Splendid Rebirth: Good Morning Mrs. Fu

Chapter 722: Why do you have to Gu Ninghuan?

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722 Why do you have to be Gu Ninghuan?

"Even if she is not the heir of the Chu family one day, do you want to marry her? Do you really want to marry a wife who has been the heir of the Chu family?" Mrs. Fu looked at Fu Xishen in disbelief.

Why is this her son, who has been an excellent child since childhood?

Fu Xishen put down the teacup in his hand and chuckled: "Mother, do you mind whether Gu Ninghuan had been the heir of the Chu family or Gu Ninghuan himself?"

Mrs. Fu's tone was subtle: "I don't like Gu Ninghuan. When she was married to you, she had made such scandals abroad.

Now that you are divorced, I certainly cannot see you repeating the same mistakes. Xishen, without Gu Ninghuan dragging your hind legs, you will be happier. "

"Don't you think that without Gu Ninghuan, you are very happy in the past six months?" the man asked coldly.

Mrs. Fu was speechless for a while, and she could not frankly give Fu Xishen an affirmative answer.

Zhizi Mo Ruomu, even if Fu Xishen's emotions are introverted and never exposed, but since Fu Xishen divorced Gu Ninghuan, he has not returned to Fu's house more than five times in six months.

She knew that this was Fu Xi's deep expression of his dissatisfaction. He was not happy that Mrs. Fu had forced him to divorce in such a decisive manner.

"Where is Bailu bad, and why are so many ladies in Kyoto bad? Why do you want a Gu Ninghuan!" Mrs. Fu's tone was full of questions.

Gu Ninghuan’s knowledge is not top-notch, his conversation is not top-notch, and his background is not top-notch.

As for the good looks, the ladies who are even more beautiful than hers are not non-existent. In the end, why Fu Xishen had to be Gu Ninghuan alone.

This point, Mrs. Fu really does not understand.

Fu Xishen got up from the sofa and calmly dropped a sentence: "No matter how good they are, it is not Gu Ninghuan.

I never thought about forcing my mother to like Gu Ninghuan, but at least, please don’t embarrass her. "

Mrs. Fu said: "If you keep a distance from Gu Ninghuan, you will not have any thoughts about her in this life. I will certainly not embarrass Gu Ninghuan, but you should know that I will never allow you to marry her. .

If you insist on marrying Gu Ninghuan, I will use my method to make Gu Ninghuan disappear, but I think you should not want to see that kind of picture. "

"Such a picture will not happen." Fu Xishen finished, turned and left.

Mrs. Fu's hands clasped the handrails beside her. There was no emotion besides her anger.

Since Gu Ninghuan returned to Kyoto, she and Fu Xishen have never disputed because of her.

And Fu Xishen's attitude is more determined every time, like Gu Ninghuan really must.

When I thought that Fu Xishen might really want to marry Gu Ninghuan in the future, Mrs. Fu's temple couldn't help but hurt again.


Suzhou City, Chu Family.

Gu Ninghuan was lying on the bed reading a book, but the housekeeper Wang knocked on the door: "Miss Gu, Miss Shan Jingqiu is here."

Hearing Shan Jingqiu's name, Gu Ninghuan was stunned for a moment. Later, Gu Ninghuan remembered who Shan Jingqiu was.

It was the husband who hurt Song Ci's wife.

Since she took Chu Rong back from Fu Xishen and sent it to prison last time, she has brought gifts and thanked her once, but Gu Ninghuan felt that she hadn’t done anything terrible or accepted it. Gifts, did not even see her.

Why she came again today.

"Let her come in." Gu Ninghuan thought, even if she didn't want to see her husband, there was no need to take her by the way.

Shan Jingqiu walked into the room, saw Gu Ninghuan, and said with a smile: "Miss Gu, last time I brought you a precious gift, you didn't see me, so I brought you a tea this time.

It’s a small gift, I hope you can accept it. After all, I am really embarrassed to see you empty-handed. "

"Okay, thank you." Gu Ninghuan took the tea from her hand and put it on the table.

She didn't have much research on tea, so let Wang Guanjia see what the price of the tea is, and return a more expensive gift to Shan Jingqiu.

After all, Chu Rong is now in prison, and it is not easy for Shan Jingqiu to take a child with a woman.

Even with the help of the Chu family, her life will not be poor, but it is still far worse than before.

Shan Jingqiu saw Gu Ninghuan receiving the gift, and he let out a sigh of relief, and the whole person's tight body also relaxed a lot.

Gu Ninghuan felt that she was very nervous, so she wanted to say something that made her feel like Qin Song: "How come today I didn't see you bring the child over, did you leave him alone at home?"

"Yes, I have taken over Chu Rong's company with all my strength. There are still many places to learn. It is really inconvenient to work with children.

And... the company's environment is not very suitable for taking children together. "Dan Jingqiu's eyes were lonely, and the whole person's mood looked even lower.

Gu Ninghuan mentioned her child, who wanted to make Shan Jingqiu easier, but did not expect it to make her feel more uncomfortable.

"What kind of environment is the company? What is the environment?" Gu Ninghuan didn't know much about Chu Rong's company, but she thought about it, and Chu Rong's intelligence should not be a regular company.

Shan Jingqiu glanced up at Gu Ninghuan: "It's a casino... there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and the atmosphere is very bad. I worry about the child's bad learning, so I didn't take him."

"You manage the casino? Was it managed smoothly?" Gu Ninghuan was a little surprised. Shan Jingqiu looked soft and weak, could he manage the casino?

Of course, Gu Ninghuan doesn't think that the people who work in the casino are all kind of fierce social people.

After all, this is what time it is, and it is no longer feasible to walk the world by force alone.

But people who work in casinos will not be good people, even if they aren't big bullshit.

More importantly, the Chu family has never lacked well-dressed wicked people.

"It's not smooth, and it can even be said that it's very difficult. They...respectfully disrespected me. So I wanted to meet Master Chutan in addition to thank you this time, and ask him to help me." Shan Jing Autumn looked embarrassed, as if recalling something very bad.

Gu Ninghuan didn’t want to interfere with Shan Jingqiu, but she really couldn’t see other people bullying orphans and widows. She said: “Do you want to find Chu Tan to help? He is still in Kyoto, and it’s estimated that there are not a few days Can't come back.

It’s better to tell me who is embarrassing you in the casino, and I’ll help you out. "

Of course, Gu Ninghuan did not say that Chutan would never be happy to manage Shan Jingqiu even if he returned to Chu’s home.

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