The tenth day of the sixth month of the Shenwu calendar.

Shang Xia came to Tongyou Academy early in the morning and rushed to join the supply team of the Academy's Guards Department.

At this time, the supply team of the hospital's health department was already handing over to the people from the warehouse department, moving the materials in the warehouse to the carriage.

"Hurry up, don't you guys eat?"

"It's a pain in the ass to move something, if you really want to go to the Battlefield of the Two Realms, you're going to die!"

"Every piece of waste snacks, we are really unlucky to meet you oily bottles!"

"I don't know what the academy thinks. Everyone is reluctant to use any strength. If you are really in danger during the transportation, don't expect us to rescue you, just wait for death!"


Before the Shang Xia people arrived, they heard harsh shouts and curses from a distance.

Out of curiosity, Shang Xia couldn't help speeding up a few steps.

In front of the warehouse door, sixteen students from room C of the outer dormitory were carrying a large bag of supplies out of the warehouse one by one, placed them on the cart at the door, and trotted back to the warehouse.

Whenever someone took a beat too late, the people next to him would immediately yell at them!

Although none of these sixteen students had advanced to Extraordinary, they were all strong in energy and blood, and naturally there was no shortage of strength in their bodies. Naturally, it was not too difficult to carry these materials.

But being humiliated by the scolding one after another in their ears, they were naturally angry in their hearts, and their faces turned red, but they dared not speak out.

Not far away, on several carriages already filled with supplies, more than a dozen hospital health workers sat and lay on them in various postures, watching the students coming in and out, shouting loudly, one by one A look of pleasure appeared on his face.

The moment Shang Xia's figure appeared, he was noticed.

But these people only pretended that they didn't see him, but they cursed more vigorously, and even their voices became a little louder.

"You students from the outer dormitory, don't think that once you have the qualifications to enter the inner dormitory, you can call yourself a college student!"

"Tell you, if you haven't experienced the fighting between the two worlds, you are just a bunch of stinky shit!"

"Even if it is advanced to become an extraordinary warrior, it is still a pile of stinky shit!"

"Probably a pile of shit that a dog can't smell!"

"Not even qualified to be cannon fodder!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Shang Xia couldn't help laughing when he heard these harsh voices.

He could even notice that those health care workers who were yelling at the health care workers in Room C glanced at him from time to time.

Pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, this is coming at me!

Do you want to show me off?

On the contrary, Shang Xia felt a bit of anticipation in his heart.

So, with a smile on his face, Shang Xia opened the folding fan in his hand with a "shua", and Shi Shiran walked towards the warehouse door.

At this time, the yelling and cursing of the health department staff changed again.

"Do you bastards feel very aggrieved and unhappy, do you really want to smash your fists in our faces?"

"Haha... Come on, come on, we can't wait, you cowards!"

Shang Xia had already approached the warehouse door at this time, smiled and glanced at the sweaty classmate who was carrying a large bag of supplies like an ant, and then jumped on the shaft of the cart without the slightest sympathy, and also sat in the pile On the roof of the car full of supplies.

Shaking the folding fan in his hand, Shang Xia's eyes flickered with a hint of teasing, obviously saying that I am just watching a play, please continue your performance...

The students carrying supplies didn't notice this, but they noticed that the hospital health staff who were spraying at them suddenly fell silent as if they were being strangled.

However, before these students realized what was going on, the people from the hospital's health department began to spray again, but this time the voice sounded colder and harsher.

"Every newcomer who comes to the Academy's Department of Defense to practice must go through this test. What we want is for you to recognize your position and let go of your previous dignity. In the battle between the two worlds, there is only life and death!"

"This is the newcomer's rule, everyone must abide by it, no one can be an exception!"

Shang Xia could notice that those members of the Academy's Department of Security were secretly glancing at him more and more frequently.

In any place, it is inevitable that there will be bad habits of bullying newcomers.

Tongyou College has regulations, but all students in the internal dormitory must practice in the hospital's health department.

In times of crisis, the hospital health department even has the power to temporarily recruit students from the inner dormitory.

It can be said that the entire Tongyou Academy's inner dormitory students can be regarded as the reserve of the Academy's Department of Guards.

Although the sixteen students in Room C successfully passed the assessment of the outer dormitory, they will officially enter the inner dormitory after the semester starts in August.

But strictly speaking, when they pass the assessment of the outer house, they are already qualified to enter the inner house.

The people from the hospital's health department formally grasped this point, and deliberately carried supplies to entertain these newcomers.

Of course, these are just superficial pretense, and the real target is probably aimed at Shang Xia.

Shang Xia just laughed secretly, took out a silver jug ​​from his cuff, and poured it into his mouth beautifully, with a satisfied expression on his face.

The elegant fragrance spread out immediately, and Baihualu already has the effect of promoting body fluid and quenching thirst.

Those students from the hospital health department kept yelling and cursing, their mouths were already a little dry, and the sun was rising and the weather was getting hotter. , not to mention the students in room C who came in and out of the warehouse.

Soon, because of the smell of Baihualu, the students who were carrying the supplies found Shang Xia, the head of the foreign house who was also sitting on the roof of the big car, with a relaxed appearance.

Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality!

Shang Xia nodded slightly. If he didn't become the target of public criticism, he would feel sorry for some people's deliberate plans.

Soon, Shang Xia found out that under the gesture of the eyes of a hospital health worker, a third room student suddenly threw the supplies on his shoulders to the ground, pointed at Shang Xia's face with "sorrow and anger" and said: " Didn't you say that this is the rule for newcomers, no exceptions? How can he not have to carry supplies?"


Shang Xia spent all his time watching the development of the situation, but turned a deaf ear to this classmate's clamor.

This method, the traces of artificiality are too obvious and too clumsy.

The sanitation officer who pointed his eyes at him suddenly jumped out of the carriage, pointed at the speaker and shouted sharply, "Zhang Wei, are you going to rebel? Pick up the things on the ground!"

Someone took the lead, and the rest of the dozen or so students in Room C also put down their buddies one after another, rushed to the warehouse door, and stood behind Zhang Wei who took the lead.

Because of this, Zhang Wei became more courageous, and said loudly: "You dare not instruct him, you only dare to bully us, why? Just because his grandfather is the deputy head of Tongyou Academy?"

"Why can he just sit there and drink Baihualu?"

"Yes, since you said that all newcomers are no exception, why doesn't the chief need to carry supplies?"

Seeing that the building was going to be crooked, Zhang Wei, the leader, rolled his eyes and said, "Since we are all newcomers, please let the chief carry the big bag with us!"

"Yes, let's carry the big bag together!"

"Carry a big bag!"

The health officer from the hospital's health department who had signaled Zhang Wei with his eyes just now had returned to the carriage, and several members of the hospital's health department looked at Shang Xia with mocking eyes.

The target of criticism!

Aren't you the head of the foreign house?

Now everyone wants you to carry the big bag, will you, the chief, go?

If you go, it means bowing your head in front of these guards in front of you, willing to be bullied as a newcomer.

And the students in the internal and upper dormitory of the Department of Guards not only further safeguarded their own authority, but they might also gain a reputation of "fearlessness" because they let the grandson of the deputy mountain chief bow his head.

If you don't go, you will be alienated from these students of the same class from now on, and the title of "chief of the foreign house" will naturally stink.

Under everyone's thoughtful gazes, Shang Xia let out a chuckle, and then slowly stood up.

"I originally wanted to watch a play, but I never thought that you could do so much foreshadowing. Is it enough for you?"

Shang Xia teased softly, then fixed his eyes, looked at the sixteen students in Room C at the warehouse door, and said in a deep voice, "I'm very disappointed!"

"When you were bullied, you didn't bear the humiliation, let alone stand up to resist, but forced other students to be bullied with you. What are you thinking in your heart?"

At this time, many of the students in Room C at the warehouse entrance had lowered their heads.

"I'm upset, don't think about it for others!"

"Hehe, this is really a mentality that makes loved ones hurt and enemies happy!"

Shang Xia had an expression of hating iron but not steel.


Zhang Wei kept dodging under Shang Xia's gaze, but he still said in his mouth: "But... But these are the rules of the newcomers of the Academy of Guards!"


Shang Xia sneered: "It's just a bad habit! When did Tongyou Academy have a rule of bullying newcomers? Just open your mouth and ask all the senior brothers to see which one will recognize this rule?"

There was silence at the warehouse door!

Zhang Wei wouldn't ask, and the internal staff of the Department of Health would not jump out to refute.

"Think about it, when you were forced to carry big bags, what was their attitude?"

Shang Xia's tone was faint: "I think the attitude is very good. After all, from the time I came here to the present, all the brothers of the Academy of Guards have never said a word to force me to carry a big bag!"

At this time, many students in the health department of the hospital looked a little ugly.

Zhang Wei lowered his head and muttered, "After all, it's not because of your identity!"

"You're right!"

Shang Xia actually nodded, looked at the astonished eyes that looked up at him, and sighed: "So you are stupid, no matter it is because of my identity or other things, but even the senior brothers are unwilling to open their mouths to force you. Me, where did you get the confidence to make guns for others?"

Speaking of this, the students in Room C are not stupid, so why don't they know that they are being used by the seniors from the Department of Health in front of them?

As for Zhang Wei, the instigator's pawn, he was sweating profusely at this moment.

He could even feel the needle-like gazes of his classmates behind him.


At this time, the hospital health officer who had just winked at Zhang Wei jumped out of the carriage, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It is so reasonable to say that you can use the power of the family to make something special. I'm afraid there is only Junior Brother Shang!"


Shang Xia put away the folding fan in his hand, as if he didn't hear the sarcasm in the other party's tone at all, and said with a smile: "I don't know what to call senior brother?"

The student arched his hands and said, "Guo You, a student in the inner dormitory."

"So it's Senior Brother Guo!"

Shang Xia cupped his hands casually, and said: "Earlier, I saw senior brother pass 'orders' to Zhang Wei..."


A burst of laughter came from among the health workers of the hospital, but it made several students around them laugh too. But because of Guo You's face, they tried their best to suppress their voices and let out bursts of "cuckoo" laughs .

Guo You's face was flushed red, and he looked at Shang Xia with anger.

In fact, even Shang Xia was a little surprised, but he just changed the meaning of "eyebrows to show affection", why did he laugh like this?

These people's laughs are too low!


Chapter 2, fellow Taoists, if you haven’t collected it yet, remember to collect it.

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