dare to put the small safe in front of Grandpa Chu, this safe must not be able to be opened with a simple digital password.

Presumably this safe should use the latest iris or fingerprint lock.

When Grandpa Chu opened the safe and took out the medicine but did not hand it to Gu Ninghuan, he put the medicine into the tea cup in Uncle Zhang's hand.

Uncle Zhang handed over the tea cup to Gu Ninghuan and said, "The medicine will expire in ten minutes. Miss Gu would drink it earlier."

Gu Ninghuan took over the tea cup in the hand of Uncle Zhang and said nothing.

"Drinking this, will I no longer have fever and vomiting blood." Gu Ninghuan put the tea cup down and said coldly.

"Of course, after all, I meant to let you know how much this drug will react on the human body, allowing you to make more rapid choices.

Now that you already know the power of this medicine, why should I continue to embarrass you. "Father Chu asked Gu Ninghuan, and his voice was slightly angry.

Faced with his words, Gu Ninghuan only felt ironic: "I don't understand, since you want me to be the heir of the Chu family, why do you want me to divorce Fu Xishen.

With the help of the Fu family, isn't the Chu family more prosperous? "

"You don't want to be the heir of the Chu family, I know this. And you can be domesticated slowly, after all, the young people's ideas are easy to change. But the elders of the Fu family will never allow Fu Xishen to help our Chu family and support them. Our Chu family.

I also know that if you have a strong temperament, you will be reluctant to embarrass Fu Xi by that time and accept his help. In this case, it is better to let you divorce because of my persecution. Love separates when it's the hottest, and that's what makes people remember. "

Master Chu's words were gentle and he smiled faintly.

Gu Ninghuan's hand on the table was tightly held, and Master Chu wanted to use Fu Xishen's love for her after separation to support the Chu family.

"If I don't accept it! If I don't accept your arrangements, if I'm in charge of the Chu family, if you are not prepared to bury the entire Chu family. I don't believe you can stare at me all the time. "

Gu Ninghuan was not reconciled to her and Fu Xishen's fate, and was controlled by Master Chu.

"If you don't accept the arrangement, or if you maliciously hurt the Chu family while taking over the Chu family, your brother and grandfather will be bleak to death." Grandpa Chu looked at Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang received the instructions of the old man and slowly said: "We sent the people around Gu old man and Gu Yan to the same kind of medicine in Miss Gu's body from their diet a month ago."

Gu Ninghuan's eyes widened and he looked at Grandpa Chu in disbelief.

She raised her hand and knocked all the tea sets on the table to the ground: "Are you crazy? Dare to hurt my family!"

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