When Shang Xia left the stone room, the Phantom Orb had already appeared in front of Shang Ke.

The moment the door of the stone chamber was closed, Shang Xia saw that the formation in the stone chamber had been opened, and the walls of the entire stone chamber became radiant, like a dream.

"I hope that the fifth grandpa and his old man can successfully advance to the fourth heaven this time!"

Shang Xia secretly prayed in his heart.

According to Shang Ke, the entire Tongyou Academy has accumulated 20 years of foundation, and there are only six fourth-level advanced formulas, and three of them originally came from Ji, Liu, and Yun.

Among the six fourth-level advanced formulas, the one that most fits the merchant's own spear skills is the "Multiple Thousand Illusory Brews".

Therefore, whether it is Shangbo or Shangke, the advanced formulas used by the two brothers to advance to the fourth heaven are actually not very good. At most, they are just generals among the six advanced formulas.

Just as Shang Xia came out of the stone room, there was a cloud of water vapor not far in front of him, gradually outlining Chu Jia's figure.


Shang Xia was genuinely amazed: "How long has Chu Jiaoxi been able to use the Shanshui Phantom Spirit Formation to such an extent?"

Professional things should be done by professional people.

What's more, the talent of this teacher Chu is second to none.

Shang Xia couldn't help sighing in his heart: When the central formation map is in his hands, at most he can use it to spy on other people who have entered the land of mountains and rivers, and he is blind.

Hearing Shang Xia's praise, "Chu Jia" in front of him snorted softly, barely suppressed the smug expression on his face, deliberately glanced at other places, made a disdainful expression, and said, "Tell me, Those four stone chambers are the foundation of the entire Shanshui Phantom Spirit World, you'd better stay inside."

Shang Xia was startled, and said, "Is there any danger?"

"Chu Jia" glanced at him, and said: "I found out that the 'Land of Mountains, Waters and Illusions' is not a constant layer, but the entire Coral Forest Profound Realm is a whole."

Shang Xia was puzzled and said, "What do you mean, can you speak in a more general way?"

"Chu Jia" gave Shang Xia a disgusted look, and said: "That is to say, within the scope of the Coral Forest Mysterious Realm, the positions of the four great spiritual lands can be changed. If you can't stay in the four stone chambers all the time Within the delineated core range, it is very likely that they will be thrown to other places as the positions of the four great spiritual lands change."

"Say it earlier!"

Shang Xia had an expression of "You are pretending to be profound, but you deserve to be beaten", and said: "Even if I am not a formation master, I know how huge the Coral Linxuan world is, but if you want to move the four spiritual lands, what you said Even if this situation is true, I’m afraid it’s not easy to happen, right?”

"Chu Jia" rolled his eyes and said, "Believe it or not!"

After all, "Chu Jia"'s figure became blurred for a while, and it seemed that he was about to collapse.

Shang Xia quickly asked: "Hey, don't worry, which of the four stone chambers is empty now?"

"Chu Jia" sneered: "Don't you believe it, what are you doing in the stone room?"

Shang Xia laughed "hehe" and said, "Isn't this just in case!"

The body of "Chu Jia" has started to disintegrate, but the voice came clearly: "Of the four stone chambers, senior Shang occupied one for retreat, and one for ancient teachings to heal wounds. Junior sister Sun is accumulating the vitality of heaven and earth needed to advance to the martial arts realm. Occupied one, I am doing my best to study the Shanshui Phantom Array and occupied one, there is no place for you anymore."

Without waiting for Shang Xia to complain, "Chu Jia" quickly said again: "I can probably control the quadrilateral area formed between the four stone chambers now, as long as you don't leave this area, no matter what happens in the Coral Forest Profound Realm, I won't send you anywhere else."

After all, before Shang Xia could speak again, the phantom formed by the water vapor had already dissipated completely.

"Tch, grandma, I discovered this place first and brought you in. Now it's a good thing, I have no place to go! Just take advantage of this free time, I'm going to practice swords!"

While walking forward, Shang Xia couldn't complain.

But before he had gone far, Shang Xia looked back suspiciously, and then glanced at the rockery, pools, and covered bridges that looked similar all around, feeling worried: "This place looks similar everywhere, With the central formation map in hand, it is natural not to worry about getting lost, but now the formation map has also been handed over, but it is really unclear. It is better not to go too far, in case you really want to leave the range she said, It’s too late for me to run.”

Shang Xia looked around, and felt that this place was not very spacious, and if he wanted to practice his sword, it was a bit difficult to use, and besides, it was still a little close to the place where Shang Ke retreated.

"Let's go a little further, and find a spacious place by the way!"

During this period of time, Shang Xia saw every bit of time and practiced the new swordsmanship "Double-Edged Twist" whenever he had time, and now he has quite a taste of it.

He felt that as long as he practiced this set of swordsmanship a few more times until he became proficient, and then had the opportunity to experience a few more actual combats, then he might be able to practice this set of swordsmanship to great success.

Shang Xia had just found an ideal place, and put this set of double-sword sword formulas into a stance, when suddenly there were muffled "rumbling" sounds from different directions.

Violent vitality turbulence came from all directions, and even formed gusts of wind, shuttling back and forth between the rockeries, and the water surface of the pool was rolled up with layers of folds, making a "squeaky" sound.

Ever since Shang Xia brought Shang Ke, Gu Shou and others into the Land of Landscape Phantoms, the fights from outside the Coral Forest have become louder and more frequent.

Moreover, the only thing that can make such a big commotion, causing the entire Coral Forest Profound Realm to be in turmoil from time to time, is the confrontation between the four heavens.

It's just that this time it seems to be different, the entire coral forest seems to be fighting in all directions, and the huge momentum seems to overturn the entire coral forest.

"This is... all the people from the Four Heavens and the Chinese Rose Society on our side have all fought against each other?"

Shang Xia's twin swords danced, and one after another of cold awns flickered in the mid-air. Every two awns could faintly form a staggered sword gesture, just like two scissors made of long swords.

"No, I'm afraid it's not just the Tongyou Peak and the Chinese Rose Meeting that are making such a big commotion, could it be that the people from Siling Mountain are also involved?"

The more he thought about Shang Xia, the more restless his mind became, and the more absent-minded he practiced this sword.

The Rose Society has a connection with Siling Mountain, and both the Rose Society and Siling Mountain are the mortal enemies of Tongyou Academy.

But now in the battle between the two worlds, compared to any of the other two sides, Tongyou Peak has a relatively obvious advantage.

Under such circumstances, no matter how you look at it, there is no possibility that Rose Society and Siling Mountain will not cooperate.

At this time, the movement around the coral forest has become more and more loud, and even the sky over the mysterious world of the coral forest has gradually been unable to hide the celestial phenomena brought by the masters of the fourth heaven. A variety of aura colors.

Shang Xia even felt that the rockery was shaking, the surface of the water was rippling, the covered bridge and plank road under his feet were also shaking, and everything around him was shaking.

"No way, under such circumstances, how can Fifth Grandpa and the others retreat and practice in peace? They won't be driven into a trance, right?"

Shang Xia was worried in his heart, and naturally he would not be able to practice this sword technique any longer.

He simply put away his two swords, and was about to return to the rockery near the stone room where Shang Ke retreated.

But after walking a few steps, Shang Xia's figure suddenly stopped, and he suddenly realized that Chu Jia had told him before that she was now able to completely control the quadrangular area formed by the four stone chambers.

That is to say, in this area, she can completely block any movement that might interfere with other people's closed-door cultivation.

You must know that among the four people occupying the stone room, one is advancing, one is healing, one is accumulating advanced knowledge, and the other is studying formations.

It can be said that none of these four people want to be disturbed now!

From this point of view, compared with the other four, the current Shang Xia is indeed no different from idlers, and it is no wonder that he is dismissed and can only find a place outside to practice swords.

But looking at the surrounding environment that was so overwhelming, Shang Xia couldn't even practice swordsmanship, so how could other people stay in the stone room with peace of mind?

Unless, he is not within the area that Chu Jia mentioned!


Shang Xia's eyes widened suddenly, and he scanned the surrounding environment.

In which direction is the stone room where Grandpa Fifth retreated just now?

From which covered bridge and plank road did he come here just now?

Shang Xia suddenly turned around, and hurried forward in the approximate direction he just came, but the vitality around him was still fluctuating violently, the rockery was still moving, and the water in the pool was even surging with waves hitting the rockery, even reaching the level of the water level. are all rising.

Shang Xia felt more and more bad in his heart, but at this moment, a dull growl suddenly came from the depths of the coral forest.

The moment this low growl sounded, Shang Xia felt like he was going to be stunned.

The original turbulent heaven and earth vitality in the surrounding area obediently returned to calm as if it had been frightened.

The astronomical colors formed around the coral forest due to the battle between the masters of the four heavens were instantly smoothed away.

As for the movement caused by the fighting between the four heavenly masters, it seemed that the sound was suppressed all of a sudden, and there seemed to be only that roar left between the heaven and the earth.

Shang Xia suddenly saw the surrounding rockeries, some rising and some falling.

The water in the pool flows in all directions by itself.

Everything he could see in his eyes was changing violently, even everything was upside down, so that he couldn't stand still in place.

All of a sudden, everything around that was changing drastically stopped in an instant.

Shang Xia staggered several steps in succession, and finally managed to control his figure.

And at this moment, it seemed as if his own thinking had returned to his body all of a sudden.

No, he was staggering like this, he might have already fallen into the puddle, right?

Shang Xia quickly got up and looked around, but found that there was no rockery here, but came to a brand new area.

"call out--"

A sharp howl came from behind, and the bitter chill pierced through his back.

Shang Xia reacted almost subconsciously, the Yuhe sword suddenly thrust out from his armpit, and hit something with a "Dang".

"Hey, what kind of swordsmanship is this, you have such a weird strength!"

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