Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 712: Closed eyes are Fu Xishen's back

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Chapter 712: Fu Xishen's Back Is Closed

"Of course, although I and Xishen are brothers, it doesn't mean that I will be right or wrong. It is Xishen who was wrong to let you be a life assistant.

The divorce half a year ago was not your fault, but the old man, so even if Xi Shen would kill the old man, I thought he deserved it. Chu Tan's unhurried opening, his speech rate was slower, which made Gu Ninghuan feel very useful.

She raised her hand and picked up the phone that was set aside and glanced: "Now it doesn't make much sense. In short, between me and Fu Xishen, there shouldn't be any involvement in the future, right?"

"Of course, Xishen is also a proud person. If you avoid him like a scorpion again and again, of course, he will never want to be close to you again." Chu Tan was gently tapping his fingers while talking with Gu Ninghuan. Hitting the cigarette case, he could feel that his addiction to cigarettes had been committed again.

Gu Ninghuan saw his movements, and she didn’t understand anything. She was a little helpless: "Okay, I don’t have anything to do here now. Go back first. By the way, help me hide Fu Xishen’s dismissal for me. ?"

"Well, I know, but are you sure you can? I want to take Song Ci back for you, or find a nurse for you." Chu Tan stood up and asked Gu Ninghuan.

Gu Ninghuan shook his head gently: "You can rest assured that I don't have anything and I don't need you to find Song Ci. If Song Ci stays with me for one night, it is estimated that Su Muzhe will be overwhelmed by vinegar."

"The pair, they are really interesting." Chu Tan finished, and did not continue to disturb Gu Ninghuan to rest, but walked out of the ward door.

The moment he opened the door of the ward, he saw Fu Xishen's secretary Ji Bai standing at the door with two bodyguards.

Chu Tan saw Ji Bai and two tall bodyguards and asked, "Is this for Gu Ninghuan?"

"Chu Shao is so powerful, he knows the intention of the president just by looking at it." Ji Bai answered with a smile.

Chu Tan rubbed the cigarette case with his finger: "Let people watch it, I'll go first."

"Chu Shao walk slowly." Ji Baidao said.

Chu Tan walked into the elevator. Xishen obviously had not forgotten Gu Ninghuan for the past six months, and had been thinking about her.

But in this case, why did Gu Shenhuan never appear beside her when Gu Ninghuan was in the United States.

Since he likes Gu Ninghuan so much, he can't help letting the bodyguard guard her after he and Gu Ninghuan are separated again.

So I really like how he has endured for half a year.

Before the elevator door closed slowly, Chu Tan didn't want to guess what the two of them thought. Anyway, like this kind of emotion, it would make people lose their minds and become crazy.

So Gu Ninghuan or Fu Xishen, they occasionally do something illogical, which is normal.


The next day, the hospital.

Gu Ninghuan rested for one night, and then after a doctor's examination, it was determined that there were no problems and he was discharged.

Ji Bai helped her with the discharge procedures. Gu Ninghuan knew why Ji Bai came, but she also knew she shouldn't ask more.

After the discharge procedures were completed, Gu Ning looked at Ji Bai softly and said: "Thank you Ji Bai, but I will have something to do later, you can go back to work first."

"Ms. Gu, have you found a new place? When the president asked me to come to help you discharge the hospital today, I brought your luggage in the villa by the way." Ji Bai smiled formulaically.

An awkward thing, after he said it, I don't know why it was less embarrassing, but more natural.

Gu Ninghuan raised his hand and glanced at the time: "I will go to Gu's house for a few days later, but if you help me to send my luggage to Gu's house, will it be a bit inappropriate."

She still said it was more euphemistic, and her former husband's gold secretary sent her luggage home, which no matter who read it, she could make up a broken mirror novel with more than 100,000 words.

Ji Bai understood the awkward relationship between Gu Ninghuan and the president at this time, he smiled and said: "Otherwise, I know a very good flash delivery company, let them send someone to help your luggage to Gu family , I believe there should be no unnecessary misunderstandings."

Gu Ning Huan thought it was a good idea. He nodded slightly and smiled decently: "Since this is the case, then I'll trouble you. I still have something to go."

"Miss Gu, goodbye." Ji Bai said.

Gu Ninghuan turned and walked to the door of the hospital, stood by the pillar at the door and waited for about five minutes. Xie Yu walked hurriedly in front of Gu Ninghuan with a dignified look: "Miss, I'll bring you what you want ."

"It's good to do jade, but you didn't find anything by Lin Weiyin." Gu Ninghuan asked the sealed bag in Jie Yu's hand.

Xie Yu shook his head: "The life of Yi Lai reaching for a meal to open her mouth makes Ms. Lin very comfortable, and she recently liked a game, which is almost playing upside down day and night, and there will be no possibility of doubting me. ."

Gu Ninghuan looked down at Lin Weiyin's hair in a white transparent sealed bag in his black bag and couldn't help laughing.

Lin Weiyin is really a person without any sense of crisis. Her methods are comparable to those of Qiao Jin'er, but they are far from the same.

"Xie Yu, I'll leave the following to me. You look back home and send someone to clean up my room. I'm going home for a few days." Gu Ninghuan said with a black bag.

There are surprises in Xieyu's tone, and of course more surprises: "Do you want to go home, Missy? Then the master and the master will be very happy to know the news."

"Well, but I hope they can continue to be happy after this paternity test." Gu Ninghuan also hopes that Lin Weiyinhuai's child is indeed his brother, but this possibility is indeed a bit low.

Especially when she wanted Lin Weiyin to do the paternity test, Lin Weiyin's expression did not seem to be unconscionable.

Gu Ninghuan took Lin Weiyin, the children, as well as the hair of his brother and grandfather for the paternity test.

Xie Yu helped her get her hair. As the housekeeper of Gu's family, it was still easy to get hair.

When Gu Ninghuan sent his hair to the paternity test office and walked out, he was relieved.

Before she returns to Chu's house, she must finish this matter, otherwise she will not be at ease.

She did not believe that her brother and grandpa would be cruel to Lin Weiyin.

And in the case of children, it is indeed more and more painful.

Gu Ninghuan returned to Gu's house. Both grandpa and brother were both surprised and happy. They were curious why she would come back suddenly and couldn't hide her joy.

After eating dinner, Gu Ninghuan took a shower and lay on the bed where she had been sleeping for many years.

As soon as she closed her eyes, all she thought was Fu Xishen's back.

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