When Shang Xia realized the intention of the incarnation outside his body, he had already determined that he might not be able to succeed.

The reason is very simple. The No. 2 lair secret realm was almost breached by people from Yuan Xingjie because of Shang Xia's appearance in the outer domain. Therefore, Kou Chongxue had to sit here for several years.

How long has passed, and Lingfeng Realm has already healed the scars and forgot the pain, dare to send only a second-rank real person to sit here alone?

At this time, although the avatar outside the body was secretly observing the merchant fleet of Yuan Xingjie, why didn't the Daoist Yuan Xingjie on the merchant fleet guess the intention of only exposing a second-rank Daoist in Lingfeng Realm this time?

After Shang Xia's wisp of soul will descended on the incarnation outside his body, he immediately made him give up such a move after learning of his plan. People in Yuan Xingjie would not be fooled, let alone this Even a merchant fleet does not have that ability.

The coming of Shang Xia's divine soul and will strengthened the divine perception of the incarnation outside his body, making him easily aware of some hidden powers that had not been exposed in this merchant fleet.

There is indeed more than one sixth-rank real person on the Yuanxingjie merchant fleet this time, but there is no high-grade real person accompanying them, which shows that Yuanxingjie has no intention of attacking the secret realm of the No. 2 lair from the very beginning.

After hearing the news, the avatar outside the body felt a little regretful, and immediately released the restraint on its own energy. Although it could not be publicized, it was enough to form a deterrent to the sixth-level real people in the Yuanxingjie Merchant Fleet.

"People in the Lingfeng Realm really harbor ghosts and ghosts. A dignified fourth-rank real person pretends to be a second-rank real person. What does he want to do? Deliberately lure us to do it, and then catch us all in one go?"

The second-rank Daoist from Yuanxing Realm who was in charge of the Merchant Fleet on the surface said very dissatisfied.

"It's just to test our attitude," a third-rank real person hidden in the merchant fleet said in a deep voice, "We should pay more attention to this high-grade real person who has appeared in the Lingfeng world. According to the news we got from Yuanhong Realm, the number of high-grade real people in this Lingfeng Realm in Guantianyu has reached four!"

"So what?" the second-rank real person said disdainfully: "The Lingfeng Realm plus these four high-rank real people are only fifteen or six sixth-rank real people, and this level of strength is no more than two or three real people in this world. The strength of the Dongtian Sect is quite equal, and the three major dynasties can stabilize each other without the presence of the seventh-level master, if it is not for the special location of the secret place of this lair, what is the meaning of a mere spiritual world?"

The third-rank real person echoed repeatedly when he heard the words, but he was quite disapproving of what the Marquis of the Chen Dynasty said.

"By the way, how is the situation with Master Ge Xing? Has there been any progress?"

Although the second-rank Daoist person's cultivation base was a bit worse, the other third-rank Daoist person was indeed the main person in his words.

Hearing that, the third-rank real person shook his head and said: "It should be that there are very few gains. Ge Xingshi said that the way of passage between the secret realm of the star beast lair and the Lingfeng world is very secret, and he has never been able to accurately locate the approximate coordinates. Coupled with the interference of the turbulent flow in the void, it is even more difficult to find a way to enter the Tianguan domain."

Hearing the words, the second-rank real person immediately said impatiently: "How many benefits did Ge Hongshou get back and forth? How much material resources did the imperial court invest in him? A small fifth-rank martial artist relied on the fourth-rank concept that he didn't know the truth of." Astrology is bluffing and deceitful, coming in and out is the same as us and other real people of the sixth rank, not only has there been no progress that can be made, but he still uses such words to perfunctory? I think this person is simply a way to deceive the world and steal his name."

In the eyes of three real people

A strange color flashed across his mouth, but he reminded: "Master Hou, please be careful. After all, this person is favored by many lords and princes above the court, and even Emperor Chen treats him with courtesy. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made a special trip to build a star observatory for this person, so Master Hou should not offend this person so easily."

The second-rank real person snorted softly, and although he stopped speaking, he did not hide the contempt on his face.

But at this moment, apart from his external avatar, Shang Xia had already entered the secret realm of the No. 2 lair without anyone knowing.

After coming to the secluded courtyard specially opened for him in the secret place of the lair, and mobilizing the surrounding formations to isolate it, Shang Xia took out a piece from his cuff that looked somewhat similar to a compass, but it was small and delicate. many items.

This object is the star-gazing guide made by Yuan Qiuyuan himself before Shang Xia left Lingfeng Realm.

It's just that when Shang Xia passed through the gap of the boundary barrier before, Shang Xia was engulfed and washed by the torrent of space in the gap, and the body of this star-gazing guide was damaged in many places, and it was on the verge of being scrapped.

However, just before he was about to come to the secret realm of the No. 2 lair, this piece of stargazing guide, which seemed to have been quiet for a long time, suddenly showed a faint aura on the surface, and the guide needle in it was even more intense. Vigorously swinging, the guide needle that was supposed to point to the direction of the secret place of the lair seemed to be attracted by some inexplicable force, and it always deflected to another direction from time to time, and that direction was the direction where the Yuanxingjie merchant fleet was moored. Among them, a large starship is the most eye-catching.

This involuntarily made Shang Xia curious.

You must know that Yuan Qiuyuan made this star-gazing guide for Shang Xia. Its original function was extremely simple, and it was just to point him to the direction of the secret realm of the No. 2 lair in the turbulent flow of the void.

But now that Guan Xingyin is damaged, it seems that some changes that he does not know have taken place, especially the obvious influence of unknown objects in the large star boat in Yuan Xingjie, which makes Shang Xia want to do something. Know why.

But this point doesn't seem to be difficult for Shang Xia, even if he doesn't understand it himself, then he just needs to find someone who can understand it!

He used to walk through the turbulent void alone for sharpening, but also to prepare in advance for practicing martial arts supernatural powers, but now hundreds of mid-to-high-level warriors from the Lingfeng Realm are gathered in the secret realm of the No. 2 lair. Just came here.

Thinking of this, Shang Xia had a thought, and the incarnation outside his body had secretly ordered an academy warrior to return to Tongyou Academy in Lingfeng Realm through the teleportation array.

Not long after, the five-element teleportation array was activated again, and Xin Lu, another fourth-order stargazer from the Tongyou Academy, had already arrived at the No. 2 lair secret realm with the academy warrior who passed the order.

Since Xin Lu was taken out of the star observatory in Xingyuan Dojo by Shang Xia, he rarely showed up, and has been staying in the depths of the academy or living in secluded caves.

This time she received Shang Xia's order to come to the secret realm of the No. 2 lair, which was the first time she went out in these years.

Because no one knew about Shang Xia's secret visit to the secret place of the lair, Xin Lu was sent directly to Shang Xia's courtyard after he was taken out of his body and transformed into an incarnation.

"Let's see what's going on here?"

After Shang Xia met Xin Lu, he directly passed the star-gazing lead to Xin Lu.

When Xin Lu was called, he knew that he should have important things to do by himself, but when he saw the swaying needle of Guan Xingyin, he was surprised and said: "This

It's because the pins have been disturbed by the same source, and there are other stargazers in this lair? "


Shang Xia was slightly taken aback, and immediately turned his gaze to several Yuanxingjie starships parked outside the secret realm of the lair, and said with interest: "So there should be stargazers from Yuanxingjie hiding in the caravan's starships. among?"

After all, Shang Xia looked at Xin Lu again and said, "Can you know what they are doing? Why did it cause the stargazing needle to deflect?"

Xin Lu said casually: "It's nothing more than determining the location of the secret realm of the lair, and then finding the location of the Lingfeng Realm in the void. But in my opinion, all they did was in vain, together with the Lingfeng Realm and the lair. The secret realm is not a void channel, but a five-element teleportation array, and even Yuan Qiuyuan himself is extremely difficult to trace these spatial trajectories, not to mention the void turbulence of the Heavenly Realm in the middle."

Although Xin Lu's own martial arts cultivation base is just entering the fifth heaven, and he is a foreign elite who has been absorbed in, his status as a fourth-level stargazer is relatively high in the academy. , so it is qualified to know some high-level secrets, including the existence of Tianguan and Outland worlds, as well as boundary barriers, and so on.

Shang Xia said thoughtfully: "Naturally, there is no need to deduce and calculate the location of the secret realm of the lair, so the real purpose of the other party's stargazer should be to locate the Lingfeng world, well, maybe the real purpose of the other party is not the Lingfeng world, but the world The gap in the domain barrier is the channel to enter the sky viewing domain."

Xin Lu followed his stargazer's train of thought and continued: "The other party doesn't know the existence of the Five Elements Teleportation Array, so there will be two or three times if you can't track it all the time, and even if you track it by accident, if you want to determine the location of the Lingfeng Realm The specific void coordinates also need multiple calculations for repeated verification, that is to say, the stargazer must have appeared near the lair secret realm more than once."

Shang Xia let out a light "huh" and quickly got in touch with the avatar outside of his body, which quickly confirmed Xin Lu's guess. In the past two or three years, the exchanges between Yuan Xingjie and the secret realm of the lair can be regarded as frequent. Merchant fleets from Yuan Xingjie regularly come outside the secret realm of the lair to trade with various forces in the Lingfeng world.

"Your guess is correct. The stargazer in Yuanxingjie is most likely hiding in the merchant fleet and has been to the secret place of the lair many times."

Xin Lu was greatly encouraged by Shang Xia's affirmation.

After thinking about it for a while, Xin Lu suddenly thought of something, and asked, "By the way, when did the deflection of Star Gazing Guide begin? Was it banned in the first place?"

Shang Xia said helplessly: "This phenomenon happened when I was still in the turbulent flow of the void and hadn't returned to the lair of the star beast. It's just that the body of Guan Xingyin was severely washed by the turbulent flow of the void at that time. Losing Cai didn’t care about this, until after entering the secret realm of the lair, he realized that the deflected guide needle was always pointing at the star boat in the Yuanxing Realm, and then he realized that something was wrong.”

Xin Lu shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "You don't need to ask, the stargazer from Yuanxingjie hidden in the merchant fleet must have noticed your existence, but he can only roughly judge your position. But I don't know your identity, but judging from your return from the turbulent void, you must be a sixth-order real person."

"Oh," Shang Xia narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You mean that the other party can track my whereabouts and determine my location through the damaged Xinggao lure?"

Xin Lu thought for a while, and said, "If I'm here, I can also trace their whereabouts and directions in reverse."

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