What is the difference between the same fifth-level martial talisman made in the hands of a fifth-level great talisman master in the Wugang state and that made in the hands of a fifth-level great talisman master in the Wuxu state?

Although Shang Xia has advanced to the sixth level now, he can only say that he is still at the fifth level in terms of talisman making.

The production inheritance of the five fifth-order martial talismans he currently masters are the fifth-order substitute talisman, the shifting talisman, the Linyuan Fengxu talisman, the illusion talisman, and the obscuration talisman.

Although he had already made up his mind to try out the fifth-order new talisman, but because of the idea that suddenly came to his mind just now, he still planned to make a few skilled martial talismans first to compare with the ones made in the past.

Shang Xia's first choice is the most valuable substitute talisman among the five fifth-order martial talismans he has mastered. For warriors whose cultivation base is at or below the Martial Gang Realm, it can really be used to "substitute for death". "The treasure, the key is that it can also be triggered temporarily, which is much more precious than the teleportation talisman and escape talisman used to escape.

Although with the transformation of Shang Xia's own cultivation, his talisman-making skills should also improve accordingly.

But maybe it was because he hadn't made a talisman for several years, the fifth-order stand-in talisman failed without any suspense when he tried it for the first time!

Fortunately, Shang Xia quickly adjusted his status, and the second time he made the substitute amulet, it was done overnight, almost without any pause, and the process was like flowing water.

After the production was completed, Shang Xia picked up this martial talisman and looked at it carefully, and compared it with the fifth-order stand-in talisman he made last time in his memory, and soon noticed the difference between the two.

As far as the magical effect of the martial talisman itself is concerned, there is almost no big difference between the two. It is nothing more than that the fifth-order martial talisman made by Shang Xia under the sixth-level cultivation base contains more abundant original energy, which is closer to or Having reached the upper limit of the fifth-order martial talisman, another difference is that the fifth-order martial talisman made with his current cultivation can last longer!

As we all know, after a martial talisman is made, its effectiveness and power will gradually weaken with the passage of time, until it is completely scrapped.

Even if there are measures such as a sealing box for proper storage, it is nothing more than slowing down the passage of the Wufu's own vitality, and it can be preserved for a few more years.

But the same fifth-level martial talisman, after being made by a sixth-level real person, can be preserved for a much longer period of time than that made by a fifth-level martial artist.

In a word, the same martial talisman is made by warriors of different realms, the power of the martial talisman itself is not much different, but the shelf life of the martial talisman made by people with high cultivation is longer!

After trial-produced the substitute talisman, Shang Xia immediately made another one of the moving talisman, the Linyuan Fengxu talisman, the illusion talisman and the disappearing talisman, which once again proved the previous conclusions, but only There were seven of them, and only failed once again when making the occult charm.

At this time, Shang Xia still had thirty-two fifth-order talisman papers in his hands, but in recent years, Tongyou College has collected six fifth-order martial talisman inheritances in and out of the region, namely the Tianmu Thunderbolt Talisman, the Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman, Solidification Talisman, Wanli Pingbo Talisman, Frost Fire Cold Smoke Talisman and Mystery Wanhe Talisman.

Among the inheritance of the six martial talismans, the sky thunder talisman and the frost fire cold smoke talisman are all offensive talismans. After the martial talisman is activated, one talisman will turn into sky thunder and astral energy, and the other will surge with frost, fire and cold smoke. The power is extremely impressive.

The source-breaking talisman is said to be a kind of martial talisman that is quite effective in destroying the restraint of formations. This kind of martial talisman is usually relatively rare, and its value is naturally high.

However, based on the vision and knowledge of Shang Xia's current top talisman master, the effect of this talisman may not be as good as his five-element divine light.

As for the solidifying body talisman, it is naturally a kind of martial talisman dedicated to defense. Its characteristic is that it can form a wall around the warrior's body, which is equivalent to the warrior having double the protective energy, which is also considered extraordinary.

But Shang Xia privately estimated that this talisman's ability to defend against his five-color stellar energy would drop by 30 to 50%.

The Wanli Pingbo Talisman sounds like it has something to do with the water-flowing qi, but in fact this talisman is used to suppress space fluctuations and block the void. Generally speaking, it is to prevent opponents from escaping at critical moments, or to suppress the void After the turmoil, it facilitates the escape of one's own fighters.

The name of the last kind of Mysterious Wan He Talisman sounds very extraordinary, but in fact it is just a fifth-order array talisman with very common uses. Among the talismans, it is the lowest among the five old talismans that Shang Xia has already mastered!

Although the material resources of Tongyou Academy are much richer now, it is only compared to before. Therefore, when Shang Xia started making new talismans, it was easy and then difficult.

However, the production of Xuanji Wanhefu is really not difficult for Shang Xia today. He made it three times in a row, and each time he made it successfully, so he stopped making it.

For the production of the second new type of talisman, he chose the Frost Fire Cold Smoke Talisman based on his experience.

If this talisman is handed over to other fifth-level great talisman masters to make, I am afraid that the difficulty will be extremely high, even among the six new talismans, the difficulty is among the best.

However, for Shang Xia, who is familiar with the concept of the five elements, the most difficult thing to grasp in the process of making talismans is the balance of ice and fire, but it has become the thing he is most sure about.

After wasting a piece of talisman paper, Shang Xia succeeded in the second trial production. After making five times and making three talismans, Shang Xia asked himself that he had fully mastered this key, so he turned his attention to the next martial arts. character making.

In the production of the third new talisman, Shang Xia hesitated for a moment between the Tongyuanfuxu talisman and the solidifying body talisman, and finally chose to trial-produce the former first.

Originally thought that he had practiced the five elements of the natal Yuangang, and had a lot of experience in breaking the restriction of formations. Shang Xia must be handy when he started making the Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman.

However, the reality is not friendly to Shang Xia. It is quite difficult to make this talisman that breaks the void. There were two failures in a row.

This forced Shang Xia to stop writing for a few days to cultivate himself. After many replays and deduction of the production process of this talisman from beginning to end several times, Shang Xia who had cultivated enough energy finally started writing again. It was finally successful after three trials of this talisman.

However, the moment this talisman was made in his hands, Shang Xia felt greatly disappointed.

Sure enough, as he expected, although this talisman has the effect of breaking the formation restriction, it is obviously not as prominent as Shang Xia expected, and it cannot be compared with the five-element divine light that he evolved with the five-element natal qi .

However, the Five Elements Divine Light is Shang Xia's unique method at least for now. For other warriors, I am afraid that Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman is one of the few that they can find that has a special effect on breaking the prohibition of formations. means.

This made Shang Xia involuntarily have the idea of ​​creating a new fifth-order formation-breaking and ban-breaking martial talisman.

If the formation-breaking ability of the Five Elements Divine Light can be incorporated into the martial talisman to create a new kind of martial talisman, the effect of breaking the formation prohibition may be several times stronger than that of the Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman.

Although the Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman is very weak in Shang Xia's eyes, for the purpose of honing the talisman-making technique, he still used seven Wufu Talismans to complete the production of three Tongyuan Breaking Void Talismans.

The next step is the making of the Ninggang solidifying body talisman. At this time, there are still 17 fifth-order talisman papers in Shang Xia's hand.

The making of this talisman is simpler than the Tongyuan Breaking Void Talisman, and Shang Xia's process of making this talisman also seemed to be uneventful, and the three successful talismans eventually used up six pieces of talisman paper.

At this time, four of the six new talismans that Shang Xia was going to trial-produce had been completed, and there were only eleven pieces of fifth-order talisman paper left, which was not much different from his initial estimate.

However, between the Tianmu Leigang Talisman and the Wanli Pingbo Talisman, Shang Xia chose to make the former first.

Although the thunder gang exploded, for Shang Xia, who has a strong ability to control the gang energy and has a deep understanding of the power of thunder and lightning, the danger caused by failure in the process of making the talisman is much smaller.

Sure enough, there was a lot of noise in the process of making this talisman, but in fact it did not cause too much hindrance to Shang Xia. In the end, he also used six pieces of talisman paper to make three new talismans. When the luck is not too good during the production process.

Although the remaining Wanli Pingbo Talisman was very difficult to make in Shang Xia's opinion, he now has five pieces of Talisman Paper in his hand, which is probably enough for trial production.

Unexpectedly, there was another mystery hidden in the production process of this talisman. Shang Xia accidentally failed two trial productions in a row, and he didn't even have a clue about the reason for the failure.

This forced him to calm down, and spent several days pondering over the making process of this talisman before he vaguely realized that something had been overlooked by him!

Is it divine perception?

This talisman not only suppresses the turmoil in the void, but also completely seals off the void in an area, prohibiting the void from traveling...

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Shang Xia's mind, and he suddenly understood: Domain! No, no, it's the prototype of the domain!

The essence of this martial talisman has actually touched the power of the domain.

This talisman is really just a Tier 5 Martial Talisman, not a Tier 6?

Shang Xia suppressed the doubts in his heart, and after careful consideration, he found that in order to make this talisman successfully, the talisman master himself needs to have an understanding of the nature of the domain.

And warriors have begun to get in touch with the essence of the domain. In fact, it does not mean that the realm of martial arts must reach the level of the sixth heaven. In essence, it already has the prototype of the domain!

In other words, this martial talisman is indeed a fifth-order martial talisman in essence, but if the talisman maker's own martial arts cultivation has not reached the fifth-order Dacheng or Dzogchen realm, and if he has an essential understanding of the embryonic form of the domain, then this one He couldn't make the martial talisman no matter what.

This is a rare talisman that has requirements for talisman masters in the realm of martial arts!

After finally figuring out the essence of this martial talisman, Shang Xia started making this talisman again. After another failure, he finally succeeded in making this talisman for the fourth time.

But then, when he used the last talisman paper to make the Wanli Pingbo Talisman, he failed again.

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