Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 627: When Grandpa Chu is dead

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Chapter 627: Waiting for Master Chu to Die

After Lin Weiyin collected the bank card, she felt that her posture was too ugly.

Some embarrassed dare not look up, but what can she do, she is not Gu Ninghuan born in the rich family, usually eat and wear well.

People like her at the bottom need to be very hard, even to abandon self-esteem to be able to have a good life.

Gu Ninghuan didn’t care whether Lin Weiyin was embarrassed or not. Lin Weiyin didn’t have the right to take grandpa’s money: “Lin Weiyin, you’d better hand over the bank card, or believe me or not, let the maid tie you up Grab directly."

"Gu Ninghuan, Grandpa Gu gave me the money. Since it was given to me, of course I am qualified to take it." Lin Weiyin said with courage that she would never give in to the money.

Gu Ninghuan said that she was too lazy to say anything to her and raised her hand to grab it.

In this anxious atmosphere, Grandpa Gu pulled Gu Ninghuan: "Ning Huan, you don't have to do this. Since I gave Weiyin the money, she is eligible to take it."

"Grandpa, you don't even know what Lin Weiyin is!" Gu Ning stomped anxiously.

Grandpa Gu said softly: "I don’t need to know who Weixin is, as long as she knows that she is a pregnant woman. Ning Huan, pregnancy is a very hard thing. When you become pregnant in the future, you will be able to experience Weiyin. Has worked hard."

Gu Ninghuan listened, and did not speak again.

What can she say, can she tell grandpa that she used to have a child but was lost indirectly due to Lin Weiyin.

Gu Ninghuan lowered her eyes. At first, since she chose not to let grandpa know, she now no longer has to raise it to annoy grandpa.

When people saw it, the money was also given. Grandpa and Lin Weiyin wentssip a few words before leaving.

Gu Ninghuan sent Grandpa Gu home, sitting in the car thinking of what happened today, with a sneer on his lips.

She pulled her phone from her handbag, pressed the number, and waited until it was connected slowly: "From today on, Lin Weiyin's eating and drinking degree will be reduced by half, so that she can work hard without harming the child in her belly. , It's hard work.

In addition, she is not allowed to contact the outside world. If there is another act of contacting Gu's family in the future, do you understand that all the people who care for her will be expelled? "

"Yes, I get it, young lady."

There was a little panic in the servant's voice over the phone.

The servant did not expect that the young lady, who had always been kind, would be so serious on this day.

Gu Ninghuan agreed with the servant, and then hung up the phone.

Since Lin Weiyin dared to count her, she must bear the consequences of calculating her.

The maid just hung up the phone and turned around and saw Yunyun carrying a large plate of washed cherries to be sent to Lin Weiyin.

She hurriedly said, "Stop, is this your cherries for Miss Lin?"

Yunyun nodded: "Yes, Miss Lin said she is in a good mood now, let me wash another plate of cherries for her to eat."

"Cherries don't have to be given to Miss Lin. In the future, she only needs to eat enough fruit to supplement her body. In addition, all the advanced seasonings here, rice noodles are not allowed to be given to Miss Lin.

Now you will be asked to send more ordinary rice noodles, and you don’t have to press Miss Lin every day for massage. The servant spoke, almost immediately carrying out Gu Ninghuan's orders.

Yunyun was a little inexplicable, but she did what the supervisor told her to do.

Lin Weiyin was lying on the sofa at the moment, watching the variety show cheerfully, and suddenly realized that her life would change dramatically.


Gu Ninghuan returned to Fu's villa, walked to the study room after bathing, turned on the computer to log in and entered Fu Xishen's mailbox password.

Fu Xishen's study room is full of company confidential documents, but even so, he never defended Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan easily landed in Fu Xishen's mailbox, quickly scanned a series of emails, and then found the email that Mu Yan sent to Fu Xishen.

She clicked into the email and saw that according to the test results, Gu Ninghuan's medicine had been relieved and there would be no danger to her life.

Gu Ninghuan also knew about this matter, and Fu Xishen sent these words to her in the email.

But the following paragraph is not in the email Fu Xishen forwarded to her.

"Gu Ninghuan is in good health, but your situation is not optimistic. At most, there will be seven days. The medicine in your body will be attacked, and I have not been able to develop an antidote so far."

She looked at the screen, the words sent by Mu Yan to Fu Xishen, the tip of her nose was sour, and her eyes were gradually red.

Fu Xishen, a liar, was clearly unable to develop an antidote, but he did not tell her.

Why should he take all the things together, does Fu Xishen think that she is not the one who can share with him?

Gu Ninghuan turned off the computer, looked at the dark screen in front of him, and instantly felt a sense of powerlessness sweeping the whole body.

She leaned on the back of the chair and lifted her head, tears running down her eyes.

Gu Ninghuan didn't cry long, the phone on the desk rang, Gu Ninghuan glanced at the illuminated phone screen, it was Chu Tan.

She picked up her phone and answered, "Is there anything?"

Gu Ninghuan's speech was cold, and since the drug was given, she couldn't take a good attitude towards everyone in the Chu family.

Both she and Fu Xishen were given drugs at the Chu family. Even Chu Nian knew that she was being drugged, which made Gu Ninghuan wonder whether Chu Tan was one of the insiders.

"Have you ever cried?" Chu Tan replied.

Gu Ninghuan's nasal voice was very heavy, and it was easy to hear that she had just cried.

She is not familiar with Chutan, nor does she feel that she is going to answer such boring questions as Chutan: "You called me today specifically, shouldn't you care if I ever cry of such boring things."

"Indeed, I called you today to persuade you not to do fearless resistance. Grandpa is old and will die someday. You and Xishen are so young that you can't bear to pretend to be obedient for several years.

When the grandfather dies, you will take over the Chu family completely. Even if you merge the Chu family with the Fu family, I don’t think many people can stop you. "Chu Tan's deep opening made no joke in his tone.

"How can you say Grandpa Chu like that?" Gu Ninghuan has decided to cut off with Grandpa Chu now. Since then, there will be no more love between grandpa and grandson, but he still can't say something like Chu Tan.

Chu Tan sneered: "People are dying when they are old, don't I say grandpa is dying? Grandpa will not die anyway? In short, you haven't answered me, do you want to do what I say."

Gu Ninghuan said: "But Fu Xishen does not agree to divorce me."

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