"What exactly is it? Zhuge Xiang is not even willing to reveal the details of what they want!"

Lu Wuzi said thoughtfully: "But the more this is the case, the more it can prove the extraordinaryness of this thing, and naturally we will not let them succeed easily."

After all, Lu Wuzi looked up at Kou Chongxue, as if seeking his approval.

However, Kou Chongxue shook his head and said: "Xingyuanwei is powerful, and their strength is far greater than what we see on the surface! In fact, I don't mind sharing with Xingyuanwei, but they are too domineering , wants to take the whole cave directly from our hands, but is unwilling to reveal anything. Even if they claim to be willing to compensate, but we don't even know the value of the lost things, so how can we talk about compensation?"

Of course, there is a more important issue, which is related to the dignity and spirit of Lingfengjie.

If the Lingfeng Realm retreats cleanly at this step, then the high-spirited spirit accumulated in the entire plane world due to the promotion of the world and the prosperity of martial arts over the years may be exhausted.

Shang Xia said: "This jade disc may be directly related to the token sent by Yuan Cangming. Since Xingyuanwei has been able to use this token, it is probably because they have found the specific location of the Cangyan Realm. They want to use it. Soon, Xing Yuanwei and sixth-order real people from all walks of life will descend."

"We still need time!"

Kou Chongxue thought for a while, then looked at Lu Wuzi and said, "Brother Lu, things have changed, and this sacred artifact that integrates the star observatory and the jade pillar supporting the sky can no longer be given to you, and Tongyou College is still short of one." Dongtian Boundary Monument, what do you think is the original sacred artifact stone pool full of spirit lotus?"

Shang Xia was slightly startled when he heard the words, and opened his mouth to say something, but Kou Chongxue gave him a restraining look, which made him temporarily suppress his thoughts.

If Tongyou College wants to open up caves, three holy artifacts with different functions are indispensable.

However, Tongyou College now has two sacred artifacts, the original sacred artifact and the jade pillar supporting the sky, but it lacks a boundary monument of the cave, so Tongyou Academy will naturally not let go of the boundary monument of the cave in the Cangming Cave.

Lu Wuzi's participation in this battle will naturally have a share of the pie. Since the Dongtian Boundary Monument cannot be given to him, the remaining two holy artifacts must be given to the opponent.

Shang Xia took the initiative to propose that Lu Wuzi share the sky-supporting jade pillar of Runcangming cave, which means that when Tongyou Fudi is promoted to the cave, he must hand over the sky-supporting jade pillar in his hand to the academy.

But the purpose of his initiative was to give the academy one more original holy artifact, and to allow Xinggao Ding to continue to be held by Kou Chongxue.

But who ever thought that the jade pillar supporting the sky in Cangming Cave was actually an observatory?

In this way, Tongyou Academy, which has a part of the inheritance of stargazers and is about to complete the inheritance of stargazers in cooperation with Tianxing Palace, will naturally not give up a complete stargazer.

But in this way, when Tongyou Blessed Land is promoted to Dongtian in the future, the Xinggao Ding must be placed in the secret realm of Dongtian as the original sacred artifact and cannot be moved.

What's more, although the three sacred artifacts that expand the secret realm of the cave are not divided in terms of rank, but in terms of function, before the secret realm of space has not been promoted to the cave, it is obvious that the original sacred artifact has the greatest effect, especially for the Ice Yuanzong. This is especially true for sects that have just been established and haven't even fully prepared their sect's blessed land!

Naturally, Lu Wuzi would not compete with Tongyou College for the star observation platform, not to mention that he would be even more satisfied when he heard that he could get an original holy artifact. He couldn't help laughing and said: "This can be regarded as a surprise. I took advantage of it, ashamed, ashamed!"

Kou Chongxue said sternly: "The three of you and I joined forces to destroy Yuancang.

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Ming, all of these are obtained by everyone's ability, so where is it cheap or not? "

Lu Wuzi bowed his hands to Kou Chongxue gratefully, and then said with a look of Kou Chongxue's only follow-up, "Then what should I do next?"

Kou Chongxue said: "Naturally, it is necessary to speed up the pace of annexing the Cangyan Realm, and expel the middle and high-level warriors on the three major continents to the Northern Chihuang Continent as soon as possible. If not, there is no need to show mercy!"

Lu Wuzi pondered: "I'm afraid it's still too late!"

Kou Chongxue patted Xinggao Ding, which suppressed the entire Cangming Cave, and said: "Kou is here to sit in the town, and you two will go to the places where resistance is still fierce in Dongnuan Yuanzhou and West Wenchenzhou respectively, there is no need to do it." What, don’t take random shots, just act as a deterrent! A smart person who still wants to fight for a chance of life will naturally know what to do.”

Lu Wuzi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Good idea. In this way, there will be no cohesive force for resistance in various places. Even if there are one or two diehards, they will be like a car, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation!"


Xingyuan City Xingyuanwei resident meeting hall.

With a serious expression, Zhuge Xiang threw away a jade token that had been turned into powder in his hand, then looked at the people below, and said: "The secret cave of Cangyan Realm has been breached, no accident, Lingfeng Realm Refused to sell this secret realm that is suspected to be a sky-watching cave."

After the Lingfeng Realm used a large-scale space shuttle to expose a clear trajectory between the stars, Xingyuan Wei and the sixth-level masters from all walks of life quickly captured the location of the void at the end of the teleportation, and naturally The exact location of the Cangyan Realm will be determined soon.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuge Xiang was able to reversely open the token left by the warrior from the Cangyan Realm.

What surprised everyone was that after the token was opened, what they saw was not the Daoist Dongtian from the Cangyan Realm, but the Daoist Kou Chongxue from the Lingfeng Realm, and two other real people from the Sixth Layer Heaven!

The growth of the number of this newly promoted high-level warrior in the spiritual world is really fast!

At this time, there are not only camp owners present in Xingyuanwei's conference hall, but also several unfamiliar sixth-order real people, obviously from all walks of life connected to Xingyuan City.

"Is this the secret realm of the cave sky that has been breached? Isn't the master Dongtian in the Cangyan world too useless?"

A sixth-order real person from Cangyuan Realm couldn't help muttering.

Among the six Cang Realms connected to Xingyuan City, Cangyuan Realm ranks at the forefront in terms of strength and heritage. Before Lingfeng Realm, it is the closest one to the Spirit Realm.

The sudden appearance of the Cangyan Realm made the sixth-level real people in the Cangyuan Realm feel that the opportunity to advance in the world is coming, so they actively participated in the action of finding the position of the Cangyan Realm, but never thought that it was still a step late.

The breach of the only cave in Cangyan Realm, and the death of the only real person in the cave, means that the high-level resistance of the entire plane world has been disintegrated. Even if Cangyuan Realm intervenes again at this time, it may not be possible. would benefit greatly.

"It may also be that the three spiritual masters in the Lingfeng Realm are too strong, or they have mastered some secret techniques against the Dongtian Daoist or the Dongtian Secret Realm."

A sixth-order real person from Linglang Realm also tried to guess.

Liu Jiuzhen gave a "hmm" and said, "There is another possibility that the Lingfeng Realm has an internal response in the Cangyan Realm. Some of you here may not know this. This is the second time that warriors from the Lingfeng Realm have conquered the Cangyan Realm. Yes. Of course, when the Cangyan Realm was invaded for the first time, no real people of the sixth rank were sent out, and it was before the promotion of the Lingfeng Realm."

A sixth-level expert from Lingyu Realm said a little anxiously: "What's the use of saying this now? The top priority is to rush to Cangyan Realm as soon as possible, otherwise everything there will really be eaten up by Lingfeng Realm

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Clean it up! "

"That is a complete Cang Realm. Even if the level of the world itself is not too high, but all of you, in the past hundreds of years, which world has the experience of annexing a Cang Realm by itself?"

Tian Moran glanced at the sixth-level real people in the conference hall, seemingly unintentionally said: "There is a complete Cang Realm as the foundation, and the comprehensive strength of the Lingfeng Realm may not be a new one in a long time. The spirit world, even if it ranks among all the spirit worlds connected to Xingyuan City, will not be low."


When several real people from all walks of life heard the words, they couldn't help showing a bit of sarcasm on their faces: These provocative words are really too clumsy.

Zhuge Xiang coughed lightly, but his eyes fell to the end of the conference hall, and he said gently: "Master Xingying, have you planned a relatively safe shuttle route in the starry sky?"

Traveling through space under the starry sky is not something you can travel at will after knowing the destination.

The boundless starry sky is deep and mysterious, and there may be traps everywhere under the bright starlight, and no one knows where there is danger hidden in the dim void.

The role of a stargazer is not only to find hidden plane worlds or other targets in the starry sky, but more importantly, to be able to roughly plan a relatively safe route through the void after finding the target.

I have to say that the luck of Lingfeng Realm and Cang Realm before being promoted is not bad. The only two starry sky shuttles they have experienced, one to Manyu Continent, is because the distance is very close, even a fifth-order warrior can Start the void shuttle; the other time I went to the Cangyan Realm, because there was a record on the observatory of the Dongtian ruins, and Kou Chongxue only started the void shuttle according to the established route at that time.

Although the specific location of the Cangyan Realm has been found today, if the sixth-order real people from all walks of life want to get there as soon as possible, they still need the stargazer to sort out a relatively safe route to travel through the starry sky as soon as possible, otherwise who can guarantee themselves Won't he get lost in the chaotic void, or plunge into a certain void fault during the shuttle?

However, under the eyes of several sixth-level real people, the foreheads of Xing Xingtian and the two observatories beside him were already covered with a layer of fine beads of sweat, and then stammered: "Return...Report to Wei Lord, the route we just...planned just now is...abandoned!"

"what happened?"

Zhuge Xiang's tone remained calm.

Xing Xingtian's throat was constantly wriggling, showing the tension in his heart, and he said in a harsh voice: "The other party...the other party is interfering with the void outside the sky curtain of the Cangyan Realm, Cang Yan... is 300,000 miles away from the sky curtain of the Cangyan Realm. Within the range, it is no longer possible to open the void channel normally."

A sixth-level real person in the spirit world sighed softly: "The other party is really just a newcomer to the spirit world? Is it really just the first time to conquer a complete plane world in a real sense? How can I feel that the other party is Acting meticulously, with sophistication, is it watertight?"

Several other sixth-order real people in the meeting room couldn't help nodding when they heard the words.

Zhuge Xiang said in a deep voice: "Then how long will it take to re-plan a void shuttle route that is 300,000 miles away?"

Xing Xingtian finally calmed down a bit, and said: "Most of them can rely on the old route, and only need to make changes in the end, about...about two...no, one day!"


Although Zhuge Xiang was still cold and serious, his tone was helpless.

The gazes of several other sixth-level real people from all walks of life in the conference hall touched each other, and then they stood up at the same time and said: "In that case, I will come back later."

After all, the figures of several real people collapsed almost in succession and disappeared into the void in streams of light, but it turned out that the person who was present just now was just the incarnation of the source.

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