When the sixth-level combat power of Yu Haizong spread the secret technique of "unity of human and beast" to the outside world, whether it was the high-level warriors of various factions who had already realized something was wrong, or Gai Qingzhu, Sun Haiwei, etc. Several sixth-order real people already knew that it was too late to stop this matter.

Even so, the ban still needs to be issued, and all warriors who enter Yuhaizong's residence must hand over the jade bamboo slips that record the secret technique of "unity of man and beast", and then destroy them in a centralized manner.

Since it is a ban, it is naturally mandatory. Several major sects took action immediately, first enclosing the residence of Yu Haizong's sect, and then began to order the people inside to take the jade slip book that recorded the secret technique. hand it over.

At the same time, it is necessary to declare to everyone the dangers of practicing this kind of magic, and only in this way can those warriors who secretly hide this kind of magic feel scruples and dare not try to practice lightly.

Even so, this move still aroused the hostility of many casual warriors and small and medium-sized sect forces, and naturally there were more secret criticisms.

Then the major sects remained unmoved, the truth has been explained clearly, if there are people who don't know the current affairs, then they can't blame them for bullying the small.

At least in the future, even if this technique is still spread secretly, no one dares to blatantly practice it, and once it is exposed, it will inevitably become the target of public criticism, and everyone will shout and beat it.

After dealing with this matter, all that is left is to divide up the background accumulated by Yu Haizong in recent years, especially this Yu Haizong suspected to have found a relic of the cave from the sea area of ​​the world fragments that the Lingxi world merged into. , and until now, this cave relic has not been found.

Perhaps because of the previous ban, after the division of all the items in the secret realm of Yuhai Zongfu Land and the search for the remains of the cave sky, the major sects no longer aggressive, but made it clear in advance that it is up to chance, whoever finds it Anyone who owns it belongs to them, and they are not allowed to fight and rob at will.

Although even so, those warriors from small and medium-sized forces and those scattered warriors, limited by their own knowledge and accumulated tribes, are still impossible to compare with those warriors from the big sects, but the major sects have not made any progress in this matter. Overwhelming people is already commendable.

As for private fights over the chance treasures, it is unavoidable. Many people even scoffed at this suggestion. If they really encountered spiritual treasures, how could they hold back when they tried to snatch them?

However, when Sun Haiwei descended from the sky and personally sat in the residence of Yu Haizong's sect, all the voices disappeared.

Sun Haiwei was still injured by the mysterious high-grade real person in black cloak before. When Jiujing, Fei Xuzi and other four were about to go to the void outside the sky to help in the battle, Gai Qingzhu suggested that Sun Haiwei stay.

A sixth-order real person is still a sixth-order real person even if he is injured, not to mention that although Sun Haiwei's combat power is damaged, she is not without combat power.

And when many middle and high-level warriors from Lingfeng Realm poured into Yuhaizong's blessed land to find opportunities, a siege battle broke out in the void above the sky!

After repeatedly finding out that Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia left the Lingfeng Realm, and only Zhang Xuansheng from the Beihai Xuansheng Sect, a new fourth-rank Dongtian Master, was in charge of the Realm, the Heicloak Master was actually not other people from the Lingfeng Realm. people pay attention to.

It's not that he is confident that he can match the remaining sixth-level real people in Lingfeng Realm with his own strength, that is simply impossible, but that he is confident that he has complete assurance to retreat under everyone's noses!

It was precisely because of this that he dared to show up and kill Sun Haiwei at this time.

It’s just that the Lingfeng world has already guessed the existence of the black hands behind Yu Haizong’s scenes. When Sun Haiwei and others launched the final purge against Yu Haizong, Zhang Xuansheng and others had already begun to weave a net inside and outside the sky of Lingfeng world.

Obviously, Lingfengjie doesn't want to simply eradicate Yu Haizong, who is a tool of the black hand behind the scenes, but wants to eliminate future troubles in one fell swoop.

Kou Chongxue and Shang Xia left this world one after another in order to hide the worry of the black hand behind the scenes.

If Zhang Xuansheng hadn't been Dongtian Daoist, I'm afraid he, a high-ranking real person, would have left temporarily due to some accident, leaving the entire Lingfeng world in a state of high-grade real person vacuum.

Only in that way, Lingfeng Realm is too deliberate as a trap.

However, the current situation in the Lingfeng world is just right for a high-quality real person like Heicloak real person who has absolute confidence!

The black-feathered cloak worn by the real person in black cloak is obviously not a mortal thing. After hiding his figure directly above the sea surface of Lingfeng Realm, when the black-feathered cloak is opened again, the true body of the real person in black cloak has already appeared. Came to the void outside the sky of Lingfeng Realm.

The moment the real man in the black cloak appeared, his eyes flickering with cold light swept across, as if everything in the surrounding dark void had been reflected.

"Oh, I also know that this deity is not very lucky, or that you are well prepared, and everyone in the Lao Lingfeng world has been waiting for a long time!"

The human skin mask on the face of the real person in the black cloak can not only cover up his true face, but also show some simple expressions. Just like the sneering tone that accompanied him now, there is also a bit of stiff mockery on his face.

In the void tens of miles away, Yang Taihe broke through the void and appeared. He looked at the black cloak with a very dignified look, and said in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency? What enmity do you have with me in Lingfeng Realm?" , actually harming me with such a sorcery?"

Just as Yang Tai and Zhenren finished speaking, there were void fluctuations coming from the surrounding void in different directions.

After receiving the news, the real people above the second rank in the Lingfeng world rushed from their respective control locations. The furthest ones were hundreds of thousands of miles away, some tens of thousands of miles away, and tens of thousands of miles away.

Except for Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue, all real people above the second rank in Lingfeng Realm have set up a net of millions of miles in the void outside the sky, waiting for the black hands behind the scenes to show up.

The real man in black cloak laughed "haha" when he heard the words, and he didn't seem to be worried at all about the real people in the Lingfeng world who came from different directions and formed a faint encirclement circle against him.

Yang Taihe looked stern, and said coldly: "What are you laughing at?"

The real man in black cloak withdrew his smile, but he didn't hide the contempt in his tone, and said, "I laugh at you and ask questions knowingly, insulting your own wisdom for nothing."

At this time, Xuansheng Zhang, who had the highest cultivation base, had already arrived near Zuo.

However, the black cloak real person just glanced at the other party and stopped paying attention, but continued to look calm and said: "Lingfeng Realm has only been promoted to the spirit-level world for 30 years, but its growth momentum is so rapid, even compared to other spirit world management three A hundred years will be far away, and this deity is naturally entrusted by others to suppress or slow down the growth momentum of Lingfeng Realm!"

Seeing that Zhang Xuansheng had arrived first, Yang Taihe relaxed a lot of the tension in his heart. Hearing what this person said, he immediately asked: "Who entrusts you?"

The black cloak real person jokingly said: "Do you think this deity will tell you?"

After finishing speaking, his eyes moved away from Yang Taihe, whose face became gloomy, and fell on Zhang Xuansheng, who was slowly approaching in the void.

But before this person opened his mouth, Zhang Xuansheng took the lead and said: "It's a pity that your delay and obstruction plan failed in the end. The real Xiaoshang brought back the fragments of the world for the second time, and in one fell swoop made the seven states in this world Consummation of promotion!"

The real man in black cloak, who was still a little bit concerned at first, suddenly became gloomy when he heard the words.

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