Throughout the eight years of Lingfeng's calendar, the entire Lingfeng world has never calmed down for a day.

After finally defeating the joint harassment of sixth-order real people from all walks of life headed by Lingyujie, Lingfengjie began the process of digesting the essence of the Cangyan world.

Earthquakes and mountain-shaking movements that appear in various states from time to time have almost become the norm, and even some sect forces can't handle it for a while, or if they are a little careless, it may lead to volcanic eruptions and floods. Such a catastrophe.

Fortunately, this is a world with extraordinary martial arts, and ordinary natural disasters can be countered by the warrior's own mighty power. Therefore, this did not cause major disturbances in the entire Lingfeng world.

But during this period, it is completely impossible to count how many ordinary people died in various natural and man-made disasters.

And this also includes those ordinary people in the Cangyan Realm, including those who came on starships, and those ordinary people who were originally scattered on the three major continents and survived the space shuttle in the end.

Although this sounds unbelievable, the ordinary people riding on the star boat are at least guarded by the forbidden formation in the boat. Some of them survived.

However, these people were quickly divided up by various forces in the Lingfeng world, and scattered in various regions to make a living by themselves.

Today, Lingfeng Realm is really sparsely populated!

When the two Cang Realms were merged into one, there were many states in the Cangsheng Realm that had not been fully developed. Later, when they were promoted to the Lingfeng Realm, the area and background of each state had changed significantly, and now they have been integrated into the three major parts of one world. Continents, Lingfeng, and various states in the Lingfeng world have increased to varying degrees, but the population has not had time to follow.

Among them, the Youzhou state domain can be regarded as a typical example.

Although Tongyou Academy has used various methods to attract the population inflow from surrounding areas since Tongyou Academy began to rebuild Youzhou, it still cannot change the status quo of Youzhou's sparse population in the end.

Even in the past few years, in order to expand the sphere of influence in Jiaozhou, Youzhou had to reluctantly relocate a part of its population, which made the sparsely populated Youzhou even more sparsely populated.

This time, the three major continents of the Cangyan Realm have been merged. The reason why all walks of life use the Xingzhou to carry the ordinary population of the Cangyan Realm as much as possible is to change the current situation of the lack of population in the Lingfeng Realm, and this belongs to Youzhou. Most positive.

The Dongnuan Yuanzhou, a state that merged into Youzhou together with Cangming Dongtian, was originally located in the core area of ​​Dongnuan Yuanzhou, and it was the most densely populated area.

After decades of assimilation of two or three generations, their descendants will be branded with the brand of Lingfeng Realm from birth, becoming authentic Lingfeng Realm people, practicing the martial arts inheritance of Lingfeng Realm, and finally defending And fight to expand the living space of Lingfeng Realm!

Although the biggest benefits of this battle against the Cangyan Realm have been divided up by the six superpowers in the Lingfeng Realm, the rest of the soup and water have fallen into the hands of various forces, which still welcomes the martial arts forces in the entire Lingfeng Realm. There was a wave of small explosions, and the overall strength improved a lot.

Just like Tianya Pavilion, an overseas sect that had a lot of contacts with Tongyou Academy, seized the opportunity this time.

This time, the various forces in the Lingfeng Realm are dividing up the essence of the Cangyan Realm, and almost everyone's eyes are on the three major continents where the essence gathers.

But in fact, the three worlds

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Although the fragments of the world are mainly composed of three major continents, they actually still include a vast sea area, and there are also some beautiful islands in this large sea area.

Madam Yu, the owner of Tianya Pavilion, took advantage of the time when everyone's attention was on the three major continents, and with the help of Tongyou Academy, successively gathered several large islands with relatively abundant resources in one place. Together, and finally with the help of the sea of ​​origin and underground lava, the entire Tianya Pavilion's years of experience were desperate, and finally successfully built a blessed land secret realm with earth fire lava as the main body!

Although this blessed land secret is relatively different, and the environment dominated by earth fire lava may also affect the martial arts inheritance of Tianya Pavilion, the appearance of this overseas blessed land marks that Tianya Pavilion has truly stepped into the soul. The threshold of Fengjie's first-class sectarian power!

Here, however, I have to talk about the changes that have taken place in the entire martial arts world since the transformation and promotion of the Lingfeng world.

In the past, in this face-to-face world, sects that could have a blessed land and secret realm as their foundation would be called "Holy Land sects".

However, with the completion of the transformation of the Lingfeng Realm and the repelling of foreign invasions three times in a row, the importance of the sixth-order real person has gradually become known to the entire plane world.

Because of this, the faction with sixth-order real people sitting in the town, in addition to the four major Dongtian sects, plus the Tongyou Academy and the newly created Ice Yuanzong, has gradually been distinguished from other sects by the martial arts world of Lingfeng Realm , known as the six super-first-class forces in the Lingfeng world.

And under the six major sect forces with sixth-level real people sitting in the town, the sects with the secret realm of the blessed land in each state are regarded as first-class forces.

But in the eight years of Lingfeng's turmoil, Tongyou Academy was the one that made the most noise.

After a long period of turbulence in the void, and even the entire sea of ​​origin began to make a lot of noise, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia joined forces to finally connect the blessed land and the Cangming Dongtian, that is, Guantian Dongtian, completely. Melted into one.

And from this moment, Tongyou College finally has its own secret cave, and the number of sects in Lingfeng Realm that have inherited the secret cave has also increased to five!

Moreover, the secret realm of the cave, which has been renamed "Tongyou, Dongtian", is actually a fusion of a complete secret realm of the blessed land and a complete secret realm of the cave. accumulated on the basis.

Its starting point and background are much higher than other cave secret realms from the very beginning.

This is also the reason why in this year, the fusion process of Tongyou and Dongtian will be well known in the entire Lingfeng world.

Tongyou and Dongtian may not be as good as Beihai, Weiyang, and Shendu in terms of accumulation, but they are definitely better than Yuanchen School's Xiangyang Dongtian by a lot.

At the moment when Tongyou and Dongtian's Dongtian origin completed transformation, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia saw with their own eyes at least a few complete Yuangang qi, conceived from the Dongtian origin, and then scattered in a certain place in Dongtian In the void.

Even some sixth-order things have already shown signs of breeding in several places in the cave.

Of course, it may take time to actually conceive a sixth-level thing, and even if it is conceived in the end, it may not be something that warriors from Tongyou Academy can use.

But from this point of view, Tongyou and Dongtian have already become different from the very beginning.

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It has proven its importance.

Standing in the middle of a courtyard that was directly moved from the depths of Tongyou and Dongtian, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia stood in front of the Shadow Back standing at the entrance of the small courtyard.

This back of the shadow is actually the boundary marker of the entire cave, and with the help of this boundary marker, one can clearly control everything in the secret realm of the cave.

At this time, the two sixth-level real people were observing all the changes in the secret realm of the cave through this shadow.

"The secret realm of Dongtian has been completed, and the Tongyou Academy is equivalent to hanging the position of a master of Dongtian. Don't you, old man, worry that it will cause turmoil in the academy?"

Shang Xia's words were actually somewhat of a reminder.

Although Tongyou Academy was founded by Kou Chongxue, he has undisputed authority and appeal in the academy, but people's hearts will always change, let alone a shortcut to the sixth heaven, even though this shortcut has such that kind of restriction.

But a sixth-order real person is a sixth-order real person!

This is an existence that can directly change the pattern of the entire Lingfeng world.

"Who do you think is currently in the academy who are qualified to compete for the Taoist Masters of Tongyou and Dongtian?"

Kou Chongxue directly pushed the question back to Shang Xia.

"People who directly aim at the position of the real Dongtian are obviously not allowed. The real Dongtian can only be a helpless choice for those who compete for the sixth-level heavenly warrior."

Shang Xia did not directly answer Kou Chongxue's inquiry, but directly proposed a restriction on becoming a real person in Dongtian.

Kou Chongxue thought for a while and said: "Agreed! Martial arts practice is consistent, and the appearance of Dongtian Daoist may make warriors lose their courage to move forward. This trend cannot be interrupted in the academy! From the beginning, everyone has used the secret of Dongtian to achieve the sixth level. A martial artist with an idea has lost this qualification from the very beginning."

Kou Chongxue asked again: "What else?"

Shang Xia glanced at him and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you have already figured it out in your heart, why do you have to let the disciple speak out?"

Kou Chongxue "hummed" twice, and said, "Slippery!"

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said: "Actually, we don't need to be so anxious. After all, as long as you and I are still here, the cave has already been completed, so why worry about cultivating a third real person? Besides, in the entire academy, there are truly There are not many warriors who are senior fifth heavens, so it's still too early to think about it. Once the seedlings grow, it will take a lot of time and resources to cross the threshold, not to mention whether they can finally cross the threshold."

Kou Chongxue sighed softly, and said: "You have been in seclusion for more than a year, so you don't know much about the outside world. The news from Xingyuan City seems to be that someone from the upper realm has descended secretly."

"Upper Realm?" Shang Xia's heart sank, and he said, "Yuan Realm?"

Kou Chongxue nodded, and said: "There are two void passages to the Yuan Realm in the Xingyuan City Star Station, but we don't know anything about the details of these two Yuan Realms."

Shang Xia thought for a while, and said, "Are you worried about the appearance of people from the upper realm, sent for Guantian? By the way, is the source of the news reliable?"

Kou Chongxue nodded and said, "Huang Yu got the news from inside Xingyuanwei."

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but said, "Huang Yu? He entered Xingyuanwei? How did he do it?"


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