Everything in the world of ruins, together with the starship of Xingyuan City that was riddled with holes, was reduced to ashes.

Under such circumstances, it is not known whether the Xingyuan Guard Fleet that arrived could find anything useful from it.

At this time, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia had already embarked on the journey to return to Lingfeng Realm with the surrendered Tier 4 Grand Master.

Because of bringing one more person with them, the schedule of the two of them will obviously be delayed a lot.

However, during this process, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia got a lot of useful information from this surrendered fourth-tier formation master.

The name of this fourth-tier formation master is Gu Qing, and he is a formation mage who wandered from a foreign land to Xingyuan City. Now that he has surrendered, there is no need to hold back Kou and Shang. Said everything he knew.

According to this person, after he entered Xingyuan City for a period of time, he was secretly recruited by an underground force in Xingyuan City because his identity as a Tier 4 grand master was exposed.

Afterwards, he was sent to the ruined world to assist a sixth-order grand master in the arrangement of the "refining the origin and returning to the void and returning to the original formation".

This "refining the origin and returning to the void and returning to the original formation" is the huge formation located in the center of the ruined world that Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia saw at the beginning.

To be precise, that huge formation is actually only the core part of the complete "Refining Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin Formation".

It was just that after the function of the large formation was completed, some valuable formation equipment was dismantled and recycled, and the remaining formation was only used to continue to use the waste of the ruined world to squeeze out its waste. Just the last drop of value.

"Which part of the recovery equipment is the ones in the starship cabin?"

Shang Xia asked impatiently.

However, Gu Qing's answer made Shang Xia feel regretful: "The main function of that starship is to recover the source crystal, and finally bring all of us back. The array equipment carried in the secret cabin is only a small part. , the most valuable part of the utensils has already left with Mr. West Valley at the beginning."

"Is Mr. Xigu the sixth-rank formation master? He is also from Xingyuan City?" Kou Chongxue asked hastily.

However, Gu Qing still shook his head and said: "Mr. Xigu's attainments in formations are impressive, but this person is extremely mysterious and never shows his true face to others. I have worked under him for the past few years, but I don't know his specific identity at all. I don’t know if this person is also from Xingyuan City.”

Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia exchanged glances, and Shang Xia continued to ask in the end. At the same time, he temporarily put aside other details, but asked directly: "What is the purpose of this 'Refining Origin Returning to Void Returning Formation'?"

Gu Qingdao: "I am limited by my own formation skills, although I can't see the whole picture of this formation, I can vaguely judge that this formation is extremely vicious, and it should be used to squeeze all the original essence left in the ruined world, as well as the last ray The dormant will of the world is then infused into the body of high-level warriors to help them break through the bottleneck of their cultivation."

Shang Xia was immediately refreshed when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Then, has this formation been successful after it was launched? I mean, did any high-level warriors break through their cultivation at that time?"

Lu Qing nodded and said: "The time should be more than half a year ago. After the formation was launched to the extreme, it seemed that a sleeping grand will suddenly woke up. My cultivation was not good. I was completely shocked at that time, and then there seemed to be a loud roar. came, and then someone laughed out loud

, and then passed out completely. After I was awakened by someone, some mysterious warriors in the world of ruins had already left, and I was ordered to dismantle the formation. In the end, only the formation platform where part of the core was located was kept, which was used to make the world of ruins last. He refined his original essence into a middle-low grade source crystal, and later met two of them. "

"As for the big man who roared and laughed maniacally, he probably got what he wanted, otherwise he wouldn't have laughed so recklessly."

Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia both nodded their heads when they heard the words. Gu Qing's words were well-organized and logical, and as a formation master, his judgment would not be wrong.

That is to say, the mysterious martial artist that Kou Chongxue discovered that day is suspected to be Tong Yutang, the master of the Xingling Pavilion, and it is very likely that he has successfully advanced to the fourth rank of the Wuxu Realm.

This naturally proves that the so-called "Refining the Origin and Returning to the Origin Formation" established with the help of the ruined world, which can help third-rank warriors break through the bottleneck of fourth-rank Taoism, is established.

After confirming this point, Kou Chongxue's attention returned to the fourth-order formation mage.

Regardless of whether the mysterious warrior is Tong Yutang or not, just because he was able to secretly gather huge manpower and material resources for several years and arrange a huge and mysterious formation like the "Refining the Origin and Returning to the Void and Returning to the Origin", it is enough to explain this. A person and the huge forces behind this person are not simple.

At least for now, neither Tongyou Academy nor the Lingfeng Realm where Tongyou Academy is located are willing to confront such a powerful high-grade warrior and the huge forces behind him.

And Gu Qing, the fourth-rank martial artist in front of him, may be the only flaw that exposes Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia!

At the moment when Kou and Shang fell silent at the same time, Gu Qing realized something after a while, and immediately fell on the ground, saying: "I still have some uses, I would like to remain anonymous, and I would like to imprison myself. I also ask the two seniors to stay in the next life."

Shang Xia looked at Kou Chongxue, but the head of Tongyou Academy smiled.

Seeing this, Shang Xia asked: "You said you wandered to Xingyuan City from a foreign land, so what is your origin? And what kind of method did you wander to Xingyuan City? If we don't even know your real origin , how can I trust you?"

Gu Qing heard the vitality from Shang Xia's words, and quickly said: "I come from a plane world called the Canghuan Realm. Later, the Canghuan Realm was raided by star thieves, and I was captured by the star thieves at that time. Because I know a thing or two about formations, I was lucky enough to survive in the hands of the Star Thieves, and then hang out with that group of Star Thieves who call themselves the "Tongjie Gang". Later, the Tongjie Gang was confronted by several nearby Under the joint encirclement and suppression of the world, while fleeing in all directions, the starship where I was on broke into a void passage opened by a high-level star beast. After finally getting rid of the pursuers, we were chased and killed by a star beast again, and we rushed in with our heads covered. Now, although I got rid of the star beast in the end, I was completely lost in the starry sky. At this time, because the starship itself was seriously damaged, we were almost at the end of the rope, but at this time, civil strife broke out inside the starship , directly destroyed this last habitat. In desperation, several martial artists with cultivation bases above the fourth level and I had to wander in groups. Desperate, but I never thought that I would meet Xingzhou who was patrolling Xingyuan City, so I was rescued and brought back to Xingyuan City."

Although there are still many things that need to be scrutinized in the experience that Lu Qing said, there are even many things that even

It was the first time Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia had heard about it, but what Shang Xia valued most was another question.

"Do you know which battalion and team of Xingyuanwei saved you during the patrol?"

Gu Qing recalled it for a while, and said: "I remember that the person on the Xingzhou at that time was the third team of the seventh battalion of Xingyuanwei. The team leader's name was Zhou Sidao, and he was a master of the fifth heaven."

"Zhou Sidao?!"

Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia exchanged glances indiscriminately, but this name forced them to associate with Zhou Mingdao, the deputy head of Xingling Pavilion.

"Then did Xingyuanwei ask about your origin? After you were sent to Xingyuan City, did you still meet Xingyuanwei?" Shang Xia asked again.

"Under such circumstances, in order to survive, I naturally dare not easily reveal the fact that I was a star thief. I only said that I was chased and killed by my enemies, and I escaped into the void channel opened by the star beast in a hurry, and was chased and killed by the star beast. Lost in the void." Gu Qing replied.

"Then have you confided to them the truth about yourself as an array mage?" Shang Xia asked again.

"Of course I said it," Gu Qing replied: "After all, it was because I knew the way of one or two formations that I won my life from the star thief, and now I naturally have to show my usefulness first. , in order to get the other party’s attention.”

Speaking of this, Gu Qing said embarrassingly: "Unexpectedly, the other party just smiled after hearing that I was a fourth-tier grand master, and didn't seem to care. I didn't know until I was sent to Xingyuan City What is a frog at the bottom of a well who doesn't know the vastness of the world, and it really doesn't matter to the next fourth-tier grand master there."

When he said this, Gu Qing's expression also showed a bit of admiration.

He didn't stay in Xingyuan City for a short time, and was secretly sent to the ruined world after being recruited by mysterious forces, but even if he knew about Xingyuan City during that time, he also knew that such a powerful and prosperous center of power, surrounded by even bigger There is no living space for star robbers and star beasts in the void in this area, and there is no living space for star robbers and star beasts. Compared with the plane world where I originally made my voice, it is simply a world of difference.

"Seniors, what's wrong with Zhou Sidao and his guards?"

Lu Qing finally realized that now is not the time for him to be dazed and sigh. At this time, his life is still under the control of others, and his mind changed, and he finally noticed something along the line of Shang Xia's inquiry.

Shang Xia smiled and said: "It's nothing, there are still many rough places in your narration. After you can go back, you need to start from the Canghuan Realm and write down your growth and experience in detail. Afterwards, hide your name and put all your energy on restoring the 'refining the source and returning to the void and returning to the original array'!"

"Yes, I must write it down in detail next time, I dare not miss anything..."

Gu Qing hastily agreed, but after a long while, he suddenly realized that the two people in front of him had already let him go, and his life was saved, so he hurriedly thanked him loudly.

After more than ten days like this, Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia quietly returned to Lingfeng Realm with a formation mage who was not high in cultivation but had rich experience under the starry sky.

At the same time, what Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia didn't know was that because of the two of them, there was an undercurrent surging in Xingyuan City, and some drastic changes seemed to be brewing at an accelerated pace.

It started in November, and the new monthly ticket asks for monthly ticket support!

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