Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 705: I believe Xishen will handle the rumor problem well

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Chapter 705: I believe Xishen will handle the rumor problem

"She tried to borrow Bailu's hand to get rid of me too late. How could she quarrel with Bailu, she would only seize every opportunity to get in touch with Bailu." Fu Xishen took the wine glass in her hand and tasted it lightly. .

Su Muzhe raised her lips and spoke slowly: "Gu Ninghuan escaped from your heart, but he was very determined. Why didn't you tell her the truth, maybe when she knew your intimate relationship with Bailu, but it was only for the Bai family After her superficial effort, she will be willing to reconcile with you."

"She won't." Fu Xishen turned around holding the wine glass and said calmly.


"Ms. Bai Lu wouldn't come here just to thank me? Actually, it doesn't have to be so, Ms. Bai, I really don't have any thoughts about staying with Fu Xishen.

Even as long as Fu Xishen agrees, I can immediately return to the Chu family in Su Shi and never show up next to him. "Gu Ninghuan said very sincerely, if she didn't dislike the gambling swears too old.

She really wanted to come back like this, to prove that she had no coveted Fu Xishen.

Bai Lu looked at her strangely: "Miss Gu, I'm inconvenient to tell you something, but please believe me. I am very relieved and even happy to have you by Xishen's side."

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Miss Bai, don't you like Fu Xishen at all?" Gu Ning thought about it and finally asked the sentence.

Bai Lu's eyes did not move, and he smiled faintly: "Well, Fu Xishen is a good man, even he can say that he is the best man in Kyoto, but I don't like him, so I won't mind your existence."

"But don't you want to get engaged?" Gu Ninghuan murmured.

Bai Lu chuckled and picked up the cherry in front of her with her finger in her mouth: "Miss Gu is also from a wealthy family. It should be understood that in the wealthy family, the marriage between the two families needs to consider a lot of things, but the only thing that will not be considered is emotion. ."

"But even if you don't like Fu Xishen, I'm Fu Xishen's ex-wife. If I really stay with him as a life assistant for a year, do you know how many rumors come out? Don't you care? Gu Ninghuan felt very strange. She didn't seem to understand the dignified and elegant woman in front of her.

Bai Lu shook his head gently: "I believe Xishen will deal with the rumors, and Miss Gu doesn't have to worry too much, so please stay at Xishen and take good care of him."

Gu Ninghuan was stunned, unable to make a perfunctory smile.

She originally expected that after Bai Lu and Fu Xishen got engaged, then Bai Lu would certainly not tolerate the existence of someone like her in Fu Xishen, then she would be free.

As a result, the development of things and Bai Lu's attitude towards her now undoubtedly gave her a heavy blow.

"Xi Shen, you are here." Bai Lu looked up, looking at the man who appeared behind Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan didn't look back, but he could feel Fu Xishen's inherent pressure.

Fu Xishen is such a man. His inherently powerful aura makes people unable to ignore him no matter what occasion or mood.

The man glanced at Gu Ninghuan and said calmly to Bai Lu: "We should go."

"Is it the time you agreed with your uncle? I'm sorry, I was so enthralled with Miss Gu that I forgot." Bai Lu raised his hand and glanced at the time, apologizing in his tone.

She stood up and looked at Gu Ninghuan with a smile: "Miss Gu, I am very happy to chat with you today, and I hope I will have a chance to chat with you next time."

"Good." Gu Ning smiled a little far-fetched.

Bai Lu stood beside Fu Xishen, and put his hand on the man's arm in a polite manner.

"Return to the villa on time at ten o'clock, don't forget." The man stood in front of her and looked down at Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan nodded somewhat distractedly: "I know."

After getting her answer, Fu Xishen and Bai Lu left the reception.

Gu Ninghuan didn't even know what was going on. She only felt that the feeling that Fu Xishen and Bai Lu gave her was an inexplicable weirdness.

She could not feel any malicious intentions Bai Bai had for her, and she was more than Gu Ninghuan's imagination.

Moreover, even if Bai Lu doesn't love Fu Xishen, then Fu Xishen is also the person who will be engaged to her.

Even if Bai Lu had no malicious intentions for Gu Ninghuan, there was no need to help Fu Xishen explain it, hoping that Gu Ninghuan would stay with Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan raised her hand and rubbed her face. Was she really able to spend the year safely and then successfully leave Fujia Villa?

"What did Bai Lu just say to you just now." Song Ci placed several uniquely shaped cakes in front of Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan simply spoke with Song Ci about Xia Bailu and her.

Song Ci nibbled at the cake with little bit of surprise. "Bai Lu is really more general than I thought, and it is worthy of the Bai family training."

"Do you think Bailu's reaction is normal?" Gu Ninghuan couldn't help asking.

Song Ci nodded: "I think it's very normal! Didn't you also say that Bai Lu doesn't like Fu Xishen at all? In this case, she certainly won't care about your existence, and you are Fu Xishen's ex-wife, no matter between them and Fu Xishen. Any sparks will not affect her position.

Of course she hopes that it is you who stays with him, not others. "

Gu Ninghuan said this through Song Ci, but it also made sense.

But Bai Lu wanted Gu Ninghuan to stay with Fu Xishen, but she didn't want to stay with Fu Xishen.

Gu Ninghuan didn't want to return to the Fu's villa so early, and he and Song Ci rubbed at the reception until 9:30 in the evening before leaving the top floor of the 10th Huanhuan.

She walked straight to the side of the luxury car parked by the road. She didn't wait for the driver to open the door for her. After pulling the car door straight to sit up, she realized that it was not the driver but Fu Xishen who was sitting in the driving seat.

Sitting in the back seat, Gu Ninghuan looked down at the phone and said ironically: "Mr. Fu is really intrigued. After going to see his uncle with his prospective fiancee, he still has thoughts to pick up his ex-wife. You really are A bowl of water is level."

"If you have an opinion, you can get off the car now and go home on your own." Fu Xi said with a sneer.

When Gu Ninghuan heard it, he immediately came up with a small temper: "Okay! You will stop for me now, I can take a taxi back to Fujia Villa."

Fu Xishen stopped the car with a slight sideways look, and his clear eyes were full of indifference: "Gu Ninghuan, didn't you hear it clearly? I let you go home, not a taxi."

Gu Ninghuan's voice suddenly became sharp: "What exactly do you mean, Fu Xishen? Can't I take someone else's car if I don't take your car?"

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