Shang Xia roughly collected a few things from the two dead members of the Chinese Rose Society, and left in a hurry.

After entering the stone room, I got three things: the array map, the water-proof beads and the floating stone. During the period, I heard the members of the three-month quarterly meeting outside the stone room discussing about capturing the phantom spirit beads. the back of the head.

It wasn't until Fu Chenshi and members of the Three-Month Season Club mentioned it by chance that Shang Xia suddenly thought of checking out those spoils.

However, when taking out those few things, Shang Xia couldn't help complaining that he really should find a way to get a storage item.

Even if Qiankun Dai has swallow velvet in his hand, he can't count on it for the time being.

Even a Jinyun box is good!

The three small cloth bags, as long as they heard the "squeak" sound inside, Shang Xia would know what they were.

Put the silver dollars and companions inside together, fifty or sixty silver dollars plus dozens of companions are enough to make a small pile.

Shang Xia simply put this pile of silver and copper objects on top of the stone pavilion in the stone room. Anyway, no one will find it for a while, and it will save him from making a big noise while walking with a lot of coins. come out.

But then again, these silver dollars and copper plates were originally just items of equivalent value used by Tongyou Peak for trading and circulation, but were later used by Siling Mountain to imitate them, and even directly led to private exchanges between the two forces in the two realms.

Afterwards, these coins spread from Tongyou Peak to Tongyou City again, and now they are even used by the Rose Festival. It seems that this currency is quite popular.

In this way, the roles of the silver pits and copper mountains occupied by Tongyou Peak in the Battlefield of the Two Realms are becoming more and more important.

Apart from these coins, there are not many things that can enter Shang Xiayan.

That guy named Ouyang Fengxuan has three extraordinary materials on his body.

Among them are two second-order materials, one is called black jade beard, and the other is called silver scale sand.

Shang Xia is no stranger to Moyuxu. He heard from Shang Quan that Moyuxu itself is not a rare thing, but it is a high-quality material for making second-order talisman ink.

The entire body of this black jade whisker is like ink, and the surface is as bright as jade. Although the weight is not very large, it is enough for him to use it for a long time if it is used to make talisman ink.

As for the silver scale sand, although Shang Xia is not very familiar with it, he heard that it is a special product of the Two Worlds Battlefield. It is an indispensable auxiliary spiritual material, which is very valuable.

What Shang Xia likes most is this kind of valuable material.

However, the value of these two second-order materials is nothing compared to the value of the third material.

The grade of this third Extraordinary material has truly reached the third grade!

Unfortunately, Shang Xia did not know such third-order materials.

However, he was able to judge through a Gu Yuan Talisman attached to the surface of this material, that this black-looking thing, like an iron bump, must be a third-order Extraordinary material.

Shang Xia once heard from Shang Quan that Extraordinary materials above the third level often have some kind of spirituality or activity.

If you want to take this thing away from its original place and preserve it for a long time, you have to use special means to imprison this kind of spirituality, which is actually to protect it.

Otherwise, over time, the spirituality or activity of these extraordinary materials will slowly lose, which will eventually lead to a decline in the quality of the item.

Putting away these three extraordinary materials, Shang Xia's eyes fell on the animal skin paper he got from Dongfang Mingrui again, and his eyes lit up immediately.

What is recorded on this animal skin paper is a complete set of second-level advanced formulas. The name of the formula is Fuchensan, which was used by grandfather Shangbo to make a final comparison with Qingzhuosan!

This is really a coincidence!

Although Shang Xia had guessed before, when the complete recipe appeared, he still felt a little happy.

Although Shang Xia has now advanced to the Martial Extreme Realm, he no longer needs this formula, and the Qingzhuosan he himself uses may not be worse than Fuchensan.

But such a formula, which has been perfected by the Zhu family for hundreds of years, itself represents the foundation!

Whether it is placed in the family or handed over to Tongyou Academy, it will eventually be transformed into a part of the overall strength improvement.

What's more, whether it is the family or the Tongyou Academy, they will definitely be interested in the unique inheritance of the Zhu family. In this regard, Shang Xia naturally does not have to worry about being treated badly.

After a general look at this set of second-level advanced formulas, it can be seen that the main medicine of the advanced formulas is floating stones.

However, unlike Qingzhuosan, the advanced main medicine of Fuchensan is only Fuchenshi!

In other words, the floating stone itself takes into account the opening of the light and heavy poles, and this is what Shang Xia is really interested in.

After Shang Xia advanced to the Liangyi Realm, he also understood the comprehension of other Wuji Realm warriors in the two extremes.

Most warriors' understanding of the way of the two poles is only in the balance of the two poles. The fusion of the two poles is unimaginable to many warriors, let alone the transformation of the two poles.

But the Fuchen Stone itself is indeed a symbol that can integrate light and heavy poles into one. Shang Xia doesn't know whether the Zhu family has already known it, or even understood the true meaning of the fusion of two poles, but once this set of formula is made public, it will definitely give Some dedicated warriors have a new understanding of martial arts.

When putting away this formula next to her body, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Shang Xia's heart.

Although the Liangyi Yuanqi in his body can theoretically cover everything, and he can easily transform the Liangyi Yuanqi between ice and fire, hardness and softness, and virtual reality, can he now also use the uniqueness of the floating stone to complete the two What about the transformation of Yiyuan Qi between light and heavy poles?

Reminiscent of his previous performance of injecting anode and cathode vitality into the pumice stone, he felt that his idea should be feasible.

It turns out that this matter is really not too difficult. After Shang Xia injected the Liangyi vitality into the floating stone again, and continuously fused and transformed it, he quickly completed the transformation of the Liangyi vitality to the source of light and heavy. That kind of bipolar way is completely integrated into his way of Yin and Yang.

Well, it seems that in addition to continuing to search for a set of swordsmanship inheritance of the two extremes of ice and fire, the inheritance of swordsmanship of the two extremes of light and heavy is also on the agenda.

I always feel that the more I know about the two poles, the deeper my understanding of Liangyi yin and yang will become, and the swordsmanship supernatural power "Liangyi Qiankun Sword Formation" that he wants to accomplish in the Liangyi realm seems to be on the way. It is becoming more and more difficult, even a little far away.

After successfully completing a small sublimation on the road of martial arts, no matter what, Shang Xia still felt happy.

At this time, he suddenly found that the movement outside the stone room suddenly disappeared, and he could no longer hear the conversations among members of the three-month quarterly meeting.

Shang Xia hurriedly approached the door of the stone room and listened carefully, but there was still no movement.

However, Shang Xia did not rush out of the stone room, for fear that there would be a trap outside, but continued to stay in the stone room patiently.

The only worry is that he is afraid that there will be a celestial phenomenon in the middle of the moon at this time, so that even if he hides in the stone room, he will definitely be exposed.

However, thinking about what the three of them said before, once the moon rises to the sky, the phantom spirit orb will appear as a body; once the phantom spirit orb is captured, and the position of the central array can be determined through the phantom spirit orb, Shang Xia can't help but think of something.

I saw him pull out the array scroll from his sleeve again, and then he didn't unfold the array directly, but slowly infiltrated the vitality in his body into the scroll.

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