
Seeing his subordinates being harvested without any restraint, Dongfang Mingyu was furious immediately, revealing his third-level cultivation base, with a touch of his toes on the ground, he slid several tens of feet away.

"Where do you want to escape?"

Dongfang Mingyu let out a cold snort, the will of martial arts combined with the explosion of his own vitality, everything within a range of tens of feet seemed to lose weight in an instant, and all became ups and downs.

Even the few rockeries closest to Dongfang Mingyu were floating in mid-air due to weightlessness.

However, what Dongfang Mingyu had expected, the scene where Shang Xia was unable to control his figure did not appear.

Shang Xia didn't seem to be affected by anything at all, but the flying speed became faster and faster, and even escaped a distance of tens of feet in a short moment, completely out of the influence range of Dongfang Mingyu's martial arts will.

"You... actually reversed my vitality?"

Dongfang Mingyu was taken aback, and couldn't help but said loudly: "'Three Mysteries and Two Extremes Kung Fu' is absolutely impossible to transform light and heavy two extremes of vitality, how on earth did you do it?"

Although Shang Xia doesn't know any martial arts of light and heavy, his Liangyi vitality can easily transform into light and heavyweight vitality, so it will not be affected.

Faced with Dongfang Mingyu's questioning, Shang Xia didn't pay attention at all. After he took the opportunity to distance himself again, he had already come to an area with relatively dense rockery, and began to use the surrounding rockery to cover his figure.

"I told you, you can't escape!"

The toes of Dongfang Mingyu's feet were connected, and the distance between Shang Xia and Shang Xia was shortened again, but because of the cover of the rockery, he couldn't lock his figure in a short time.

"I'm getting more and more interested in the secrets about you!"

At the same time, another subordinate of Dongfang Mingyu also surrounded from the side, and cooperated with Dongfang Mingyu to compress the area where Shang Xia escaped.

Shang Xia ignored the voices coming from behind, and just used the uneven steps under his feet to the extreme, appearing and disappearing among the dense rockeries.

This set of light-footed steps is best at flashing and maneuvering in a small space.

But even so, the distance between Shang Xia and Dongfang Mingyu is still shrinking.

But at this moment, Dongfang Mingyu suddenly slowed down his pursuit of Shang Xia, and instead hung behind him leisurely.

Shang Xia felt inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, and at this moment, the road ahead was suddenly cut off.

A cliff completely covered by clouds appeared in front of him.

However, what makes Shang Xia feel even more incredible is that it's not that the cliff in front of him is unfathomable, but that there is another cliff facing it as far as his eyes can see!

What's even more amazing is that the cliff on the opposite side does not belong to mountains and hills, but to an isolated island—a suspended island!

Shang Xia suddenly turned around, behind him Dongfang Mingyu had slowly approached.

"Here is the Yuan of Floating and Unsettling. Just as you think, there is also a floating island under our feet. Do you want to leave?"

Dongfang Mingyu looked behind him and motioned, "Jump down!"

Of course it was impossible for Shang Xia to jump, and he didn't dare to jump, so he could only do his best!

But at this moment, a long and loud howl suddenly came.

"who is it?"

An angry voice of questioning echoed between the world, and Shang Xia even had an illusion, as if the ground under his feet, or this hanging island, was shaking slightly with that shout.

Dongfang Mingyu's expression changed at this time, he suddenly turned his head to look to the side and rear, but he couldn't see anything.

The subordinate who was following him hastily stepped forward and said: "Young Master Yu, we need to rush there as soon as possible, the master of the Murong family has been disturbed..."

Dongfang Mingyu snorted coldly and said, "Isn't this person also one of those who intend to disturb Murong Gaofeng?"

That subordinate immediately understood, and said: "Exactly, Tongyou Academy has ulterior motives..."

However, before he finished speaking, the direction Dongfang Mingyu was looking at just now, in the empty space that was originally empty, suddenly exploded in the air like fireworks.

The eyes of the three were all attracted, but they saw that in the mid-air, a floating island had been torn apart, falling downwards.

At the same time, the two rays of Huaguang chased and fled in the sky, and disappeared instantly.

"No, it's a master of the fourth heaven, how could there be a fourth heaven sneaking in?"

The subordinate's face changed drastically, and even his voice trembled.

At this time, Shang Xia suddenly felt something strange behind him, and glanced behind him, only to find that there were all kinds of bizarre color changes at the bottom of the cliff that was originally shrouded in clouds. Emerging, he even saw a garden that was vaguely similar to the land of landscape phantoms.

At this time, the floating islands under Shang Xia's feet had begun to undulate and tremble, not only this one, but another floating island that Shang Xia could see. shake.

"The entire Coral Linxuan Realm has been touched again, catch this person first, and we will return to Wuding Island as soon as possible!"

At this time, Dongfang Mingyu has fully revealed his martial arts cultivation base, and the will of martial arts has come to firmly lock Shang Xia's breath, and the Qiushui sword pointed at Shang Xia from afar.

Shang Xia felt his scalp go numb, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Swordsmanship supernatural powers must be swordsmanship supernatural powers!

Shang Xia leaned back almost subconsciously, and fell off the cliff behind him.

The whistling wind blew past his ears, Shang Xia turned his back up during the fall, and saw that above the place where he was standing before, a cage completely composed of sword lights took shape, and then the cliff where he was standing began to A large area of ​​rocks collapsed, and the entire cliff retreated ten feet out of thin air.

It's a sword array!

Shang Xia suddenly realized that Dongfang Mingyu's swordsmanship supernatural power was obviously also a kind of sword formation, and it was a sword formation used to trap and kill opponents!

No wonder this person threatened to catch him first, it turned out to be because of this!

At the same time, Shang Xia thought that this person might have Quenmaisan, could it be because of the sword formation?

Just after this thought flashed through his mind, Shang Xia's whole body suddenly fell into the clouds, and everything in front of him was instantly overwhelmed by a brilliant color.

That huge feeling of falling seemed to be still there, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a flat and boundless grassland suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and was rapidly approaching him!

This is not right, I just fell on my back...

Shang Xia couldn't even think about the reason, he stretched out his palm decisively and slapped the ground, and the Liangyi vitality in his body quickly transformed into the source of light and heavy.

The meadow on the ground suddenly fell, and a huge five-finger palm print was formed on the ground. The force of the shock raised Shang Xia's entire body three feet up out of thin air, and at the same time, the feeling of falling was removed.

Shang Xia turned around in mid-air, and landed lightly on the ground.


Coral Forest Xuanjie Yangliu Changchun outside the secret room in a hidden place in Zhu's old house.

The two closed bronze gates have raised fists or palms on them.

Five feet in front of the gate, a "rockery" that seemed to have shrunk several times was only a few feet high, suspended in the air four feet above the ground.

Under the "rockery" is a huge base, covering the entire ground of this hidden place.

And on both sides of this floating "rockery", there is an old man with white beard and hair corresponding to a bronze door, and the two faintly guard each other across the "rockery".


A dull growl came from the secret room behind the bronze door, shaking the bronze door.

Not only that, the large stone walls and the ground of this hidden place trembled slightly.

The two old men, who were still wary of each other, changed their faces the moment the roar sounded, and put all their attention on the bronze gate.


A dull slapping sound suddenly came from behind the gate, and two obvious palm prints passed through the bronze gate a few inches behind, protruding on the surface of the two gates.


The thick bronze door seems to be opened from the inside.

Only a shallow gap was opened, and the bitter wind seeped out of it, instantly blowing the floating "rockery" around in a circle.

It is the floating "rockery" that turns slightly, and countless brilliance spurts up from the huge array foundation on the ground, illuminating this hidden place with brilliance.

When the brilliance dissipated, it seemed that the huge four groups of pattern systems on the ground had been dislocated, and some parts had even been intertwined.

The two old men with white beard and hair looked at each other at this time, shouted at the same time, and Ling Kong pressed his palms on the corresponding bronze door.

The void in front of the two of them seemed to collapse suddenly, and a huge force descended on the bronze door through the air. On the bronze door on the left, three-color brilliance flashed away, while on the right one, four-color brilliance flickered and disappeared. .

The two portals that originally showed signs of opening were closed again, making a muffled "rumbling" sound that echoed in this secret place.

"Hehehe... Old Liu, your cultivation level is not as good as this old man's. I'm afraid you won't last long!"

The old man on the right, who looked very well dressed, had a rather elegant demeanor, but when he spoke, his voice was as hoarse as if he had a mouthful of gravel in his mouth.

"Hmph, Old Ghost Murong, we are now two grasshoppers on the same rope. When the old man runs out of oil and the lamp is dry, you will be the second to die!"

The old man on the left was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he had a condescending arrogance, but the voice when he spoke sounded a bit harsh.

"I didn't expect that you and I would fall into such a situation. It's all caused by greed!"

A lot of sweat oozes from the beard and hair of the old man surnamed Murong, and his clothes are already soaked, which makes his voice sound a bit sad.

The cultivation base has reached the level of the two old men, so the so-called invulnerability to cold and heat is just idle.

And sweating profusely like now, it can only show that the two of them are already seriously injured.

"Who would have thought he would have crossed that threshold in that way?"

"He's not him anymore!"

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