"Master Lan, save me quickly!"

Zhu Zhenren, whose breath was chaotic and whose copies were exhausted, was overjoyed when he saw Lan Zhengfeng's unique shooting star flying away from a distance, and couldn't help calling for help from thousands of miles away.

However, Lan Zhengfeng, who was riding a meteor-like escape, did not respond. On the contrary, the speed of flying escape was faster. It seemed that he also realized that Zhu Zhenren's situation was not good, and was eager to join him as soon as possible.

The two sides were already heading towards each other, and the distance of thousands of miles was only a few blinks and breaths for two sixth-order real people, and the two were already close at hand.

The streamer of light surrounding Lan Zhengfeng's body suddenly surged, it looked like a round of great sun traversed the void, and the scorching flames were about to create a solar storm in the void.

Zhu Zhenren was overjoyed immediately when he saw this, and at the same time, he did not forget to shout: "Master Lan, save me quickly, the person who sneaked into this world is behind me, this person took advantage of my unpreparedness to sneak attack and seriously injured Master Yan!"

But after all, he was going to act in front of a third-rank real person. Although Zhu Zhenren looked anxious on the surface, but seeing that the other party was ready to go, he still had to make some preparations with a guilty conscience.

But Immediately Zhu Zhenren will feel lucky that he is on guard secretly.

The oncoming Lan Zhengfeng gathered his momentum to the extreme, and a shooting star came out and turned into a real shooting star. However, the object of the collision was not Shang Xia who was chasing up from behind Zhu Zhenren, but the one who was close to him. Zhu Zhenren is close at hand!

Not good, exposed!

Zhu Zhenren was panicked, but luckily he had been prepared, seeing the meteor getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, Dian Guang, who was rushing forward, changed direction and retreated with all his strength in an instant. The confluence of Shang and Xia.

At the same time, Zhu Zhenren still did not forget to exclaim and ask: "Master Lan, why is this so?"

However, Lan Zhengfeng on the opposite side didn't respond to Zhu Zhenren's shouting at all. On the contrary, the original aura carried by the meteor hammer became stronger by three points.

Zhu Zhenren is still not sure, Lan Zhengfeng must have known the fact that Yan Wujiu was attacked and killed by him and Shang Xia jointly, and it must be that the original light flame transformed by Yan Wujiu was intercepted by Lan Zhengfeng after he escaped , if there is no mistake, Yan Wujiu must have deliberately carried the truth of his being attacked and killed in every source of light.

With his mind spinning, Zhu Zhenren, who already understood that the calculation had failed this time, did not make any cover up. While flying back, he directly asked for help: "Shang Zhenren, please help Zhu a certain arm quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, the void meteor had pierced through Zhu Zhenren's original domain.

At this time, Zhu Zhenren didn't care much, and directly threw the thunderbolt in his hand with all his strength.


A sound of gold and iron exploded in the void, and Lei Zhendang was immediately bounced away, and after the meteor hammer was shaken away many aura sparks, and after a little delay in mid-air, although it looked a little dim, it Still perseveringly, he hit Zhu Zhenren.

Just when Zhu Zhenren was ready to condense the power of the source and resist the meteor with his fleshy palms and arms, Shang Xia, who was catching up behind him, finally made a move!

Shang Xia is indeed deliberately pushing for a break between the local faction and the Feisheng faction in the Lingfu world, but it doesn't mean that he wants to blindly weaken the strength of both parties.

The reason for the breakup between the two parties is that they do not want to give the Feisheng faction more time to prepare, but as soon as

The reason for helping Zhu Zhenren from time to time is because of how powerful Shang Xia and even the local real people from the Lingfu world will explode at home.

This kind of experience, the real people in Lingfeng Realm have already had a deep understanding when they faced Lingyu Realm, and the joint invasion of Lingyu Realm and other worlds several times before.

Therefore, every time after the event, the real people in the Lingfeng world have reached a consensus. Facing the plane world of the same level, the fault is either that the other party has changed internally or has three times the strength of the other party. Direct crushing, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to lightly start the war.

This internal change in Lingfu Realm is a good time for Lingfeng Realm to take advantage of the fire.

Behind Zhu Zhenren, Shang Xia threw the sacred stone stick without hesitation.

The stone stick directly pierced through the void, and after passing Zhu Zhenren, it directly collided with Lan Zhengfeng's meteor hammer in the void.

All of a sudden, the originally silent void became even more silent. A void distortion wave visible to the naked eye was centered on the collision of two weapons, twisting and spreading to the surroundings. Under the expanding and distorted circular ripples.

The space distortion has not yet calmed down, and the void is still turbulent, but it can no longer have any impact on the three real people in the void.

Shang Xia Dunguang directly broke into the area where Lan and Zhu were fighting, spread out his original domain, directly calmed the turbulent void, and at the same time actively joined Zhu Zhenren's domain to jointly resist the collision of Lan Zhengfeng's original domain, Even quickly counterattacked and confronted the opponent.

At the same time, a stone stick and a meteor hammer in the void are also fighting for the front. The essence is that the stone stick, the holy weapon supporting the sky jade pillar, is better than the magic meteor hammer in terms of rank, but the origin of controlling the meteor hammer Strength is outside the third rank, so the two weapons are still comparable.

But at this moment, from the depths of the void where the three of them were fighting, suddenly there was a weak void wave coming from the connection, and the direction was exactly where the star beast's lair was.

Help from Lingfeng Realm is here!

Zhu Zhenren showed joy on his face, and shouted: "Shang Zhenren, you and I need to join hands to entangle this person. When the help from the noble world arrives, we will join hands to surround and kill this person, so that the local faction will lose a foundation!"

Why Shang Xia didn't know this, but he sighed slightly in his heart. The entry of real people from this world meant that the strength of Lingfeng Realm was exposed in front of the real people from Lingfu Three Realms.

As for Lan Zhengfeng, he immediately turned around and left without hesitation.

One Shang Xia is enough to entangle with him, and with the addition of Zhu Zhenren, the two have even gained the upper hand in the confrontation with him.

If the opponent's helping hand enters the arena again at this time, then Lan Zhengfeng has no doubt that he will die here today!

As the second expert among the real people of the local faction in the Lingfu world, he cannot die here. He needs to return to the Lingfu world as soon as possible, and pass back the news that the Feisheng faction colluded with foreign forces to rebel!

However, how could Zhenren Zhu and Shang Xia let him escape so easily?

Once Lan Zhengfeng really returns to the spirit world, with the blessing of the original will of the world in the local plane, it will be very difficult to kill this person!

There is no need for Zhenren Zhu to remind, Shang Xia took the initiative to break the connection with Zhu Zhenren's original domain, and in the golden-red thunderbolts that tore through the void, his figure has already circled behind Lan Zhengfeng, forming a front with Zhu Zhenren After the attack from both sides.

At about this time, the sixth-rank real people of Lingfeng Realm descended one after another from the void passage of the star beast's lair. While the others were still making some adjustments, one of the second-rank real people had already attacked first, and rushed towards Shang Xia waited for the location of the three-person battle to arrive.

There is no doubt that the helping hand from Lingfeng Realm has already noticed the war happening here at the first time.

At this time, under the siege of Zhu Zhenren and Shang Xia, although Lan Zhengfeng was at a disadvantage, he still had the power to fight back, but once another second-rank real person joined...

Lan Zhengfeng made a decisive decision, and an illusory figure peeled off from his body, and an original avatar with sixth-level combat power rushed towards Shang Xia the moment it separated from the main body.

This is the time to use the self-destruction of an original incarnation in exchange for oneself to get out of the whole body!

Without even thinking about it, Shang Xia threw out the last sixth-order "Vacuum Forbidden Mahamudra" martial amulet in his hand.

The power of this sixth-order martial talisman may be in the lower middle of Shang Xia's judgment on the quality of the sixth-order martial talisman, but its own power to restrain the original power of the warrior's virtual realm seems to be restrained by the original incarnation!

Therefore, Lan Zhengfeng did not hesitate to consume the original incarnation stripped from the original source of the Void Realm, and before he blew himself up, most of his power was blocked by this martial talisman.

Although the remaining power is still enough to tear the void, it is enough to kill a few five-layered heavens, but it can't hurt Shang Xia at all.

Shang Xia even ignored the turmoil in the void caused by the original incarnation who had lost most of his original power. The real body of the deity went straight to the center of the self-destruction, but happened to see Lan Zhengfeng who was about to retreat after forcibly repelling Zhenren Zhu by forceful explosion !

At this time, because of the stripping of the original incarnation and the outbreak of the original power, the third-rank real person in the Lingfu world is at a time when the old power has just disappeared and the new power is not yet born. Naturally, Shang Xia will not let go of this god-given opportunity and reach out for a holy weapon The stone stick hit Lan Zhengfeng head-on!

At this time, Lan Zhengfeng was startled by Shang Xia's ignorance of his original avatar self-explosion. Seeing the blow coming from the air, he reluctantly summoned a meteor hammer to parry.


A pitch-black void collapsed suddenly appeared in the void, and then gradually turned into chaos.

However, after Shang Xia and Zhu Zhenren, who had just been beaten into an extremely embarrassing situation, walked around this chaotic area from left to right, Lan Zhengfeng's figure had only a light spot left in the void, but the light From a distance, it seems that there is a touch of bright red blood lingering on the surface.

"he is hurt!"

Zhu Zhenren coughed lightly, his face looked a little ugly, and said: "But let him run away!"

Shang Xia ignored the strong sense of regret in Zhu Zhenren's tone, and just asked: "How is Zhu Zhenren's injury?"

Zhu Zhenren was shocked when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone: "Fortunately, it's just that the origin of the virtual realm has been a little turbulent. Hmph, it's impossible for Lan Zhengfeng to win me with just one move."

Shang Xia smiled and didn't care about the truth or falsehood of Zhu Zhenren's words, but turned his head to look into the depths of the void behind him.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhenren also turned around to look, but in the process, he opened the distance between Shang Xia and Shang Xia without a trace.

A beam of sword escape pierced the void and landed in the void not far from the two of them. Kou Chongxue's figure flashed out of it, and his eyes collided with Shang Xia's for a while before falling on Zhu Zhenren who was beside him, and then said with some regret : "It seems that the old man is late!"

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