Wan Yunhui's giant starship's prepared attack undoubtedly used the power of the seventh level!

This blow seemed to destroy a secret cave like the twin robbers' starship before, but in fact it caused far more damage to the morning spirit world!

Aside from the fact that this blow will inevitably cause the death of the sixth-order real person who entrusted the true spirit of the cave in this secret realm of the cave, this huge blow directly penetrates the state of the cave where the cave is located through the source of the cave. The source of the sea!

This is much more serious than the turmoil in the source sea of ​​the state where the cave was shattered before. The source sea of ​​the state area was directly penetrated, which means that the source sea of ​​the state area must be leaked. I am afraid that most of the state area It will be overthrown, and at the same time, the sixth-order real person who entrusted the original true spirit in this state will also suffer heavy losses.

Shang Xia can judge from the choice of Wan Yunhui's giant starship for this attack. The cave secret realm penetrated by this strike is located in the center of the sky screen barrier, which also means that the cave sky secret realm is located in the morning world. central hinterland.

And those who can occupy such areas are usually the big sects with the highest inheritance, background, and strength in the plane world!

According to the information shared by Shang Xia, the sect where the secret cave is located is very likely to be the Chenxi Sect, which ranks first in the comprehensive strength of the Lingchen Realm. At the same time, the sect also has a real person of Guizhen Realm, who is the only fifth-rank real person in the Lingchen Realm, and his original true spirit is placed in the state where the sect is located!

With the shattering of the Heavenly Cave Secret Realm of Chenxi Sect, the sect's residence also disappeared, and the source sea of ​​the state where it was located was also penetrated, and most of the entire state was overthrown. It must be destroyed, so this person must also be injured. It is conservatively estimated that at least 30% of this person's strength will be lost!

As for the deaths and injuries of warriors whose cultivation base was below the sixth heaven, it can be described as countless, and this is not counting the loss of the neighboring state!

It can be said that the near-extinction of the Chenxi Sect had a greater impact on all forces in the Lingchen Realm than the previous destruction of the Dongtian Sect!

Because this blow almost destroyed the determination and will of the morning spirit world to resist the invasion of foreign domains!

More importantly, the superposition of the two will directly cause the weakening of the original will of the morning world, which in turn will greatly reduce the suppression and rejection of the will of the plane world after the foreign invaders invade the inner world of the morning world!

At this time, the only five remaining caves in the morning world can no longer organize an effective offensive to stop the foreign invaders. The huge gap in the center of the sky barrier cannot be healed for a long time, exposing the entire morning world. In front of the foreign invaders.

The three starships headed by the giant starship of the Wanyun Society have already approached within 30,000 miles of the sky barrier, while the morning spirit world had originally set up a heavy defense system around the sky barrier, but now there are only sporadic attacks. Resisted, but these attacks could not even shake the hull array of the three starships.

Dozens of large and small starships from the Spirit Morning Realm approached scatteredly, but Shang Xia suddenly sensed the void fluctuations from the hulls of the two starships behind him.

When he looked around in the blink of an eye, he saw a void vortex suddenly opened up inside the hulls of the two large starships that he suspected were transformed from spirit-level arks, and then there were five novelty-style ships, complete equipment, and a look at them. It was the latest medium-sized starships that filed out of the middle, and then met the dozens of starships of different sizes from the Spiritual Morning Realm that surrounded them.

The three charging starships still did not stop at the slightest, pushing against the

The siege from all directions continued to charge towards the sky barrier, and the direction of the charge was exactly the huge gap that was broken on the sky barrier.

And at this time, the three starships finally ushered in the joint sniper attack of the sixth-order real people of the Spirit Morning Realm.

However, in the face of the first wave of at least five real people, including a high-quality real person, the real person Gong Zhuo on the giant star boat directly aroused a Wanyun Feixia talisman in front of Shang Xia.

When the clouds of various colors were brewing and churning in the giant starship, runes associated with them appeared all over the hull of the starship, echoing the clouds in the mid-air, and then the rapidly expanding clouds and clouds spread across the entire sky. Hull, and it is firmly enveloped in it.

The five real people from the Spirit Morning Realm jointly attacked, tore apart the clouds covering the starship, and also slowed down the giant starship's forward pace, but it seemed that they could only do so.

The torn Yunxia rolled and healed again. Although the forward speed of the Xingzhou was decreasing, it was still rushing forward. At this moment, Gong Zhuo suddenly rushed out from the Xingzhou.

The timing he chose was also ingenious. It was just after the five real people joined forces to attack, when the old power was gone and the new power was not born, the flail that had been stored for a long time in his hand was still shining on his head through hundreds of miles of void. The leader, Gaopin Daoist from Lingchen Realm, called!

The high-grade real person headed by Lingchenjie is also not weak. Although he couldn't deal with it with all his strength in a hurry, he formed a tacit encirclement circle with the other four real people in the process of retreating. Immediately, they will face the situation of five real people joining hands to besiege.

In the void, there is no more solid body protection than the giant starship itself. Even if Gong Zhuo activates another Wanyun Feixia Talisman, it may not be able to last for too long under the siege of the five real people.

However, Gong Zhuo's real intention was not to deal with these five real people, but to buy time for the giant starship behind him!

Just when Shang Xia realized this, he suddenly noticed that the giant starship under his feet seemed to be pulled by some kind of force at this moment, which made him subconsciously think of the previous method of twin robbers. The bow ram that completely broke through the sky barrier of the Spirit Morning Realm before!

But just when Shang Xia was still doubting whether it would be too dangerous to forcibly travel through the void under such a melee, he suddenly saw a huge monster flying out of the originally broken sky barrier!

Shang Xia took a closer look and was stunned, the flying object was actually the ram that flew out from the bow of the ship before, and this object was able to fly back!

What's even better is that Shang Xia could see very clearly at this time that when Gong Zhuo attacked earlier, he was deliberately leading the battle group to the front of the giant starship, and the front was also where the gap in the sky barrier was located, so, then The five were sniping first, and then besieging Gong Zhuo's real person from Lingchen Realm. At this time, three of them were facing the gap in the sky barrier.

Gong Zhuo obviously set up such a trap on purpose, and the five real people in Lingchen Realm would never have thought that the ram that flew out could turn back!

Gong Zhuo, who had been prepared for a long time, threw away the flail of the magic weapon in his hand at the first time, but because of this, the two spiritual masters who besieged him backed away in fear, and gave him a chance to escape from the encirclement. Chance.

When the other three real people were about to catch up and wait for the opportunity to inflict serious damage on Gong Zhuo, suddenly the two companions widened their eyes and looked behind them with horror on their faces.

These three real people are naturally not easy to deal with, even if they don't know that there is danger coming from behind, they all take precautions.

However because of

Due to the underestimation of the incoming danger, the preparedness of the three people is also different. Except for one of the real people who directly used a treasure similar to the "Teleportation Talisman" to directly break through the void and teleport for a short time, the rest Among the next two, Gaopin Daoist fled to the side, activated all the protective measures on his body, and at the same time, he did not forget to turn around and glance behind him, which made his face turn pale...

As for the last sixth-level real person, he seemed to be very sure about his own defense methods. Several spiritual jade gems and other items on his body were all shattered, and a defensive formation composed of spiritual rays was outlined around him, and then Then……

When the collision came, the sixth-level real person carrying the defensive magic circle was immediately crushed to powder. Although the high-level real person had tried his best to dodge and protect himself as much as possible, he was still maintained at the seventh-level level. The impact angle of the force "wiped" for a while, and the whole person was thrown out like a rag, but fortunately, it seemed that he finally saved his life. lossless.


With a muffled sound, the forward momentum of the giant starship slightly slowed down again, and the huge angle of impact returned to the bow of the ship.

And how could Gong Zhuo, who was trying to escape from the siege, let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water, turned around and rushed back to the battlefield again, picked up the flail of the magic weapon that was not picked up by others in time, and aimed directly at him. The high-quality real person from Lingchen Realm who was hit hard just now!

Shang Xia let out a chuckle of "huh", until this time he was finally able to confirm that the moment the ram returned to the bow, the strength of the seventh level above was finally exhausted!

The power of the seventh level gathered by Wan Yunhui's star boat array is not just one blow, but two strikes with one strike!

It's no wonder that from the very beginning, Wan Yunhui was the one to make a surprise attack, but the first to activate the power of the seventh order was the cave array of the Spiritual Morning Realm!

However, at the moment when the angle of impact returned, Shang Xia immediately felt that the seventh-order power inside the giant starship's hull had started to accumulate again, and the accumulation speed seemed to be much faster than before!

Shang Xia was a little surprised at first, but he seemed to think of something after following him. When he hurriedly looked back, he saw several large starships in the deep space behind the starship, which were originally used to block the void around the Spirit Morning Realm. Know when you have caught up.

Immediately after a miserable howl, Shang Xia's attention was drawn back again, and he was seeing a huge vision of vitality expanding and dissipating in the void. Died under Gongzhuo's yoke.

It's just that Gong Zhuo at this time is obviously not feeling very well. The shackles of the divine weapon that he had just picked up had been lost at some point, and at the same time, he himself looked extremely inappropriate, apparently killing the one from the Spirit Morning Realm. At the same time, Daoist Gaopin was also injured by the opponent's desperate counterattack, and at this time, under the siege of the other three sixth-level Daoist, he seemed to be unable to hold on.

But what made Shang Xia feel a little strange was that Gong Zhuo was clearly in critical condition at this time, yet he never called for help from Shang Xia.

Although Shang Xia had doubts in his heart, he obviously couldn't just sit back and watch Gong Zhuo being besieged and killed. However, just as he was about to show up to rescue him, he saw Gong Zhuo wave his hand and three martial talismans flew out. Under Shang Xia's astonished gaze, Gong Zhuo calmly retreated to the Xingzhou when the three real people were in a hurry.

"Fortunately, Shang Zhenren didn't come to the rescue just now!"

When Gong Zhuo returned to the giant starship, he saw Shang Xia's whole body slowly restrained like Yuan Qi, and after taking a long breath, he actually said such a sentence in a rejoicing tone.

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