Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 710: Gu Ninghuan, why do you "suicide"

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Chapter 710 Gu Ninghuan Why Are You "Suicide"

The unique coolness of the mouthwash remained on the man's lips, and the tip of the tongue invaded between Gu Ninghuan's lips and teeth with a strong tongue, kissing her in an extremely frank way.

Gu Ning tried to struggle, but at this time, Fu Xishen in front of her had no extra thread all over her body. She wanted to push him away, and she didn’t know where to drop her hand. Only the ostrich mentality could let it go. He was kissed temporarily.

She thought that the drunk Fu Xishen was at most a kiss from a whim, but when the man's fingers unbuttoned her clothes and the hot fingers touched her delicate skin, Gu Ninghuan suddenly woke up.

What is she doing now? Before she said she wanted to draw a clear line with Fu Xi. As a result, she was actually kissed by a man and forgot her original purpose.

Is she really going to get along with Fu Xishen in this unclear relationship?

Thinking of this, Gu Ninghuan even forcibly touched the man's body, forcibly shyly pushed him away.

The man at this time was immersed in the ambiguity of kissing her, and being undefended for a while really made Gu Ninghuan push him away.

But Gu Ninghuan was also forced to push away Fu Xishen's strength, and because the bathroom was slippery, the whole person fell **** the hard tiles.

She lay on the cold floor tiles, feeling that there was no pain in her body.

Fu Xishen quickly picked Gu Ninghuan from the ground and walked out of the bathroom with a somber face.

Gu Ninghuan was held in his arms by him, looking up at the man's tight jaws to the extreme, realizing that Fu Xishen was not happy.

What she didn't understand was why he was unhappy. The person who kissed her was him, but the injured person was her.

Gu Ninghuan feels aggrieved. No matter before or after half a year, she clearly did nothing wrong, but everyone can blame her.

The grievances in the middle of the night were fierce, without any warning and preparation, Gu Ninghuan's eyes were so red, but he could not bear the tears.

Fu Xishen put Gu Ninghuan on the sofa and bowed his head to check the wound on her body, but before his hand touched the little woman in front of her, she clapped her hand firmly: "Fu Xishen, you go away, I want to go back The room is closed."

"Gu Ninghuan, you don't want to get angry with me here." Fu Xishen's face completely chilled and his tone was not good.

Gu Ninghuan didn't expect that the man was still angry with her in front of her. She immediately stood on the sofa and wanted to bypass Fu Xi and leave.

But she didn't expect that due to the sudden standing, she would be dizzy and the whole person fell on the sofa again, her arm was pressed by her body, and the severe pain came again, making Gu Ninghuan can't help but cry out.

Fu Xishen noticed something was wrong, hugged her in her arms despite her objections, forcibly examined her body, and saw that she had a wound on her arm when she didn't know when she was red blood was constantly flowing out.

The man frowned tightly, picked up a clean and soft handkerchief from the coffee table, helped Gu Ninghuan to bandage the wound to stop bleeding, and then stood up to let the driver prepare the car to the hospital.

The injury to the arm made Gu Ninghuan feel more aggrieved. She wanted to cry, but when she looked up to see the man's gloomy face, the cold look suddenly dared not cry.

She bit her lip and watched Fu Xishen wipe her body with a dry towel, then put on her a long coat and hugged her towards the outside of the villa.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor helped her to bandage the wound and opened several checklists. After all her examinations were completed, she was placed in a senior ward.

Gu Ninghuan's all examinations are normal, and the wound on his arm is not deep. The doctor said that as long as the medicine is applied on time, there will be no scars.

However, because she accidentally hit her head in the bathroom, the doctor did not let her be discharged immediately, but suggested that she stay in the hospital for one night to observe the follow-up.

Gu Ninghuan didn't like to stay in the hospital, but she hadn't had time to discuss with the doctor, Fu Xishen had nodded and agreed on her behalf.

Soon after the doctor left, Song Ci hurriedly opened the ward door and came in.

Behind Song Ci is Su Muzhe, who walks slowly.

When Song Ci saw Gu Ninghuan's arm wrapped in white gauze, tears came out at once: "Ning Huan, why did you commit suicide?"

Gu Ninghuan: "..."

"Other people committed suicide by cutting their wrists. Did you see someone commit suicide by cutting the back of their arm? I didn't commit suicide. I just accidentally rubbed somewhere and scratched my arm, but how do you know the news of my hospitalization?" Gu Ning Huan asked with some doubt.

Song Ci stepped forward and grabbed Gu Ninghuan's hand and said: "My friend's boyfriend accidentally fell and broke his bones. When he was sent to the hospital, he happened to see you and Mr. Fu coming over."

"Well, my okay Song Ci, you and Su Muzhe go home." Gu Ning smiled and took Song Ci's hand back.

Su Muzhe looked at Song Ci and Gu Ninghuan's clenched hands, and found it obtrusive. They were obviously just friends, but Song Ci's care for Gu Ninghuan was just too jealous of his boyfriend.

He stepped forward and pulled Song Ci: "Yes, you can rest assured that Song Ci can't happen if you have Xi Shen in Gu Ninghuan."

"No, how can I leave Ning Huan alone in the icy ward, and Mr. Fu is Ning Huan's boss, not someone else from Ning Huan." Song Ci sat on the stool beside Gu Ninghuan's bed Go on, mumble.

Gu Ninghuan's hand holding Song Ci slightly aggravated a little bit of strength. Song Ci didn't continue to speak anymore, but accompanied her quietly.

Su Muzhe looked at Fu Xishen's dull complexion and chuckled: "Xi Shen, shall we go out and breathe?"

Since the beginning, Fu Xishen has been sitting beside Gu Ninghuan with a cold face, cutting apples. He cut the apples into pieces and put them in a plate. He took a wet tissue and wiped his fingers, then got up and walked out of the ward.

Su Muzhe also went out, leaving only Gu Ninghuan and Song Ci in the ward.

Song Ci turned to look at the closed ward door and said with a lingering fear: "Mr. Fu, what's wrong, it looks very unhappy. Isn't your injury as simple as it looks on the surface? He cut the wound on his arm with a knife!"

Gu Ninghuan smiled slightly, his tone somewhat helpless: "Song Ci, Fu Xishen hasn't slagged enough to deal with women."

"In this case, I'm relieved." Song Ci took the fruit knife and wanted to cut an apple for himself.

Gu Ning was pleased to see her move, and placed the apple Fu Xishen cut for her very intimately in front of Song Ci. Song Ci smiled happily at her and ate it happily.

Fu Xishen and Su Muzhe were standing outside the ward, and had not spoken yet. They only saw the elevator door open, and Chu Tan walked out of the elevator with a black face.

"How is Gu Ninghuan." Chu Tan walked to them, with a suppressed anger in his tone.

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