Shang Xia suffered a great setback when he made the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" before. After using up more than ten pieces of sixth-order talisman paper, he only completed two Chengfu, and most of them relied on luck.

Until now, Shang Xia has not fully understood the production method of this "Wanyun Feixia Talisman".

However, after Shang Xia failed to make this talisman with other sixth-order talisman papers, he suddenly realized a problem, that is, Wan Yunhui might still have some reservations about making the "Wanyun Feixia talisman", but The object to keep is the five sixth-order talisman papers he is holding in his hand at this time.

These five pieces of sixth-order talisman paper are exactly the same as the ten pieces of talisman paper that Shen Chongshan provided him to make the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman".

At first, Shang Xia didn't pay attention to it, but later realized that these fifteen pieces of sixth-order talisman paper might not only be better in quality than the regular sixth-order talisman paper, but these should be specially made for the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" "The special talisman paper can greatly improve the success rate of making this talisman.

Shang Xia was able to succeed twice by luck without fully understanding the production process of this talisman. It may be that there is a reason for this special talisman paper.

Of course, this is not to say that other sixth-order talisman papers cannot be used to make "Wanyun Feixia Talisman", it can only be said that the success rate must be much lower.

However, if Shang Xia can use these five special talisman papers to thoroughly understand and master the process of making the "Wan Yun Feixia Talisman", maybe even without the special talisman paper, he can guarantee a certain success rate!

It's just that there are only five opportunities!

Putting aside all other distracting thoughts, Shang Xia put all his energy into making the five "Wan Yun Fei Xia Talisman" after letting himself go.

At present, Shang Xia's production process of this talisman has exceeded 90%, but as the saying goes, "travel a hundred miles and a half to ninety", he is currently going to dig out the last 10% bottleneck little by little.

It's just that shortly after Shang Xia started the trial production of the first martial talisman, reality hit him hard.

The production of this martial talisman has just exceeded 50% completion, and Shang Xia wasted an opportunity because of a mistake.

Fortunately, Shang Xia has quite a lot of experience at the moment, and the unfavorable start of the teacher did not damage his spirit much. After adjusting his state, he quickly devoted himself to the making of the second martial talisman.

This time it went smoothly, and the completion of the martial talisman reached 90% directly, and the next step was to enter the real critical moment.

Shang Xia's writing power, eyesight, and heart power have almost been forced to the extreme by him. As delicate and subtle runes are drawn on the tip of the pen, the degree of completion is also moving forward little by little.

Finally, due to the unbalanced control of one detail, the runes on the entire martial talisman collapsed one after another, and finally this production still ended in failure.

But at the moment when the talisman was completely annihilated, Shang Xia also saw the function of nesting and echoing with many previous talismans from the talisman that failed to control.

Not only that, but at the moment when the talisman was the first to annihilate, Shang Xia also accurately learned from the five functions of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" at present: defense, flying escape, concealment, floating, and mustard empty. Get a glimpse of the sixth major effect - load bearing!

This is an effect that is extremely difficult to be noticed by people, or people may confuse it with "floating".

But this is also an extremely practical effect.

And after Shang Xia found out the last function, the obscure feelings that I encountered in the process of making this talisman disappeared in an instant!

Shang Xia understood that he finally understood the ins and outs of this talisman, and he was also sure that this talisman has no other effects except these six major functions!

However, more importantly, in a sense, Shang Xia has been able to try to split the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" with confidence at this time, and combine each of the six major functions of this Talisman Split it out and turn it into six high-level martial talismans!

Not to mention the other high-level martial talismans separated from the six paths, the martial talisman that only symbolizes the three major functions of defense, concealment, and emptiness must be the sixth-level martial talisman!

And this time the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" has been thoroughly analyzed successfully, and the benefits brought to Shang Xia are not limited to this, but more importantly, the sublimation of the Talisman-making technique at the last moment.

Although Shang Xia at this time may not have crossed the threshold of the seventh-level great talisman master, at least he is already the top talisman master standing below the threshold of the seventh-level great talisman master!

Perhaps because of the excitement brought about by finally taking full control of this talisman, Shang Xia devoted himself to the third production of this talisman without much rest.

Perhaps it is because of the aftertaste after the successful analysis of this talisman just now, this time the production process of the "Wanyun Feixia talisman" made Shang Xia feel extremely transparent, and even the time to complete the talisman was shortened by two or three times compared to the previous two times. God, finally let him make this talisman successfully for the third time.

So far, Wan Yunhui's final expectation for Shang Xia has finally been fulfilled.

However, Shang Xia obviously won't be satisfied with this, but he still learned the lesson from the previous episode, and didn't try to continue making talismans. Instead, he deliberately cultivated for a few days before starting the fourth "Wanyun Feixia talisman" make.

But even if Shang Xia has thoroughly analyzed and thoroughly understood the production process of "Wan Yun Fei Xia Talisman", it does not mean that he can make it successfully every time.

This time the production obviously ended in failure.

A few days later, Shang Xia started to make the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" on the last piece of special talisman paper.

Perhaps it was because the expectation of the three "Wanyun Feixia Talismans" of Wan Yunhui had been completed, Shang Xia felt unprecedented transparency and relaxation all over his body at this time, and even faintly felt that the last time he made the Talisman would probably be successful .

Sure enough, Shang Xia was completely in the mood from the moment he started to write. Halfway through the outline of the runes, the long-lost state full of inspiration suddenly came in a way that did not have any warning in advance.

It took less than nine days before and after Shang Xia completed the production of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" this time, and it was also the fourth longest Talisman he successfully produced.

However, at this time, the state full of inspiration has not disappeared, but he no longer has the special sixth-order talisman paper made by Wan Yunhui in his hand, and Shang Xia took an ordinary sixth-order talisman paper to continue making.

Perhaps it was really because of the difference between the ordinary sixth-order talisman paper and the special talisman paper. This time, it took Shang Xia a total of eleven days to complete the production of this talisman before the end of the inspirational state.

Although it was due to the special status, the production of the "Wanyun Feixia Talisman" this time also proved that this talisman can be successful without special talisman paper.

After the two "Wanyun Feixia Talismans" were successfully made, the state full of inspiration dissipated, not because this special state lasted for a short time, but because the production time of high-level martial arts is getting longer and longer. .

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