"It's useless to talk too much!"

Yan Huayi said in a deep voice: "You have been preparing in secret for a long time, now that you have decided to do something, I think it can't be calmed down by a few words from the old man, then we will see the real chapter under our hands!"

Yan Huayi knew very well that the Feisheng Sect had recruited martial artists from the Lingfeng Realm as foreign aid, and even Lan Zhengfeng was almost severely injured by the opponent.

However, from the fact that Lan Zhengfeng was able to escape from the ambush set by the other party, and informed the Feisheng faction through the void that the Ascension faction had decided to split, Yan Huayi was also sure of one thing, that is, the masters who came to help from the Lingfeng world were also missing. How much must there be.

Yan Huayi, who once had the experience of conquests with the spirit world, knew very well what a powerful advantage the local real person with the home court would have when facing the invasion of foreign forces.

Therefore, even though he was angry and annoyed when he heard that Lingfeng Realm was about to intervene in the internal affairs of Lingfu Three Realms, he did not panic.

From Yan Huayi's point of view, no matter how well-prepared the real people of the Ascension Sect are, as long as they can't pass their level, then everything will be in vain!

As the number one master in the Lingfu world, Yan Huayi, whose cultivation base has reached the fourth-rank Taoist realm, although he is a real person in Dongtian, the range of his combat power can completely include the two realms of Cangyou and Canghui!

After all, the worlds of Cangyou and Canghui are too close to the world of Lingfu!

Even if the Ascension Sect recruits foreign forces to intervene, even if they set up an ambush to injure Lan Zhengfeng, as long as he can suppress all the masters of the Ascension Sect before all the unfavorable factors come, then the Lingfu Three Realms will still be safe. It will be Lingfu Three Realms!

When Yan Huayi was about to make a move, he seemed to be integrated into the original will of heaven and earth in the spirit world.

Although the so-called Dao Hejing is only a small part of the will of heaven and earth that warriors can integrate into and leverage, when Yan Huayi activates, no matter whether it is the real person Yunhu or the real person Menghan, what the two seem to be facing at this moment is The repulsion and suppression of the original will of the entire Lingfu world!

"The old man has always turned a blind eye to your small actions. Originally, with the passage of time, the degree of integration between the three worlds has continued to deepen. You will give up those delusional thoughts, but you never thought that you would really dare to take this step!"

As Yan Huayi's voice rose, he relied on his own power to suppress the real person of the digital Ascension faction instead of falling down: "Brother Yunhu, I am curious, what are you going to use to resist this old man, you take this step Where is the confidence?"

voice still

, Yan Huayi already has an extra paintbrush in his hand, using the will of heaven and earth as guide, the power of heaven and earth as ink, and the void of sky as silk.

With one stroke, it's like opening the sky!

Immediately, Master Yunhu and Master Menghan felt as if they were in the world created by other people's paintings and writings. Their joys, anger, sorrows, joys, sorrows, joys and separations were all manipulated by others, so they themselves had to be the marionettes.

If the other party is allowed to manipulate like this, I am afraid that it will end in tragedy if it is not a second-rank real person and a third-rank real person.

However, at this moment, Master Yunhu's body, which was originally as stiff as a puppet, suddenly moved, and the teapot held in his palm suddenly flew up, as if it had suddenly escaped from the void that Yan Huayi had placed in the void. The picture scroll, it seems that the events transformed in his pen have come true!

The paintbrush that was about to brush the ink suddenly paused in mid-air, Yan Huayi's eyes fell on the teapot with some surprise, and said: "Well, it turns out that your teapot is actually a sacred artifact!"

But just as Yan Huayi finished speaking, the teapot suddenly poured into the air, and a stream of turbid water immediately flowed down from it.

And at the moment when this cloud of turbid water poured out, the entire void outside the sky of the Lingfu Realm was filled with the source of heaven and earth so thick that it was almost suffocating, but Yan Huayi who was above the sky But his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "The origin of heaven and earth in the spiritual world!"

As the plane world that once invaded the three realms of Lingfu, the Lingkong Realm was eventually destroyed by the three realms. And all the original essence of the Lingkong Realm itself, except for those that were wasted, spilled, and annihilated during the war, the rest are all It should be swallowed up by the Three Realms.

Who would have thought that not only was there still a pot of pure essence of the spirit world in the hands of Master Yunhu, there was not even a trace of it being refined or contaminated with other foreign objects, it can be said to be extremely pure!

The original essence of the world itself is the foundation of the will of the heaven and earth in the plane world, and the pot of original essence of the spiritual world collected by Master Yunhu also contains a ray of the remaining will of the heaven and earth in the spiritual world!

As the leader in destroying the spirit world, the will of heaven and earth in the spirit world and the original will of heaven and earth in the spirit world are naturally hostile.

If it is inside the Lingfu world, even if the pot of original essence and a wisp of the will of heaven and earth in the teapot of Daoist Yunhu is exposed, it may only be the fate of being swallowed and fused by the huge original will of heaven and earth in the spirit world.

But this is outside the sky of the Lingfu world, and the will of the world in the Lingfu world that Yan Huayi can pry is only a part of it.

That's all.

Therefore, when the turbid water in the teapot turned into the origin of the heaven and earth in the spirit world, and the will of heaven and earth contained in it burst out, the part of the will in the world of Lingfu that Yan Huayi pried out instantly lost control and turned around. And formed a confrontation with the original essence of the spiritual world and the will of heaven and earth!

Not only that, because most of the original will of the world that was pried and controlled was out of control, which directly caused Yan Huayi to suffer backlash.

Although Yan Huayi suppressed the injuries caused by the backlash by relying on his fourth-rank cultivation and his powerful virtual origin, he no longer had the energy to suppress Yunhu and Menghan.


Yan Huayi looked at the real Yunhu who broke free from the suppressed void scroll, and said as if gnashing his teeth.

Back then, the spirit world was breached by the Three Realms, and the original essence of a face-to-face world was exposed to warriors of the Three Realms. A gluttonous feast-like carnival came, and the essence of the entire world was divided up by the Three Realms.

Most of the benefits naturally fell on Lingfu Realm, and Cangyou and Canghui Realms only lost some leftovers.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, people from the two worlds should cherish the hard-won exotic essence even more, and those gains should be fed back to their own plane world as soon as possible.

But who would have thought that Master Yunhu would actually do the opposite, instead of integrating the plundered exotic origin and the will of heaven and earth into the Canghui Realm, on the contrary, it has been hidden for dozens of nearly a hundred years, and it has not been revealed until today. The profoundness of his mansion can be seen from this!

"If it wasn't for expecting today, why would the old man do this?"

Master Yunhu responded nonchalantly, and immediately launched a counterattack with Master Meng Han.

The original essence of the pot of spiritual space and the wisp of the will of heaven and earth, even if carefully preserved by Master Yunhu, can still play a role after nearly a hundred years, and Master Yunhu has no idea how long it can last I don't know how serious the backlash caused by Yan Huayi is.

What the two of them can do is to counterattack as much as possible to buy as much time as possible for the real people on the Feisheng faction side when Yan Huayi's own combat power is obviously weakened. Intervene in the battle situation in time.

At the same time, when Yan Huayi on the sky was plotted by Master Yunhu and Master Menghan together, among the 22 states in Lingfu Realm, the Kyushu in the west and northwest, At the same time, great battles broke out in various important positions!

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