After crossing the Void Maelstrom, the Starship Fleet that entered the Arc Horn Star Region is equivalent to having re-entered the Chaos Star Sea.

Song Zhen came to ask for instructions again, asking which route Shang Xia planned to take to return to Lingfeng Realm.

At present, Tongyou Academy has mastered three paths from Lingfeng Realm to Guantianyu.

One is that the No. 2 Lair Secret Realm leads directly to Yuanxing Realm, and then goes to Luan Xinghai via Yuanxing Realm.

This path was originally the most direct and the shortest. At the same time, Shang Xia also had an inseparable relationship with Gong Zhuo, the current leader of Yuan Xingjie Wanyun Society.

However, Shang Xia was deeply involved in the internal turmoil in Yuan Xingjie before, and now he is afraid that he has already hung up his name in front of several seventh-rank masters in Yuan Xingjie.

If he enters the Yuanxing Realm at this time, he may be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

Second, it is naturally the path of the No. 1 Lair Secret Realm, from the void of the plane where the three worlds of Lingfu are located, through the Yuanming Tianyu, and then into the Chaos Star Sea.

This route was originally a formal way for Song Zhen's caravan to maintain contacts with Lingfeng Realm, and it had also obtained the tacit approval of Yuanming Realm in advance.

But Yuanming Realm's acquiescence is based on the premise that the two parties can trade in the secret realm of the No. 1 lair. If it is true that people from the Lingfeng Realm take this opportunity to sneak out, if there are one or two warriors who are no more than four or five ranks once or twice, naturally It doesn't hurt too much.

But if there are sixth-order real people who want to use this to enter and exit the Tiantian Realm, they will touch the bottom limit of the Yuanming Realm.

Is it true that the seventh-rank masters in the Yuanming world eat dry food?

What's more, today's Shang Xia is not an unknown person, not to mention in the Chaotic Star Sea, even in the surrounding major heavens!

The spiritual realm of Yuanling Tianyu was invaded, and the game competition between the three great dynasties in Yuanxing Realm and the power of the major Dongtian sects, Shang Xia was deeply involved in these two major events, and both of them attracted the attention of the seventh-rank master. Pay attention, and in the end they all successfully retreated.

This is no longer an achievement that ordinary sixth-level sky warriors can achieve.

What's more, its special identity from Guantianyu also adds a bit of mystery to it.

Under such circumstances, neither Yuanxing Realm nor Yuanming Realm could easily allow Shang Xia to pass through their realm and return to Guantianyu.

Then the third path naturally has no choice.

That is to pass through the Yuandu Realm, then turn to the Lingmang Realm, then pass through the gap in the barrier of the realm, and finally return to the Guantian Realm.

This path is the longest and the most difficult, but it is safer than the previous two paths.

Among them, Yuandu Realm is also very likely to remain hostile to Shang Xia, but at least Lingmang Realm can be regarded as an ally of Lingfeng Realm and Shang Xia at present.

"Then we will turn to the direction of Yuandu Realm?"

Song Zhen finally asked Shang Xia for instructions.

Shang Xia shook his head, and said: "Since we have already returned to Chaotic Star Sea, there is no need to be so anxious. We should go back to Xinghai Bazaar to inquire about the news of the surrounding heavenly domains, and then return to Guantianyu after we are ready."

In fact, the fundamental reason is that after Shang Xia returned to the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the faint connection between the will of the soul and the high-grade incarnation that stayed in the secret realm of the No. The situation should still be under control.

But he remembered Song Zhen's news from the college last time, saying that Kou Chongxue was invited by real people from the Lingtu Realm to discuss matters. From this, Shang Xia judged that it was most likely because of a problem in the Yuanping Realm.

It's just that he was at the end of his time at the time, and the Lingtu Realm only invited Kou Chongxue to practice the attack formation instead of directly going to the Yuanping Realm, so it can be judged that the matter has not reached the point where it can't be handled.

Now that Shang Xia has come out from the Cangfa Realm, more than a year may have passed according to the time calculation, and in the Lingfeng Realm, it may have been the thirty-fourth year of the Lingfeng Calendar. If something big is going to happen, the news has already spread Arrived at the caravan stronghold in the Xinghai market.

Although at this time Shang Xia can be said to be returning home, but he is willing to believe that all things can be forewarned or not forewarned. Before returning to Guantianyu, it is best to find out what happened in Lingfeng Realm in the past year or so .

Fortunately, even if the fleet chooses the path between Yuandu Realm and Lingmang Realm, it will take a long time to stop by Xinghai Market, and it won't take too much time.

More than a year ago, the twin thieves were jointly besieged by the three star thieves in the Yuanchen star area.

After paying a huge price, the twin robbers escaped into the turbulent void and disappeared.

In the end, the three star bandits failed to completely wipe out the twin bandits, and the news about the twin bandits' discovery of the wild world also spread like wildfire, causing quite a stir in the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

After that, although many forces wanted to find the whereabouts of the twin thieves openly and secretly, but the void turbulent belt behind the Yuanchen star area disappeared strangely, and all the forces had to return in vain. It became a mystery.

However, most of the news in Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars believes that the Twin Pirates may have been destroyed in the turbulence of the void, and this extremely special large-scale pirate group may also become history forever like those once famous pirate groups in the past .

In the following year or so, the hottest news in Chaotic Star Sea was the merger of Wuyang, Baoxing, and Chuanyun, three large pirate groups, into one super large pirate group.

Of course, the high-level forces in Chaotic Star Sea who really know the inside story all understand that behind this newly formed super large pirate group is Master Yuanling who stands in the seventh heaven of Yuanling Tianyu!

There are rumors that Master Yuanling's cultivation has broken through to a new level, making Yuanling Tianyu, which has only one seventh-rank master in charge, and now its ranking in the major Tianyu worlds is rising steadily.

There are also rumors that, behind the internal turmoil in Yuan Xingjie, there seems to be the reason why Master Yuan Ling deliberately promoted revenge, and after that, Master Yuan Ling once had a turbulent relationship with the seventh-rank master of Yuan Xingjie Fighting against each other and firmly gaining the upper hand, Yuan Xingjie had to suffer a dumb loss in the end.

Compared with the popular news in Chaotic Star Sea, Shang Xia at this time is more willing to know the news about Yuan Ming Jie and Yuan Hong Jie.

Because the Tianyu world where these two Yuan-level upper realms are located is not only adjacent to Guantianyu, but also has a void passage connected to Xingyuan Dojo, Shang Xia even suspects that the power of these two upper realms has already penetrated into Guantianyu.

"The news about Yuan Hongjie is related to that spirit-level ark."

Song Zhen knew what Shang Xia really wanted to hear, so he reported: "The spirit-level ark should have been built, but it was not delivered directly. The specific reason is unknown, but it is reported that it may be because Yuan Hong The world has temporarily attached some conditions, and the Lingjun world seems to be at a stalemate."

Shang Xia nodded, and said: "Try to find out the real reason, what is the content of the conditions attached to Yuan Hongjie."

Song Zhen's expression turned pale when he heard the words, but he still nodded in response.

"As for the news from the Yuanming world, there are rumors in Chaotic Star Sea that the Dark Star Pirates are secretly searching for the whereabouts of stargazers above the fourth rank and the inheritance of astrology at high prices."

Shang Xia nodded, but he didn't hear the following, and couldn't help but said in amazement: "Just this one? The mutual market route in Yuanming Realm is the earliest and most familiar one for caravans, and the information should be the most in-depth."

Song Zhen first nodded in agreement with Shang Xia's statement, but he still showed a strange look on his face, and said: "Perhaps the adults find it incredible, but in the past more than a year, no, to be precise, in the past few years, the entire Yuan Ming The world seems to be very... quiet!"


Shang Xia looked at Song Zhen in astonishment, and then his expression gradually turned serious.

How could a Yuan-level upper realm, or even a Tianyu world, appear "quiet"?

If what Song Zhen said is true, then this is probably the biggest "unquiet" in the Yuan Ming world!

Because Shang Xia knew very well what the so-called "quietness" meant!

Today's Lingfeng Realm appears to be "quiet" in the eyes of the major plane worlds in Tianyu.

Because the interior of Lingfeng Realm has been purged by major forces, the power of the entire plane world has basically been integrated.

The boundary barrier of Guantianyu is about to be shattered, external forces are staring at each other, the surrounding spiritual worlds and Xingyuan Dojo have their own ghosts, and the "star master" of the Yuanping world has great plans...

All these pressures have prompted the top leaders of the various forces in the Lingfeng Realm to give up their internal struggles and put all their energy on preventing possible dangers in the near future.

Of course, there is another more important reason for this, which is that Tongyou Academy holds the absolute right to speak among all the forces in the entire Lingfeng world!

Whether Tongyou College has the largest number of sixth-order real people in the Lingfeng world, or Shang Xia and Kou Chongxue's personal cultivation and combat power dominate the entire plane world, they are enough to temporarily suppress different voices.

That's why Lingfeng Realm appears to be extremely "quiet", because all forces are racing against time to improve themselves.

And now the Yuanming world has also become abnormally "quiet", which means that the Yuanming world may have reached an integration between different forces because of a certain consensus.

So here comes the question, who is this "quietness" in the Yuanming world aimed at?

Apart from the Guantianyu, which is about to be exposed to the major celestial worlds and the chaotic sea of ​​stars, Shang Xia can't think of any other reasons.

"Is there any news within the academy?"

After being silent for a while, Shang Xia asked slowly.

"Master Kou Shan has advanced to the fifth stage of returning to the true state!"

Shang Xia immediately got a piece of good news from Song Zhen that didn't sound too unexpected.

"Is there any more specific news about the spirit tea world's invitation to him to participate in the joint attack?"

Shang Xia's original frown relaxed a lot, and then he asked again.

Song Zhen subconsciously looked down at the stack of secret message talismans in his hand, and said, "It's because the Lingyu Realm once again took the initiative to trigger the cold wave outside the sky."


Shang Xia frowned when he heard the words, but then felt a little strange, and asked again: "Do you know the reason?"

Song Zhen replied: "Later, according to the news from the academy, it is said that Lingyu Realm explained that there were unknown prying eyes outside the boundary barrier, and they had no choice but to use the Yuanping Realm's heaven and earth leak to prevent outside prying eyes."

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