Xingling Pavilion, Xingchen Avenue, Xingyuan City.

When Shang Xia stepped into Xingling Pavilion again, Zhou Mingdao who got the news immediately ran down the stairs in a hurry.

"Xingling Pavilion merchant Xia Peng is shining!"

As Zhou Mingdao walked quickly, he bowed his hands to Shang Xia far away, with a very humble attitude.

I think back when Shang Xia came to Xingling Pavilion for the first time, although Zhou Mingdao was with him, the two of them were equals, and Shang Xia still took advantage of the newly promoted Lingfeng Realm, but even so, at that time When Zhou Mingdao introduced the various trading items of the Xingling Pavilion to him, his words were somewhat showing off and looking down.

Although the current scene is not considered to be pretentious and respectful, it is a fact that the attitude is completely different.

But even so, Shang Xia would not be arrogant because of the change of his status, but smiled very politely: "Vice Pavilion Master Zhou, Mr. Shang is here to bother you again this time."

"Where, it's too late for Zhou to welcome you!"

Zhou Mingdao welcomed Shang Xia to the sixth floor of the Xingling Pavilion, and after serving the high-quality spiritual tea, he said: "Please wait a moment for the real Xiaoshang, and then go to inform the pavilion master. If the pavilion master knows that the real Xiaoshang is coming, he will surely Very happy!"

Shang Xia took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Vice Pavilion Master Zhou, please do what you want!"

Zhou Mingdao cupped his hands, then turned around and hurried out.

Not long after, Shang Xia's eyes flickered slightly, and then he heard a hearty voice from outside the guest room: "Little Shang Zhenren, Tong has been waiting for you for a long time, why is it so late?"

The door of the guest room was pushed open, and a second-rank real person with a smile on his face but a dignified appearance, and a slightly chubby figure walked in. His eyes fell on Shang Xia for a while, and then he laughed. He said: "I have admired Xiaoshang's real name for a long time, but this time I have met a real person."

Shang Xia hurriedly stood up and said, "Don't dare! Master Tong is too polite!"

The two exchanged a few pleasantries and sat down again.

Master Tong Yutang, the owner of Xingling Pavilion, cut to the chase and said, "Realist Xiaoshang came here in person this time, and the talisman that Tong asked for has been found, and the next thing is to see the means of Master Xiaoshang."

Shang Xia saw that the other party was so direct, so he stopped beating around the bush and asked out the doubts in his heart: "Shang has always had a question, and that is the size of Xingyuan City and the relationship between it and all walks of life. With a good relationship, there are probably a lot of sixth-level masters that I can know and come into contact with, but why did Pavilion Master Tong only find Shang? You know, when Deputy Pavilion Master Zhou found Shang, Shang was just A fifth-level talisman master, and has never had experience in making sixth-level martial talismans."

Tong Yutang immediately laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Tong expected that this question has been puzzled by the real Xiaoshang for a long time, right?"

Shang Xia nodded seriously and said: "Yes! I mentioned it to Vice Pavilion Master Zhou before, but Vice Pavilion Master Zhou was vague and didn't answer directly. He only said that after Shang met Pavilion Master Tong, he would naturally have an answer."

Tong Yutang gave a "hmm" and said, "Vice Pavilion Master Zhou didn't say it because even he himself didn't know. The sixth-order martial talisman that the old man asked Xiaoshang Daoist to make is actually a sixth-order martial talisman that was secretly handed down by me in Xingyuan City." Array."


Shang Xia frowned, and said with doubts: "It's just a formation talisman?"

You must know that among the martial talismans of all levels, the formation talisman has the lowest production threshold!

But if it's really a sixth-order formation talisman, why should Xingling Pavilion be so mysterious?

However, Tong Yutang nodded solemnly, and said: "It is indeed just a formation talisman! But this formation talisman is different from the ordinary sixth-order formation talisman. It is a secret unique to my Xingyuan City, and it is even said that it was mastered by me. The inheritance left by me when Xingyuan City was first built is unique to my line of Xingyuan City."

If it is a talisman, this may

It can explain why the other party dared to directly invite Shang Xia, who was only a fifth-level talisman master at that time, to make talismans.

After all, according to the common sense of talismans, formation talismans are usually the easiest to make among all levels of talismans.

But this can't explain all the doubts in Shang Xia's heart.

Shang Xia asked again: "Since it is the Xingyuan City's secret formation talisman, how can it be easily handed over to outsiders to make it?"

Tong Yutang smiled "haha", looked at Shang Xia and said, "How does the real little Shang know that the talisman he made is a complete secret talisman?"

Shang Xia was stunned, a little puzzled and said: "What Tongge mainly made is only a part of the sixth-order formation talisman?"

Having said that, Shang Xia felt a chill in his heart.

If what Shang Xia was responsible for making was only a part of a sixth-order array talisman, then he had to wonder whether Tong Yutang knew nothing about the making of martial talismans.

This method seems to be able to ensure that the method of making martial arts is not leaked to the greatest extent, but in fact it is completely nonsense.

The ways, styles, taboos, and some secret methods of making talismans are different for each talisman master, and the more skilled the talisman master is, the stronger his personal unique style will be. It is completely impossible to imitate.

A martial talisman is half made by one talisman master, and the remaining half is made by another talisman master, so the success rate of this talisman must be lower than the average success rate of the two.

Moreover, the rate of decline in the success rate of the talisman becomes lower as the grade of the talisman produced becomes higher.

This is just two people making the same martial talisman relay. If it is replaced by three, four, or even more people, then the success rate of this talisman will only become more and more horrible.

Tong Yutang knew that Shang Xia had misunderstood, but he seemed to have scruples, so he murmured.

Seeing this, Shang Xia said, "If Master Tong has something to hide..."


Tong Yutang hurriedly waved his hands and said, "That's not the case. Don't misunderstand Xiaoshang."

Then, Tong Yutang said again: "Actually, the sixth-order formation talisman secreted by me in Xingyuan City is not only different from the ordinary sixth-order formation talisman, but also divided into several types, each of which can form a separate talisman, but they are different. But when they are combined together, they can play some kind of incredible effect!"

Speaking of this, Tong Yutang raised his gaze to Shang Xia, and said in a deep voice: "The real Xiao Shang is responsible for one of these secret sixth-order formations. Of course, Xiao Shang Before making this talisman, the real person has to make a martial oath, promising that the inheritance of this talisman will not be leaked, let alone passed on to others."

"This is what it should be!"

Shang Xia was suddenly enlightened, but he also wisely didn't ask how many kinds of this secret sixth-order formation talisman existed, let alone which talisman master was in charge of making each type.

He just cupped his hands and said: "Since this is the case, then Shang should do his best! It's just..."

Seeing Shang Xia's knowledge and interest, Tong Yutang was sure, so he smiled and said: "It's just something, Xiaoshang just say it clearly."

"It's about the promise made by Vice Pavilion Master Zhou, especially the deal with the magic weapon grade talisman pen!"

After all, Shang Xia smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Don't be afraid of Pavilion Master Tong's jokes. After all, Lingfeng Realm is a newcomer, and his background is superficial, and Tongyou College, which I belong to, has no family background. I am a quasi-sixth-level college student. The talisman master doesn't have a decent talisman pen in his hand, but he had to lose three high-grade talisman pens in a row to make a sixth-rank martial talisman."


Tong Yutang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said, "Xiaoshang really has a successful experience in making sixth-order martial talismans?"

Shang Xia gave a wry smile and said:

"A few days ago, someone sneaked into the secret cave of the Tongyou Academy where I was located. I think Pavilion Master Tong already knew about it."

I'm afraid that such a thing has already been spread as a joke in the more than ten seats of the world with Xingyuan City as the central hub. How could it be possible that Tong Yutang, a high-level Xingyuan City, would not know about it?

Tong Yutang smiled "haha" and said: "This should be the work of the fourth-rank Shangzhenjuxiang real person in the upper realm of Yuanhong. After hearing that this Wenshangzhen has advanced to the fourth-rank 'Daohe' realm, he can make himself feel better." Being between the virtual and the real, he can easily pass through the sky of the plane world without being known by others, but he still cannot escape the suppression of the original will of the world... Well, this matter has nothing to do with the sixth-order martial talisman made by the real Xiaoshang. What's the matter?"

Shang Xia kept the news revealed by Tong Yutang, especially the name "Wen Juxiang", in his heart, but on the surface he showed an expression of not caring, and said with a wry smile: "Actually, I am making the sixth-order martial arts. In the process of testing the talisman, I accidentally discovered that my own cave has been hidden by people from outside the land."

"I see!"

Tong Yutang laughed loudly and said, "That's to congratulate Daoist Xiaoshang for successfully advancing to the sixth rank of talisman master. I'm really disrespectful, disrespectful!"

The status and status of a sixth-rank real person who is a fifth-rank great talisman master himself and a sixth-rank real person who is a newly promoted sixth-rank great talisman master are different.

It's like saying that before Shang Xia and Tong Yutang were both real people of the second rank, they could still get along with each other on an equal footing, and even Shang Xia would pay three points of respect to each other because of his age, but now Shang Xia has become a real sixth-rank great talisman master , the person who speaks with a bit of respect will become Tong Yutang, the master of Xingling Pavilion.

Shang Xia quickly laughed and said: "It's just luck, it's just barely made it once, it's still far, far away!"

The two were polite, and Tong Yutang said boldly: "Although the talisman pens of the magic soldier level are precious, there are also one or two in the Xingling Pavilion. In this way, after the talisman making work is over, the real Xiaoshang can just send someone Just contact Vice Pavilion Master Zhou."

Shang Xia immediately cupped his hands when he heard the words, pretending to be grateful and said: "So, I have to thank Pavilion Master Tong."

The two of them said a few more polite words, and then Shang Xia asked again: "I don't know if the array talisman I made this time is just one or more?"

Tong Yutang said in a deep voice, "It's seven! The old man needs at least seven!"

"That's it!"

Shang Xia didn't respond immediately, but pondered slightly.

Seeing this, Tong Yutang asked: "Why, what is the real Xiaoshang hiding?"

Shang Xia said "Oh", smiled embarrassedly, and said: "To tell the truth, Pavilion Master Tong, my skills are rough at present, even if I get the production inheritance of the formation talisman from the Pavilion Master, I am afraid that it will take a lot of money to deduce it in the early stage. It will take a few months, and then it will be hand-made. During the period, there may be waste talismans, recovery of vitality, replay deduction and perfection, etc. After the completion of seven sixth-order formation talismans, even if everything goes well, it may take a year and a half or even more than two years. For such a long time, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Xingling Pavilion forever."

These words said that Shang Xia originally thought that Tong Yutang would use various reasons or promise some benefits to persuade him to stay in Xingling Pavilion to make talismans.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his words fell, Tong Yutang laughed and said, "Xiaoshang's words made Tong feel relieved a lot. It can be seen that Xiaoshang and Wu Fu have real abilities together!"

Amidst Shang Xia's stunned expression, Tong Yutang continued to smile and said, "But Daoist Xiaoshang, don't worry, even if you want to stay in my Xingling Pavilion, Tong will still persuade you to go out frequently and travel to and from Lingfeng Realm." .”

Shang Xia was stunned when he heard the words, but after a while he realized, "Pavilion Master Tong, you don't want outsiders to know that I am making talismans in Xingling Pavilion?"

Tong Yutang nodded with a smile, his eyes were filled with deep meaning: "This one, Daoist Xiaoshang will also be included in the Martial Arts Oath!"

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