During the following journey in the turbulent void, although the Starship Fleet of the Wanyun Society encountered two or three attacks by star beasts, they never posed any threat, and were quickly killed by the warriors of the Wanyun Society. or expelled.

The subsequent attacks by star beasts were obviously not driven by the beast warriors as they were at the beginning.

Shang Xia has stayed in the cabin since then and never made a move. Unfortunately, because of the impact of the void turbulence, despite the protection of the formation, he can always feel the violent bumps even in the giant starship. Therefore, in the next During this period of time, he did not continue to make high-level martial talismans, but simply began to concentrate on polishing the Liuhe Yuanyuan Qi in his body.

Affected by the Sifang Monument absorbing the source of the heaven and earth in Yuan Xingjie, Shang Xia's body has been passively refining the pure source of the Sifang Monument's feeding back. Equivalent to progress over the past month.

At this time, he calmed down and focused on the cultivation of the source of Qi in his body, and the speed of this cultivation was almost increased by one-third, almost every three or four days was equivalent to a whole month of cultivation.

After the starship fleet came out of the turbulent void, it also meant that Wan Yunhui's starship fleet had finally left Yuanxing Tianyu, and nearly a month had passed again.

For the first time in a month, Shang Xia emerged from the cabin.

Gong Zhuo, who came here after hearing the news, saw that Shang Xia was looking around at the scenery in the starry sky, so he couldn't help but said: "If you use the fixed passages from the Yuanxing Tianyu to the outside of the Tianyu, it may take ten days at the earliest. You can leave Yuanxing Tianyu, the slowest one is estimated to take less than half a month, and it is much safer than now, because there will be fleets headed by Yuanxingjie passing through those empty passages regularly Clean up the surrounding void and turbulence."

Shang Xia nodded, his expression pondered for a while, but he still asked: "Is there any inheritance from the Tianguan School in Yuanxing Tianyu?"

Gong Zhuo obviously didn't expect Shang Xia to ask such a question, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "Really Shang is talking about stargazer?"

Since Shang Xia said it, he no longer concealed it, nodded calmly and said: "I heard that the stargazer is used to locating the starry sky and the sky, and distinguishing the path in the turbulent flow of the void. I don't know if it is true or not."

Master Gong Zhuo let out an "oh" and asked back: "Could it be that with Master Shang's status in your world, he knows very little about stargazers?"

Shang Xia shook his head calmly, and said: "Shang has always been less involved in the strife between some forces, so this person has little understanding of the world, and he just relies on the means of a few talismans to win a favor in all parties. .Is it just this stargazer...the dojo is very concerned about those few, but they are only the fifth level, but they are arrogant and domineering and bullying!"

At the end, the sneer and discontent on Shang Xia's face became more and more obvious.

Immortal Gong Zhuo can draw an inference almost without too much association: this Immortal Shang may have had a conflict with the fifth-order Grand Star Watcher in the Yuanpingjie Dojo, and it seems that he has suffered a lot, so this resentment It's only this big, maybe even when he said that he was exiled, the root may be in this.

But before Master Gong Zhuo could respond, the voice of Master Zhang Shun came from a distance: "It turns out that the Master has a problem with the stargazers raised in the dojo, but the Master should listen to the advice of the old man, if there is no deep hatred , it's better not to conflict with those stargazers!"

Shang Xia's expression darkened immediately when he heard this, and he said, "It seems that Master Zhang should know something. Could it be that there is some secret behind this stargazer?"

Master Zhang Shun smiled and said: "It seems that the people in charge of the dojo in your world have taken excellent measures to keep the matter of the stargazer secret. It's no wonder that even Master Shang has to suffer in front of these people."

Shang Xia snorted coldly and said nothing, but he seemed to have acquiesced in the things he had "suffered".

Master Zhang Shun didn't go into details about it, but said: "In fact, the inheritance of stargazers should be mastered in all major heavens, but the inheritance recognized under the starry sky is the longest and most complete. It is also the most authentic inheritance of stargazers, which is the lineage of the skygazers that Shang Zhenren mentioned before!"

"It's just that this lineage encountered a catastrophe more than a thousand years ago, and the inheritance in the sect became fragmented and scattered. With the disappearance of the last star master of the Tianguan Sect, the inheritance of the Tianguan Sect was finally lost. complete system."

Shang Xia's heart moved, but on the surface he asked in confusion: "Star Lord? Missing?"

Seeing Shang Xia's bewildered expression, Master Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Have you ever heard of Guantianyu, Master Shang?"

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and after a half-beat slow, he said slowly: "Master Zhang also knows about Guantianyu? When Shang was in the dojo, he accidentally heard those people talking about Guantianyu, so he accidentally asked more questions. After two sentences, this is..."

Shang Xia didn't say much, but Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo were able to imagine a quarrel caused by the leakage of secrets, which eventually turned into a farce of conflict, and the end of the farce was obviously that Shang Xia suffered a loss. Let it be the end.

Master Zhang Shun gave a chuckle "hehe", and continued: "It is said that Guantianyu is the place where the last star master of Guantian sect appeared. Later, Guantianyu completely disappeared in the starry sky. People are constantly trying to find the location of Guantianyu in the starry sky, but they all fail without exception, and even many high-level warriors completely disappeared on the way to find Guantianyu."

Shang Xia wondered: "Why do so many people want to find Guantianyu? Is it for the star master, or for the inheritance of Guantian sect?"

Master Zhang Shun didn't answer directly, but instead asked Shang Xia: "Realist Shang has been wondering about this question for a long time, isn't there anyone in Yuanping Tianyu who has doubts about this?"

Shang Xia showed hesitation, but finally said: "It is only said that this world was promoted from the spiritual world at the beginning, and during the promotion process, those stargazers seem to have played a great role, and... ... Hey, and the star beast lair that Shang was exiled this time is also thanks to those people!"

Master Zhang Shun looked as expected, and said: "What does the growth and promotion of a plane world mean to the warriors inside him? If you want to come, Master Shang is also clear? In this way, it can be greatly improved. The importance of a stargazer who promotes the growth and promotion of the plane world is self-evident."

Shang Xia nodded subconsciously, but then he came to his senses and said, "Since there is already a stargazer, why are you still obsessed with finding Tianyu?"

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "The old man said before that only the sky-watching sect has the most complete and authentic inheritance system for star-gazers, and this mainly refers to the inheritance of star-gazers of the sixth rank and above. .”

Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, something was vaguely confirmed in his mind, and then suddenly said: "Could it be that there are no stargazers above the sixth level in all the worlds of the sky outside the sky?"

Master Zhang Shun shook his head, and said: "Perhaps it may still exist in some ancient worlds of the heavens, but in the thousand years since the collapse of the Tianguan sect, I have never heard of any world that exists in the heavens." There are stargazers above the sixth rank, and all the Yuan-level worlds that have been promoted for more than a thousand years have almost all fallen into the bottleneck of growth. Therefore, in recent years, the Yuan-level upper realms of each Tianyu world have been in the Waiting for the reappearance of Guantianyu. Because it is said that the last star of Guantian Sect took the initiative to use a special method to hide Guantianyu in the starry sky, and this special method will last for thousands of years."

It was the first time for Shang Xia to listen to some secrets about Guan Tianyu from the mouth of a high-quality real person in the outer world. The level of these secrets is obviously not known by Song Zhen's level, so it sounds like it will be rewarding, especially when the other party is not clear. The person in front of them is an out-and-out observer of the sky.

Is it the inheritance of the sixth-level stargazer and above?

Shang Xia thought to himself, speaking, even the stargazers in the Xingyuan Dojo in Guantianyu are no more than the fifth rank, and the inheritance of the stargazers in other spirit-level worlds will not exceed the fifth rank.

Perhaps this is really what Zhang Shun said, and it is not some kind of coincidence.

But where should I look for the inheritance of stargazers of the sixth level and above?

Shang Xia thought of the stargazing book, and at the same time thought of the real Yuanping Realm, and the star master who is trying to replace the will of heaven and earth in Yuanping Realm...

"Shangrenren! Shangrenren?"

Gong Zhuo's voice suddenly interrupted Shang Xia's thoughts.


Shang Xia, who came back to his senses, asked with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I was flustered by Zhang Huizhu's words just now, what did Gong Zhenren just say?"

Gong Zhuo smiled, and said: "I'm curious why Master Shang thought of asking the stargazer in the first place. Is it because of the passages opened by Yuanxing Tianyu to the outside of the Tianyu?"


Xia nodded and was about to answer when he suddenly noticed a strange spatial fluctuation coming from the depths of the void.

Not only Shang Xia, but also Daoist Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo were attracted in an instant.

This is a method used by Wan Yunhui's high-level warriors for long-distance and instant communication, and it is used to transmit simple messages.

Master Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo showed joy almost at the same time.

Master Zhang Shun said in a deep voice, "They're here!"

But Master Gong Zhuo's expression was half excited and half dignified: "It's finally here!"

Shang Xia knew in his heart that this should be the arrival of Wan Yunhui's allies for this operation.

Just looking at Wan Yunhui's Starship Fleet, which is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and has been wandering around the void and turbulent flow since leaving Yuanxing Tianyu, but has never been far away, it can be seen that Wan Yunhui is very concerned about this so-called "Allies" should also be three-point suspicious and three-point vigilant.

This reminded Shang Xia of the beast warrior attack he encountered when he entered the turbulent flow of the sky barrier just now. Will Wan Yun be vague on this matter?

At the same time, Shang Xia was also thinking secretly, if Wan Yunhui hadn't participated in this action, what would have happened when he was attacked by beast warriors before?

There is no doubt that Wan Yunhui will still be the winner of that attack, but the price paid is definitely not as simple as that the fourth large starship only damaged the superstructure of the deck.

Maybe Wan Yunhui invited him to participate in this operation from the very beginning, just to treat himself as a variable, a means of suppressing the bottom line.

Moreover, since Shang Xia got on the giant starship, he has also discovered that Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo have been intentionally concealing their existence. It is only limited to the giant starship.

At this time, Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo had already bid farewell to Shang Xia and left. Shang Xia thought about it but did not return to the cabin, but stood beside the side of the star boat and looked into the depths of the void.

I don't know how long it took, a huge starship fleet suddenly appeared in the depths of the void, and gradually approached Wan Yunhui.

But when the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred miles, the starship fleet on the opposite side gradually began to slow down and stop in the void.

The two sides have always maintained a relatively safe distance.

And at this moment, Shang Xia suddenly noticed a few escaping lights rising above Wan Yunhui's fleet, flying towards the fleet hundreds of miles away.

At the same time, several flying rays of light rose above the opponent's fleet to meet them.

Shang Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, and his majestic and gloomy sense of divine intent extended to the depths of the void, and found that Wan Yunhui had dispatched a total of four sixth-level real people, except Zhang Shun and Gong Zhuo. , the remaining two real people are a third-rank and a second-rank.

And soon the aura of the martial artist flying from the other party was also vaguely perceived by him. The other party was also four real people of the sixth rank, but the aura between these four real people seemed quite mysterious.

After staying a little closer, Shang Xia finally discovered that the two leaders were both in the fourth-rank Taoist realm, and the other two were both in the second-rank inner realm. The fit and echo between the movement of the hands and the movement of the air made him quickly judge that these four sixth-level real people should be two pairs of twins.

This made Shang Xia quickly recall Song Zhen, when he was talking about the Star Thief forces in Chaotic Star Sea, he mentioned a rather characteristic medium-sized Star Thief faction: Double Star Pirates!

The twin star bandits are the banner of this star bandit force running across the chaotic star sea, but usually people in the chaotic star sea prefer to call them "twin bandits" or "twin life bandits", but generally speaking, it actually has the same meaning, especially It means that this group of star thieves has a peculiar composition, and all members are composed of pairs of twins.

It is rumored that the two leaders of this star bandit once received a complete and special inheritance of martial arts, and the senior warriors who left this inheritance of martial arts are a pair of twins.

In this complete inheritance of martial arts, there are not only special exercises and advanced methods that use the special induction between the twins to practice, but also several extremely powerful combined attack methods, which make them in the process of wandering through the chaotic sea of ​​stars. The fame is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually formed his own Star Thief forces.

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