Shang Xia watched the starships return from the outer space one after another in the academy. Many starships carried a large number of aura stones transformed from the bodies of star beasts.

"What are you looking at?"

Those who can notice the existence of Shang Xia are at least the masters above the fifth heaven in the academy.

A figure jumped out of the returning starship and flew directly to his side. It was Chu Jia, who was the academy's most hopeful to be promoted to the sixth-rank Grand Formation Master.

Shang Xia was surprised and said: "You also participated in the battle to encircle and suppress the star herd? You don't have to go."

Chu Jia's expression was serious, and he said coldly: "What do you mean, look down on me?"

Shang Xia waved his hand, noticing the circulation of her energy, and tried to ask: "It is also for accumulating achievements, in exchange for Yuangang Qi or Yuangang essence from the academy? But you are about to succeed in arranging a sixth-order defensive formation for the academy. , there are not many people in the entire academy who can compare with you for such achievements, right?"

Chu Jia is the second martial artist in the entire Tongyou Academy to advance to the fifth heaven through the method of complete five elements. Therefore, Shang Xia is extremely sensitive to her aura, and in front of Shang Xia, Chu Jia has never had to hide it. .

Moreover, after Chu Jia succeeded in advancing to the fifth heaven, the title of the realm of the fifth heaven was also called "Five Elements Realm" by Shang Xia, not the "Wu Gang Realm" as others called it.

Compared with Shang Xia's generation of Tongyou Academy's elite fighters, Chu Jia advanced to the fifth heaven later.

But this does not mean that Chu Jia's martial arts aptitude is weaker than theirs. On the contrary, because of the intensive study of the Five Elements Dao system, she has accumulated a deep foundation before entering the Five Elements Realm, which enables her to step into the Five Elements Realm. After the fifth heaven, his own cultivation has undergone a process of rapid improvement.

However, because she followed the path of Shang and Xia with complete five elements, before completing the accumulation of the five natal Yuan Gang, no matter how many Yuan Gang essences he refined that belonged to the five elements, at least in the eyes of others, Chu Jia What is shown is a state of cultivation that has just entered the fifth heaven.

Of course, Chu Jia's aura can confuse others, but it can't hide it from Shang Xia.

Shang Xia could clearly sense from Chu Jia's body that the five-element primordial qi in her body had completed four rounds of smelting the five-element primordial essence, a total of 20 five-element primordial essences.

Calculated according to the exchange ratio between the complete heaven and earth Yuan Gang Qi and Yuan Gang essence, Chu Jia has now equivalent to completed the refining of two natal Yuan Gangs.

The speed of progress in this level of cultivation has been comparable to that of Yan Ming.

Of course, the actual situation cannot be generalized from this. Chu Jia is a fifth-tier grand formation master. With his natal Yuangang and five elements in place, he can do many things in advance that a grand formation master who has just entered the fifth heaven is unable to do at all. .

Just as she is now able to see the clues of a sixth-order great formation master with her first entry into the fifth heaven, this was almost unimaginable before.

However, when Shang Xia mentioned the essence of the Five Elements Yuangang, Chu Jia, who was originally full of anger, suddenly became discouraged.

"You are more familiar with the cultivation method of five elements. Every time you smelt the essence of Yuangang, you must find all five strands of Yuangang essence corresponding to the attributes of the five elements. A single strand of Yuangang essence with a certain attribute is easy to find, but you have to think about it." It's very difficult to gather a complete round of five-element Yuangang essence. What's more, when you distinguish the five-element Yuangang essence, you also specifically defined the yin and yang for me. Although some Yuangang essence belongs to the five elements, I just can't use……"

Chu Jia complained in a low voice beside Shang Xia.

Shang Xia said with a smile: "Why, do you regret taking the path of complete five elements?"

Chu Jia rolled his eyes at him, and said: "That's not true, but I have to go through your door first, and after the stargazer at the observatory has successfully located it, remember to collect some useful ones in the star beast lair first." Heaven and Earth Yuan Gang!"

"It's not a big problem!"

Shang Xia first agreed, and then asked: "Why, are there many martial artists in the academy who are currently trapped in the lack of Yuangang Qi and their cultivation has stagnated?"

Chu Jia thought for a while, and said, "Actually, there are more people who want to break through to the fifth heaven after their cultivation has reached the fourth level of mastery, or even the fourth level of perfection!"

Shang Xia nodded, and then said: "By the way, can these aura stones obtained from the body of the star beast speed up the completion of the academy's defensive formation?"

Shang Xia knew that Chu Jia's formation skills seemed to have reached a critical point, and she might just need some kind of opportunity. Once this kind of opportunity came, she might be able to overcome the final bottleneck and achieve a great success. A Tier 6 Grand Formation Master.

And this kind of opportunity may be that she can take out the five-element ring of the Dao Divine Weapon from the defensive formation of Tongyou Academy without affecting the rank and normal operation of the formation.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jia spread his hands helplessly, and said: "Although this process can be accelerated, a considerable part of these aura stones may be used in the recovery of the 'refining the source and returning to the void and returning to the original formation'."

Shang Xia frowned, but didn't say anything else, and instead asked, "What kind of Yuangang essence do you need to collect in the star beast's lair?"

Chu Jia thought for a while, and said: "My fifth round of five-element Yuangang essence is short of a ray of fire-element Yuangang essence, and my sixth round is only short of two strands of Yuangang essence of fire element and wood element. Also lacking these two, as long as you find three strands of fire element and two strands of wood element, a total of five strands of Yuangang essence, I will be sure to push the refining of my original origin all the way to the seventh round."

Upon hearing this, Shang Xia suddenly had the urge to turn around and leave because she didn't really want to talk to this woman.

Just at this moment, a beam of light condensed entirely from starbursts rushed out of the sky in Youzhou, and irradiated towards a certain direction in the depths of the void.

"Hey, it looks like I found it!"

Shang Xia's gaze directly penetrated the barrier of the sky, and saw the beam of light that appeared directly above the sky.

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly looked back towards the south as if he felt something, and then took a step forward, leaving an original incarnation on the spot.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Jia knew Shang Xia very well, so he asked immediately when he saw this.

Shang Xia shook his head and said: "If someone comes to invite you later, let him go instead of me. Now you go and control the Five Elements Ring and wait for me to come back!"

Chu Jia knew that something must have happened, and immediately moved towards the core formation of Tongyou Academy's defensive formation in a flash.

At this time, Shang Xia's true body has long since disappeared, and when he reappeared, he has already arrived at the observatory.

"Have you found the location of the star beast lair?"

As soon as Shang Xia appeared, he asked directly.

"found it!"

Yuan Qiuyuan responded with a bit of residual excitement on his face, but he immediately thought of something, and then said: "But it's a bit strange, it seems that other stargazers have noticed us."

Unknowingly, the stargazers of Tongyou College have begun to be headed by Yuan Qiuyuan.

"Tianxing Pavilion?"

Shang Xia asked a question as a matter of course on the surface, but he already had some guesses in his heart.

"It's not Tianxing Pavilion!"

Yuan Qiuyuan said categorically: "They also tried to intervene at the beginning, but we have always been faster than them in taking the initiative, but the strange thing is that they were blocked by someone later, and the person who blocked them must be a stargazer, and their strength should be Above the Tianxing Pavilion."

Shang Xia frowned, glanced at Xin Lu beside him, and asked again: "Did the people who blocked the Tianxing Pavilion continue to attack?"

Yuan Qiuyuan himself was puzzled and said: "This is the strange place. With the means of stargazing displayed by the other party, they must have discovered us after blocking the Tianxing Pavilion, but the other party did not seem to make a move, as if they deliberately made a move. Didn't notice our appearance."

Shang Xia smiled, and when he was about to say something, Xin Lu who was beside him spoke.

"Except for us and the Tianxing Pavilion, the stargazers from the Xingyuan City Observatory should have intervened later. The reason why they didn't stop us after blocking the Tianxing Pavilion is that Senior Brother Xiao recognized us when he was tracking us. identity."

What Xin Lu said made Yuan Qiuyuan feel a little astonished.

But Shang Xia was not surprised, because just before he entered the cave, he had already discovered Xing Xingtian who descended on Sanhe Island through the void passage.

"It's not too late, you guide the direction, I'll go there first!"

Shang Xia probably already guessed what Xing Xingtian wanted to do when he came to Lingfeng Realm. Although he didn't want to have a quarrel with Xingyuanwei because of this, if he could make a smooth time difference, he might not be able to say what.

After all, Shang Xia, who has become a high-quality real person, is really qualified to try some kind of bargaining with Xingyuanwei.

Following the guidance of the star light beam from the observatory, Shang Xia successfully found the location of the void passage opened by the star beasts when they descended in the depths of the void.

Following the track left by this void passage, locate the coordinates of the star beast's lair in the starry sky, and Shang Xia can trace the way they came to find out the star beast's lair.

"Keeping this starlight beam well will make it easier for me to come back!"

Shang Xia left a sentence, and then directly broke through the space and went to the depths of the void.

At the same time, the news of Xing Xingtian's arrival in the Lingfeng Realm has been known to all the sixth-rank real people, and even the high-level leaders of the major sects have received the news, and some people have even guessed the possibility of Xing Xingtian's arrival. It has something to do with Tongyou Academy attracting a herd of star beasts.

A secret communication talisman to summon the sixth-order real people to gather came to Tongyou College, and fell directly into the hands of the original avatar left behind by Kou Chongxue.

At this time, the original incarnation looked up at the direction of the depths of the void guided by the star beams as if aware of it at this time, then smiled as expected, and then stepped out a few steps and came to the sky.

When the original incarnation arrived, most of the real people in Lingfeng Realm had already arrived, but Xing Xingtian's eyes were always on Shang Xia, and not only Xing Xingtian, it seemed that all the real people in the dojo looked at him There was a bit of weirdness in their eyes.

"It turns out that the head of the criminal camp came to this world, Shang came late, disrespect, disrespect!"

The original incarnation ignored the gazes of others, and cupped his hands towards Xing Xingtian.

Seeing this, Xing Xingtian quickly returned the gift, and then said curiously: "I have admired the real name of Xiaoshang for a long time, but now Xing is no longer the leader of the seventh battalion, but has been demoted to the leader of the second team of the first battalion. It's just that ...The real Xiaoshang seems to be very familiar with me, have we met before?"

The Yuanyuan incarnation smiled and said: "Although we have never met each other, how can we not know the figures and appearances of the camp leaders of Xingyuanwei?"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the two seemed to have become acquainted like old friends for many years.

When the last sixth-level real person, Lu Wuzi, came from Bingzhou, he looked at the original incarnation with a look of surprise, and said, "Xiao Shang, you are the original incarnation? Why do you look like you are about to have a second-rank level Is it possible that Gaopin Daoist's original incarnation will also improve his cultivation?"

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